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Mathew Johnson

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Posts posted by Mathew Johnson

  1. I have to clean a fairly old brick bank, The banks maintenance company pulled off a lot of vines (Ivy). On the brick there is still small pieces of vines 4-5 inches with some soiling. The question I have is this... what is the best pressure to use, Any special tip, and any special detergent?

    I will be able to get close to the building, I am renting a 45 foot articulating boom lift.

  2. Ken,

    John T. is right about Tom Vogel... He really got me started with decks and the chemicals. I called his phone one sunday morning from a Jobsite (Igot his number off his container of sealer peeler. I was shocked when he answered it... He was able to help me out over the pnone and get me through a problem. I have driven down from NY to see him and buy chemical... It was the best day I have spent learning since I started the PW business.

    I also bought my deck sprayer from him... another great piece of equipement and advise.

  3. Do it yourself and choose your own design from templates.

    register your domain name ($13.50): http://www.000domains.com

    host it somewhere: ($15/mnth) http://www.tektonic.net/resellers.php?op=plans

    you can find cheaper ones...

    Pick a template (about $60): http://www.kiwisgraphics.com/templates2go.html

    Make the changes, upload it, and youre on your way.

    Best of Luck!


    MeiersPressureWashing (coming soon)

    Ipowerweb.com is 7.95 per month... I have used them for years and thier service is great!

  4. I use my website as a reference resource for my customers. I use it in all of my advertising and on my vehicles. When I give a quote to people, I let them know that they can see my work on the web. I have gotten brocure request and job quote request through my website. For the 100.00 a year I pay for licensing and hosting, It has been well worth it.

    I use front page for my website and coffee cup for my animated picture shows.

  5. Aw man that's a riot. I've got something even crazier though.

    Theres this event called the polar bear plunge they hold each year in the chesapeake bay to raise money for the special olympics. The dam bay is frozen! they had to get coast guard ice cutters to come in and break up the ice so these fools could jump in the 31 degree water with pieces of ice floating all over the place!


    I got my sweatshirt for doing it! and I raised almost a thousand dollars for the special olympics. Here's a tip for ya, don't do it. LOL

    I was fine at first because the water was so cold it actually felt like I was on fire instead of being frozen into a power washing popcicle, then the water got chest deep and the water was so cold I couldnt breathe..lol Up until then it was fine

    When I get the pictures developed I'll post a couple.

    Henry, We have the same thing up hear every year... Last year we raised 15 grand for a kid with Cancer

  6. By the way they are covering this "Ice Storm 2005" you'd think the end days were here. Reporters are actually out in the field covering every area of metro-Atlanta (which takes up about half the STATE!!) holding their mics to the ground and stomping the frozen grass so we littlings can see the wild world out there. The area gets completely shut down and these clowns raid the stores for every non-perishable item they can get their lemming hands on. Arghh!!! No wonder you Yankees think we're such goobers down here and react to ice the way we do. Here's what the area looks like after this "ice storm."

    Granted, it may be more in the mountain area; but, in the city, this overreaction is just plain goofy.

    Ryan... that is hilarious. When I was a kid, it took 5 feet of snow to get school closed up here. Now we get 14 inches they declare a state of emergency up here. HELLO... Who are the real goobers.... And the weather channel still sends people out to cover the storm. It is supposed to snow up here and we are used to it. We still bring everything to a stop when it does. Welcome to Goober County, NY

  7. I was wondering how most of you deal with business postage for quotes, invoices and such.

    My postmaster suggested Stamps.com. I started using it a few days ago and it is unbelievable easy to use. It also interfaces with act and outlook. THey have a monthly fee, but it is a bit cheaper than pitney bows. It prints pages of stamps or it will print the envelope with the postage and address on it. You punch in the weight and how you want it shipped and it prints the correct amount of postage.

    Here is the kicker... it verifies the postal address and if it finds a more accurate address it gives you the option to select thier choice. If you misprint postage on the envelope, It gives you an immediate option to reprint the postage at no charge.

    Is anyone else using it?

  8. Celeste, I spoke with the safety officer at my hospital... believe it or not if you are not employeeing several guys, he believes that you are not accountable for any regs with OSHA. I know that as an independent operator I am not accountable to OSHA... the other thing is call OSHA direct and ask.

    The caveat is that if there will be iceing... check with your insurance carrier.

  9. 1) generally once a year... after the leaves are down.

    2) Yes, I give what I refer to as a free cleaning in the spring / summer months to my clients that also have me wash thier house annually (I do it when I am there to wash the house.

    3) No PICS specifically...

    I will clean gutters all day long... it is a great way to fill the checkbook.
