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Posts posted by GymRat

  1. I would rather mix the raw chemicals myself, because I know what I am dealing with, as I really do not know the percentages of a store bought or so called specialist has mixed. We all mix our own solution in a round about way, when we add a little of this and a little of that for our house washing formulas or spicing up wood cleaning solutions. I would not ever want someone experimenting without the knowlede of what can happen. Health is a lot more important than saving a $1, and we all know money can not buy you good health.

  2. Mixing youir own chemicals can be a very big savings, but could also be a very big loss if you mix the wrong things together. I do mix some of my own, but I am very careful and follow the rules. I agree with Rod that we are not chemist, but some of the people producing these cleaners are far from chemist themselves. They order the same stuff I can get from a local chemical store and mix it up and package it in pretty buckets. I would never tell someone to mix there own cleaners unless they are 150% sure what can be mixed, and what could go boom, or burn your freaking eyes out from the fumes, or just burn your lungs up. Wow that scared me!

  3. I have a deck and porch on a house that have that green outdoor carpet glued to the surface. The deck is vinyl and the porch has vinyl rails.

    My question is can I use my regular house wash which includes citra cleen and 1 gallon of 12.5 pool chlorine in a 5 gallon bucket xjetted on the surface to clean these areas without harming the carpet? The vinyl surfaces have the old green algae on it. I was thinking it may help to pre-wet the carpeted areas to help with the dilution of my detergent.

    Thanks for your help.

  4. I agree, to a point. What you buy also depends on what you can afford, and how much you use it, and what you're using it for. If I was doing just the occasional driveway or sidewalk, a cheaper unit would be fine.

    I wouldn't waste time replacing parts that aren't broken, though it's a good idea to get replacement parts so when/if you need them, you have them. I wouldn't buy from a rental place...people trash that stuff too much, and they don't sell until it's worn out...

    Whatever you get, get it soon! Wanding a drive is just nuts. You either spend a HUGE amount of time, or you wind up with substandard results. It's hard to clean well and evenly with a wand without spending a LOT of time doing it. Time is money! A surface cleaner should pay for itself in a very short period of time.

    Thanks Mike for your advice. I have never used a surface cleaner, but it has to be faster and less wear and tear on the old body.

    If I understand correctly, there is not much maintenace on a surface cleaner, because it has only a few moving parts. Maybe I a'm wrong (again) but it sounds like the part that would fail first would be the swivel under the unit connecting the down shaft to the spray bar.

    I was thinking of a small hover unit in the 19" range.

    Thanks again for the great advice

  5. I would much rather spend less than a minute rerinsing a few areas of the house where a little splatter made contact, than to spend 10 minutes rerinsing the whole driveway after finishing the house and gutters. Thats why I always do the driveway last. simply put, its easier to spot rinse certain areas of a house than to spot rinse a driveway.

    I understand your point, but it seems a lot of times the driveway will have a large low point that will have a small pond of water right in the middle. I have to sweep the water off of the driveway caused from washing the house before I can clean it. This water splashes on the house, and I don,t clean the driveway with my Xjet, so i have to change to another tip to re-rinse the house. Maybe its just me and I am to sloppy when cleaning flat work.

  6. I would go at it just a little different, Roof, Driveway, deck and finally the house and gutters. The reason I do the deck and driveway before doing the house is I always seem to make a mess on the house when doing flat work, and also I hate to do the flat work when water has pooled in the low spots from wahing the house first. Just my 02 cents worth.
