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Everything posted by offduty

  1. Washing concrete around a pool

    Around here a pool deck is the same 3000psi concrete as the driveway. Surface cleaner and be done with it.
  2. new idea! bout gutters.

    I just came back to say this... Quality, man quality. It sets us apart from the contractors.
  3. new idea! bout gutters.

    Sounds great. You can usually identify the top notch companies because they use Thompson's water sealer. Great Job Michael.
  4. new idea! bout gutters.

    Amonx Lo is what Diego at MVP in Raleigh carries. It is about 90 bucks per 5 gallons. He has a new product I tried last week that is more concentrated. 25 bucks a gallon but a third of a gallon mixes to 55 gallons of bleach.
  5. new idea! bout gutters.

    Michael, I use a surfactant called barlox, or it's equivilant. I pour one gallon into a 55 gallon drum of bleach. I have 5 drums delivered every Monday. Thus, 275 gallons of soap are mixed every Monday. That soap is then downstreamed at the ratio of 1 part soap to two parts water. I don't add any other detergents. Anything else that you would add is either powder that has to be mixed in small amounts or something that breaks down the bleach. I have 2 8 gpm machines flowing on every house, so my times are going to be faster than yours. You can speed up your process, if you choose to, by listening to others. I envy you and others. When I started up there was no one to share ideas with or give put tips and advice.
  6. new idea! bout gutters.

    Across the back of the house I see 3 ladder movements for scrubbing the gutters and one movement in the front. The guy on the ladder does not have a 12 foot wand with him, just a pump up and brush. First guy would take 2 or 3 minutes to soap the back and one side while the second guy hooks up water hoses and pulls the second pressure hose to the back. First guy is already brushing gutters while the second guy starts rinsing. We do this all day long and do a lot of houses. Today was 13 housewashes and clean out gutters on 24 condo buildings. Everyone was done buy 4pm and I took my family to the county fair. This is one of the buildings from the gutter cleanouts. Two guys averaged 15 minutes a building. Parcel Photos - 0144292 Not sure what you are referring to on my web site. It does not list my employees or my crews. I do own a 40 foot ladder that gets used 3 or 4 times a year to get on apartments to clean gutters. I mix 275 gallons of SH and soap every Monday to last through the week. I see nothing on the house you posted that could not be sprayed from the ground. I hope I have questions. Take Ken's advice and charge enough to make a profit, don't wash for free. If you are legitimate and want advice call me, just not in the middle of the night on a Sunday again.
  7. Frost

    80 here today. Vinyl and concrete may not hold a candle, but we cash checks all through the winter here.:)
  8. new idea! bout gutters.

    First you say I didn't give you step by step, then you posted my quote of step by step. If you have a different way, great. Ask Celeste what happened to one of my guys last year that leaned a ladder against a gutter. He was with me three years and I fired him. Buy yourself a ladder stand off and a surface cleaner. The house you posted should average 45 minutes for one guy, 20 minutes for 2 guys. Glad that your ladder looks clean though. Nice uniform and rope on your ladder. Beth, I apologize in advance and I promise I won't get sucked into this vortex again.
  9. new idea! bout gutters.

    Jeff, I know about the psi rating. The guuterdog guy seemed to think it had to do with the chemical capacity. This is similiar to what I use. I could not find a pic of the ones I use from home depot. Flomaster Set of 2 Half Gallon Hand Held Sprayers - QVC.com
  10. new idea! bout gutters.

    Yes ma'am. I'm sorry. Michael. Go back and read my posts. They describe step by step how I scrub gutters. It works for me and is effecient. I work by myself most of the time because I am on the phone a lot and dealing with customers. My guys work in 2 man crews.
  11. new idea! bout gutters.

    I have no idea what you are talking about with psi approved. I use Gutter Zap or Viper Venom(Landa). I spray it undiluted on the gutter, then scrub. All it has to do is touch the gutter. You don't have to soak it. If you don't know what it will do to siding go spray some on a customers house then get back to me. It boogles my mind that you want help, help is given, then you argue about it. I guess it boogles my mind than others and myself keep trying to help. I quit as of now. Good luck with you endeavors and mastery of the English language.
  12. new idea! bout gutters.

    We use 1/2 gallon pump sprayers from home depot. Spray the gutter, brush onece, rinse, done. 1/2 gallon will do 2 houses. You can't get the spray on the house.
  13. new idea! bout gutters.

    We use 12 foot poles with a brush on the end. Climb the ladder, pump spray, brush 24 feet of gutter, come down and rinse.
  14. new idea! bout gutters.

    Jeff, Ken knows the value of gutter cleaning. He likes to bust my chops as we have had this conversation for years now:). Gutterdog, you do not need to come back to the Carolinas. You are fine where you are. "Can you wash a house in an hour?" If we can't wash an 1800 sq ft house and scrub gutters in 25 minutes then I am upset and asking what is taking so long. Gutters are not scrubbed for free, read my post. I don't play angles. I wash houses.
  15. new idea! bout gutters.

    I am sure that I make lots of ignorant remarks, but I think you misunderstood me on this one Ken. You charge extra for gutters. I charge extra for gutters but it is included in the overall price. My phone calls with customers last about 20 seconds. They say they want their house washed, I give them a price and tell them it includes vertical surfaces and hand scrubbing of the gutters. They now know it doesn't include decks, roofs, etc. If they tell me they don't have gutters I knock of 20 bucks or so and they think they got a great deal, which they did, and I don't have to scrub. You didn't answer my question. When you coming down here to handle the office side of things? I can't give you a company car but I will give you a basic car wash once a week. You have have to pay for the premium service.
  16. new idea! bout gutters.

    Ken, in my market it is the accepted norm/standard. Don't clean the gutters and people call you back. It is just incleded in with the prtice, like cleaning the front steps, brushing window sills, etc. If you can charge extra for it, go for it by all means. I get paid for, it is just in how you look at it. When you come down here to take over the office, you can upcharge for it so I can just spray water.
  17. Beach Bucket Sponsor-----!!!

    He looks familiar
  18. Finally

    Me. My commercial acounts probably hate it but that is how they get invoices and estimates for the most part. I can type them out pretty fast on my underwood manual typewriter.
  19. I run 87 octane in all my machines. If you have carbs and have no choice but to use ethonal fuel, add Sea Foam and use a hotter plug. I love my Kohlers and their fuel injection, no problems with ethonal.
  20. Finally

    That's different. I pretend it doesn't happen so I can live in my own little world.
  21. Finally

    Jeff, I cant believe you caved in. This internet fad will be gone in a few years and all of us with fax machines and a roll of stamps will rule the world.
  22. new idea! bout gutters.

    If you don't scrub the gutters you are not washing the house. Pricing more for it makes you look unprofessional. Include it in your price and do a great job to begin with, don't make the customer pay more for it. One of the guys around here tried that tier pricing stuff and I got a lot of work because of it. Wash a house and don't scrub the gutters and every neighbor sees a half washed house and will call someone else. They don't know that the customer didn't want to pay more the service. They just see your truck leaving the yard with black gutters on the house you just washed.
  23. The SSS don't have arrows on them anymore. Do like John said and let the water enter the orifice first. Put the injector between the end of the hose and the gun. If it draws then you need to start looking at other problems. Probably the gun is to small or you have a leak somewhere.
  24. house wax

    Randy, if everyone would just ignore this clown he might just go away.