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Everything posted by GymRat

  1. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    I hate to be the devils advocate, but don't most of us buy our supplies from a vendor that has reasonable prices? We all love Bob and yes he has the best at it all, customer service and PRICE. But, would we buy from him if he was way over priced then his competitors? Do we thank Walmart became the power they are today by having the highest prices? I looked at Eds site and I see the marketing tool he is using to get customers, and it doesn't look that bad to me (maybe I'm old, dumb and blind). Yes, I agree he is advertising a price to get the calls and upsell so he can make a living at what he is good doing, selling his service and making customers happy, while like he said making a good profit. I wish I could dictate the prices of house washes and roof cleaning in my area, but hay this is a business and we will always have competition which makes it interesting. We can't make the rules, we just have to deal with them and the monsters they can create. I love America, The land of Oppurtunity.
  2. Ball Valve

  3. new to downstreaming

    The Xjet M-5 is my favorite rinsing tool
  4. Ouch !!

    Hang in there Ken, it must have been his time, and God left another good guy (you) here on earth for us to pick on.
  5. I have bought citracleen from Steve and from Sunbrite, and really can't tell the difference in products. It comes in a 55 gallon drum kit from both suppliers, and you add water to the mix to make the 55 gallons, which minimizes the shipping.
  6. I use citracleen, which I believe to be a higher end house cleaner. I will only soap 2 sides if the house has only a few windows on those sides and the sun is not directly hitting either side. I'm scared to make a mess of the customers windows and have to spend twice the time coming back and correcting my mistake. Of course this all depends on the temperature also.
  7. The major problem I find with soaking 2 sides, it increases the risk of the soap drying on windows, and possibly etching the windows.
  8. Making the x-jet easier to use

    When I used the Xjet, the 15 gallon drum on a hand cart was the method I liked the most. It was nice to do a couple sides of the house without moving the cart. I had 50' of hose attatched to the drum and parked it at the corner of the house. Still didn't like the high pressure hose and xjet hose always getting tangled, so went to downstreaming and will never go back.
  9. Truck units or Trailers ?

    The thing I don't like about a van is you will wear the scent of your chemicals and exhaust of your pressure washer. But if you run diesal fuel for your burner, that stuff really sticks to ya.
  10. insurance just went up

    I guess noboby has had any claims with Mr Walters, just a nice guy with pressure washing knowledge is all I've heard so far. Yes John T. I had and indepth conversation with my insurance agent and I'm covered under all pressure washing, same coverage I had discussed with Mr Walters before I decided on a local agent.
  11. insurance just went up

    John, Try Erie insurance, thats who I use, and I pay a lot less for the same coverage.
  12. insurance just went up

    Has anyone had any experience filing a claim with Joe Walters. I here so many good things about him, is that because he has a lot of knowledge of our industry and can talk our talk, just wanted to know if he backs it with the same great service? I use a local insurer, but never had to file any claims, thank goodness.
  13. Powerwashing in the winter

    John u need a monster garage for all of your monster machines and equipment.
  14. Please welcome Jarrod - New Forum Leader!

    Congrats J-Rod, and I'm sure you are up to the challenge. PS. I would have gone for the company jet also.
  15. Combatting low-ballers

    Image has a lot to do with it also. Potential customers see you out with a nice trailer with fancy equipment (even if you don't have a clue what you are doing), vs seeing someone with a home depot pressure washer in the back of a pickup truck, with no signage--get the picture, who appears to be the proffesional.
  16. Brian, thats a lot of walking back and forth to the trailer, listen to Ken,and try downstreaming, you won't go back. Yes I love the M-5 for rinsing, because it has an adjustable spray pattern, so you can rinse the entire house with one nozzle. Brian you can get the 25' reach using a 25degree tip, but you have to go a lot larger in orifice size to get that, and that is probably what Ken is talking about. That way he can use a 2540 tip and soap down most two story houses top to bottom with one tip. With those two nozzles in my arsenal, I can clean most houses.
  17. John T., I also went to downstreaming last year, and I,m now converted. Still use the xjet for rinsing, which keeps it with me in case I have to use some ox, or have a really bad green side of a house, then I will place a small bucket of solution for xjetting that side (very rare).
  18. Beautiful job Dan, but that is one ugly door. I know you said it is old and all that stuff, but I guess it matches the design of the rest of the house and I must not appreciate good craftsmenship. I also noticed that you fixed their sticking door problem, because in the before picture, the door is not fully closed, and in the after photo, it is.
  19. cleaning up the neighborhood

    Great job Joel, I like the slide show and music. Just need to clean the roof on the second house. Keep up the good work.
  20. t-shirts

    My bad, Thanks bob.
  21. t-shirts

    Great idea Scott, but the page advertising the shirt brings up the enlarged front view of the shirt even when I click on the back view. I also noticed in Bobs write up that the term pressure washer mafia is used, but on the shirt Power is used. I have designed Tshirts in the past, and know how much time and work it can entail. Thanks Scott
  22. Will the charging system built into a 20 hp Honda engine be enough to run a 12V hot box?
  23. Pick a Winner! (Homes)

    Would like to make sure I know which one I'm voting for,are they in order?
  24. Pool Area, Drive and Sidewalk

    I agree with the method above, and I have found out from experience, if you are pricing the job per square foot, measure the whole area and count the pool as part of your measurement. What I'm trying to say is, Don't subtract the pool itself from your measurement, unless you want to under price the job.