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Mathew Johnson

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Posts posted by Mathew Johnson

  1. Ok here goes. I need some advice from all of you that have made it. I am looking to purchase my equipment to get started.

    What I have decided on is this, a 3000 psi. 4gpm, hot water, belt drive unit. I’m looking to start out in the residential market and expand from there.

    Looking at a Alkota, wondering about Hydro tech.

    Now what I need help with is the answers to these questions.

    I am wondering if I this is a good size for starting out, if I go any higher on the gpm I would need to carry water right? (4 gpm is what you should be able to get from a standard water supply correct.)

    Should I be thinking of getting tanks anyway? If I go that rout I will need to replace my truck and trailer, expenses that I’m not ready to deal with.

    The next subject is this. I’m looking to go with a Honda motor, is that what everyone would recommend? I have seen the units with Briggs and Vanguard motors but am being influenced by what I read, is there anything to this go with Honda mantra.

    I know that there is many other items that I need to get started and wouldn’t mind used equipment if anyone is selling. I appreciate any advice anyone is willing to give me, along with the help I have already received.

    Thanks, Dan

    I may be getting rid of a cold water machine and a hotbox if you are interesed. They are in excellent shape, I bought a skid unit this spring.

  2. Why would the PWNA do that? to open itself up to liability for someone that doesn't even want to support the organization?

    Why wouldn't you EDUCATE them on the importance of checking license,insurance and references?There is no possible way that doing so would be a liability to the PWNA.

    Comments like that are the very reason why there is an "us against them" feeling within the industry.I also don't remember complaining.I was merely sharing my view point but on some level it must rattle someone or it would not have drawn replies.

    I also want to reiterate that it's not US the members against THEM the non-members - it's all about US the legal professionals against THEM the lowballing beer money weekend warrior wannabes.


    If you can ever convince Everett,Pete M,Henry and the other BOD members of the above statement the PWNA might truely see greatness.

    I will say it again "If you are going to be the voice of the industry,you are going to have to respresent all of it(member and non-members alike) in one way or another like it or not.

    Come on guys stop fearing the darkside.We have milk and cookies,come on over........LOL.

    Scott, I hear what you are saying and I can't see it the same way. To me it doesn't make sense for an agency to promote itself for the benifit od the sharholders (members) and then promote non-members at the same time... I feel that it would be a poor business practice... for the PWNA or any business for that matter.

    If you called the NRA and asked for assistance with a legal matter... the first thing they would likely ask for is your membership ID...

  3. Matt,

    Honestly at this point I am in a wait and see mode with what the PWNA is working toward.I don't dislike anyone because they are members,although,I may not share their view point on every issue.

    How to squash the "us against them" attitude?I think the PWNA has to go back to recognizing non-member companies who are legit as just that.Educating the general public about how important a license and insurance are should be first and foremost.

    The projected image that most(within the industry) preceive is the PWNA refuses to make the public aware that there are contractors outside of the PWNA that are qualified to handle the job.I agee there is a benefit of membership but for the PWNA to say they are their and their members are the only option consumers have when it comes to pressure washing is insane and untrue.

    Our company does several charity works per year that were inspired by the CAA campaign.I think it's a positive way to promote the trade and our company and I'm all for teaching potential customer the importance of hiring contractors who are legit.

    In the past I have said if the PWNA wants to be the voice of the industry they must represent non-members(at some level) and members(yes,there are more benefits with membership) alike.For some BOD members this idea is outrageous but for there to be a positive energy from all in the trade who are legit it's something that will have to happen sooner or later.

    I hear what you are saying.... but in reality, and I use this anology the best I can ( and I do not spologize if folks take offense to this) Sears does not promote Walmart... even though they are both good retail stores, with the same product line and the same trained salepeople... It just doesent happen. It can't. If I had 500 shares of Sears stock (a small amount, but I would still be a stockholder) and Sears put a positive blurp about other retail stores in thier advertising.... There would be a lot of new faces in Sears Corperate Offices. The goal of Sears and any other business out there, Pressure Washing, Hair Salon or Restaurant, is to advertise to get market share. THe stockholders demand it. Sears doesn't bash walmart... they try to present an image that is more professional and they try to offer a better value for your money.. Walmart does the same. It is basic business.

    Reality is this. If the PWNA promoted all businesses, members or not, I think two thinks would happen. No one would join (they wouldn't need to) and paying members would leave.

    My perception that I see on different BBS post is that when the PWNA references non-insured, unprofessional companies is that all non-member companies think it is directed at them.

    I will use the PWNA organization membership in my area to gain market share... I don't bad mouth companies who aren't members... I don't have to. I just let the customer know that I am a member and that I am wood certified; the PWNA mission statement is on my contracts / quotes right below where the customer signs. It works..

    Scott, As for the direction of the PWNA... I am inpatient and I want to see tangible things happen daily and quickly within that organization. It is an unrrealistic expectation for me. However, I am optamistic about the direction of the PWNA... I too, was in the wait and see mode when they closed the BBS. I am a whole less anxious about it now that I have put the LOGO to work for me and I am getting tangible results daily... in the form of cash.

  4. Mathew, if wal-mart kicked you out for screaming like you claimed, they would have not kicked everyone else out who wasent screaming. Anyways, your comparing a major dept store to an internet bbs, apples to oranges.

    Glad to hear you had success using the pwna as a marketing tool. I would like to think that a newspaper would help anyone who wants to do charity work and help others out no matter who they were, but kudos to you for helping out those in need.

    The problem I have is when I continue to read things like .... The customer can choose between a pwna local chapter member or an unprofesional, unlicensed, unexperienced company.... Tell that to the THOUSANDS of companys that are not pwna members .....

    The pwna works for you and your company and thats great, I prefer to spend 195.00 in ad's and not on a logo that doesnt mean much in my neck of the woods.

    By the way, you have a nice web page, did you make it yourself or have help?

    I can respect your choice not to join... The PWNA logo didn't mean much in my area either... I chose to make it mean something.. I hope non-members don't take the PWNA promoting itsself personal.. It is basic business. .. There are unlicensed, uninsured and inexperienced companies out there..everyone knows it, and even experienced professional non-member companies like youself would promote your business like the PWNA is doing and to make the consumer aware that they should avoid the low-ballin beer money contractor.

    I still fail to understand why this offends people so.... If a company or agency says something bad about the nursing profession and its nurses (I am a full time CCRN) and it doesnt apply to me or isn't true... I ignore it.

    Years ago (1983) I got caugt up in the gossip - hubbub and bickering at a place I worked. An old boss called me into her office and gave two solid pieced of advise "significant people worry about significant things" and "you are either part of the problem or part of the solution, but you can't be both".... Right after that second statement, I lost my job...


  5. I agree with you Scott... It is all of us against the hacks. I don't percieve the situation as us against them (non-members verses PWNA members), but the reality is that If I belonged to an organization (ie. BJ's Wholesale club) I expect to get treated a little different and recieve benifits than a non-member would. A non-member of BJ's pays a 5 percent surcharge on purchases and more per gallon for gas than members do.

    It is not BJ's intention to alienate non-members, every member they have was a non-member at one point and the same goes for the PWNA.

    I put the PWNA logo and the organization to work for me. I will give you an example. THier clean across america program is running again this summer. I sent a nice letter (with the PWNA logo and Clean Across AMerica Logo) to the local papers explaining the program and asking for thier assistance to find not-for profit organizations to do charity work. THe main paper ran a small story four days after I sent the letter to them. The just wrote up the program and a little spiel about my company and that I was the only contractor in the county certified by the PWNA in wood restoration ect.

    In two weeks, for this free story, I have recieved 26 phone calls for deck jobs. Is this worth my 195.00 membership fee... Absolutely and another paper is doing a business story on my business, the PWNA, and the clean across america campaign to (as the editor put it) "increase awareness of your business, the PWNA and help you find places to clean. What is the value of this Public relation exposure in dollars and cents?

    So back to the story: Is this likly to offend non-members who read this. Yes it is... If I sent the story without PWNA involvement to the paper and asked them for help, would I get it? Probably, but not nearly on the level I am getting the exposure now. Do the non-members now percieve this as "us against me", probably. But what I don't know is how I can change this other than try to put a plug in the article about competent non-members and how the customers should also use them...

    That's not happening...I will use the opportunities to promote my business via my PWNA affialiation and I see it as a courtesy that I use the same opportunity to promote the PWNA. If I had another contractor who was a member and they wanted to do this as a joint venture... I would gladly participate. It is the PWNA's strength in numbers that is promoting the program. I paid for the right to use this.

    There are a lot of legit non-member companies... I was one until I joined and you are one now. I have not, nor will I trash talk about a non-member company and as Professionals, I would expect a reciprical courtesy of the same.

    I, for some reason, get a lot of calls from people in the PWing business around the country... I don't think I have ever asked if they were a member of the PWNA. I talk with them to learn about the trade and promoting my business.

    Scott, tell me how we all can change the perception of the us against them. I understand that the closing of the PWNA BBS really alienated some non-members, As a member, I thought it was a huge mistake and total BS. THen I separated emotion and evaluated the move from a business sense.

    Why should an organization spend time defending ridicule on thier BBS about the BBS organization. THe reality is this... Go to The cleaner network and start ridiculing his chemicals and see how it flies. Go to the other respective boards and critisize Dan F., Ron M. or the owners of Delco. The reality is they would boot you off. But then, everyone cries sensorship (as I did also). Ya can't win... If I Walked into the front of walmart and started screaming about how they sucked, ranting and raving, I would be asked to leave..and when I didn't, I would be esorted out.

    I feel that often what is written by members and non-members in these post is taken out of context to stir the pot and I don't understand why. If Jim from Kalamazoo doesn't want to belong to the PWNA, what do I care and vice/versa.

    If there is a way we can change the perception of us verses them post it.

  6. Ken,

    We have had those too. That's when we hold our ground the most. Let one of those other companies have that job. They get the headache too!

    Jamie, start with the ones closest to you, and work your way out. If you can get the ones closer in, there is less fuel, drive time, wear and tear on the truck, etc... Also you will be working closer to home. Go pick up MS Streets & Trips 2005 and save yourself routing headaches. (it's like $39 at comp usa or an office supply place)


    What is the MS Streets and Trips and is it something that helps rural companies?

  7. I am a PWNA member and still post regularly - I am just selective where I post and am making it a point not to engage in posts that may become counter-productive to my business :)


    DITTO what Celeste said... and I am not going to post when the thread offers no value to the industry.... I don't have time

  8. I'll guess! LOL I'm guessing two more pages before you tell us that you and celeste are running off together..LOL Just kidding.

    Sorry, I know I really am trying to post strickly on technical bbs threads, but this is to good to resist... HENRY, YOU HAVE JUST WON THE PRIZE...

    Sitting next to each other at round table... who would have known.

