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Everything posted by GymRat

  1. Help with a bid

    I would price the house itself for about $200, which should not be to hard to clean since I do not see any gutters to clean. It is hard for me to gauge the deck price without any details (been stained and just need a little cleaning, or is it natural wood that has grayed, and to what degeree?)
  2. x-jet help

    Mike, could you help me out with a little more info, like what kind of a nozzle do you attach to make your injector draw, and what nozzle do you use to rinse? By only changing nozzles, can you make the injector draw detergent, and stop drawing detergent? Please email me or call if you don't want to give all your trade secrets. Thanks
  3. Hello All

    Welcome Mark, I owe most of my knowledge to the great people on this site. Search, Read, and ask questions.
  4. I would rather mix the raw chemicals myself, because I know what I am dealing with, as I really do not know the percentages of a store bought or so called specialist has mixed. We all mix our own solution in a round about way, when we add a little of this and a little of that for our house washing formulas or spicing up wood cleaning solutions. I would not ever want someone experimenting without the knowlede of what can happen. Health is a lot more important than saving a $1, and we all know money can not buy you good health.
  5. Mixing youir own chemicals can be a very big savings, but could also be a very big loss if you mix the wrong things together. I do mix some of my own, but I am very careful and follow the rules. I agree with Rod that we are not chemist, but some of the people producing these cleaners are far from chemist themselves. They order the same stuff I can get from a local chemical store and mix it up and package it in pretty buckets. I would never tell someone to mix there own cleaners unless they are 150% sure what can be mixed, and what could go boom, or burn your freaking eyes out from the fumes, or just burn your lungs up. Wow that scared me!
  6. dont miss this bargain

    Already have one, don't need another one.
  7. Great Job, the customer had to be pleased.
  8. Advice on power washing wood home

    The going rate in our area for the house, outside of gutters, and front walkways and steps comes in around $200.
  9. Advice on power washing wood home

    Sounds like you are getting great advice, and I'm willing to help also. You can give me a call, my cell and home phone are listed below. Looks like you live within a half hour from me, so give me a call.
  10. Dirty Gutters

    Great job Howard, the owner must be very pleased.
  11. Vacation rental property we just bought

    Where do I sign up for a week. Can't wait, must have a great view.
  12. surface cleaner ?

    I have a similar size machine and have just bought a 20" surface cleaner and it works great on residential jobs. Check with Beth and Rod for a nice unit.
  13. Carpet on Deck

    Thanks ClassicPW for the helpful info, may the power washing Gods be with you.
  14. Hauling water

    Gravity should be enough, as long as the suppy hose is big enough and is as close to the washer as posible.
  15. X-Jetter

    The foamer works well when applying the soap with an Xjet.
  16. Great job as always Shane. You da Man!!
  17. School Photo Database

    As you can see, I was the ladys man in my day. They loved a man with a hairy chest and a good sense of humor.
  18. request for lesser service

    GO 'HEELS - 2005 NCAA CHAMPS! Congrats UNC Fans One Heck of a Season!!! ACC ROCKS
  19. What order of cleaning

    Since I have never used a surface cleaner, do you normally push them like a lawn mower ( straight ahead) or more like a buffer ( side to side)?
  20. What order of cleaning

    Thanks Mike for your advice. I have never used a surface cleaner, but it has to be faster and less wear and tear on the old body. If I understand correctly, there is not much maintenace on a surface cleaner, because it has only a few moving parts. Maybe I a'm wrong (again) but it sounds like the part that would fail first would be the swivel under the unit connecting the down shaft to the spray bar. I was thinking of a small hover unit in the 19" range. Thanks again for the great advice
  21. What order of cleaning

    No I don't have a surface cleaner, but I realize I need to get one even though I mostly do just residential house and roof washes. I know Beth and Rod sell surface cleaners, any suggestions on a small surface cleaner for my needs of mainly driveways and sidewalks. What would be my best bang for the buck?
  22. What order of cleaning

    I understand your point, but it seems a lot of times the driveway will have a large low point that will have a small pond of water right in the middle. I have to sweep the water off of the driveway caused from washing the house before I can clean it. This water splashes on the house, and I don,t clean the driveway with my Xjet, so i have to change to another tip to re-rinse the house. Maybe its just me and I am to sloppy when cleaning flat work.
  23. What order of cleaning

    I would go at it just a little different, Roof, Driveway, deck and finally the house and gutters. The reason I do the deck and driveway before doing the house is I always seem to make a mess on the house when doing flat work, and also I hate to do the flat work when water has pooled in the low spots from wahing the house first. Just my 02 cents worth.
  24. Business Forms Supply

    I am lucky enough to have a brother inlaw in the printing business, so he prints my forms up for me, and they are the pressure sensitive duplicate type paper.
  25. surface cleaner

    My people need to get with your people and maybe we can make this deal happen. I could use a few more birds to enhance my wetlands. LOL:)