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Everything posted by boss

  1. I am looking at buying a 5.5 gpm machine but don't have room for a tank. Does anyone know what the typical gpm of a home water source is? I am trying to figure out if I would be able to run it without a tank. Thanks!
  2. I have a machine that is 8gpm 3000 psi. I was wondering if increasing the pressure through the unloader would decrease my gallons per minute. Also would it cause any harm. I am trying to get more pressure with a less gallons per minute because a lot of water sources will not keep up.
  3. It is a cold water machine. Not familiar with a stream valve what is it and where?
  4. rain gear?

    Grundens is the best. Its the gear the Alaskan crab fisherman use. I ordered mine online. Type in Grundens rain gear in google and find a dealer. I think I paid $90 for the overalls and $90 for the coat. The coat has neoprene cuffs that fit around your wrist and will not let water back up the sleeves.