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Andy Hinson

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Posts posted by Andy Hinson

  1. My guess would be the surface was oxidized before you started. I have quoted jobs then got the call to do the job. When I get there I realize the home was a little more chaulky than I remembered or more plants to move ect...

    The only other suggestion would be your mix was to strong or left a little to long.

    It does sound like you must brush.

  2. I know I'm fixin to stank things up. But, just want to converse not condem.

    I had a pt deck to clean. First time in 20 years it had been cleaned. I provided two prices. One for a bleach solution one time only process and a two step process. Tried for a got the two step process

    I used 8 oz of F18 per gallon and downstreamed waited and cleaned. Then 8oz oxalic and a rinse.

    The next day I was not happy. I DS'ed 16oz per gallon caustic soda and 16oz per gallon of ox. This process brought more money and more work. Did not seem to be any easier. Maybe I should have mixed stronger the first time. I cleaned the steps to lake with bleach and they cleaned up well. I want to properly clean wood but must offer a lower priced process to compete with others.

  3. I was wondering if it was common to "loan" pictures? As a brand new company, my portfolio is quite small and was wondering if anyone wanted to sponsor me for like a month until i can get some work?

    This is my theory. As a young adult, 20, i feel that the odds are against me with little experience. My plan was to build a site as an information tool and a gallary of what some finished jobs looked like with the ready seal stain, mostly to showcase the product.

    I know some landscaping companies that use the same job photos, because the paver company supplies them. None of them did the work, and are not taking credit for the work, but are using the photos to showcase the pavers.

    I just need some photos for a site to help sell the product, until i can build my own portfolio and sell the product and quality of work.

    Let me know what you think,


    I may have missed it. What is your product? Homes ,Roofs......

  4. I have powerwashed my home several times but I think I'm not being very efficient. I have read a lot of posts about guys washing an entire home in like a hour or two and using VERY low pressure. When I do my jhome I just buy a gallon or two of the siding wash from the bigbox stores, mix it up according to the directions, place the syphon hose into the bucket, apply the detergent to the siding using my CRaftsman (residential 2000psi) powerwasher, let it sit about 10-15 minutes (just in the 10x10ft area I'm working on at a time), and blast it off using a fan style spray pattern. More often then not I find myself having to use a scrub brush then then powerwash; this takes like all day.

    Yet I read posts about guys who apply their chemical the let it sit a few minutes then rinse off with like 100psi hose and they're done...WTF!

    What are you using and how are you doing this?

    I want to buy a PressureTek 3500psi cold powerwasher and flatsurface clean(for my driveway). I have also read that using high-psi isn't good for siding either but I don't know how else to do it.

    I am certainly not going into business doing this, but I want to be able to do my own home and my friends/families or if someone asks me to do their home I may consider it. I have a commercial cleaning business and i do windows as well and being able to properlly powerwash may be very helpful..some of the jobs exterior windows are VERY filthy.


    There are some true professionals on this site and you have been addressed by some of the best. Not having your signature on your post causes problems. You fixed that. You will need a pressure washer, a downstream injector that can pull your chems through at least 150' of hose. and the proper tips for your machine. You mentioned Bob, good move. If you are going to do anybody else's house other than your's you should consider insurance. Good luck.

  5. nothing I just dont feel like it, they are a pain to do, think of it like Christmas, months of preperation and then its over very fast.

    We still may do a local meeting this summer though

    That is a shame. I learned alot and enjoyed meeting everyone. I know from helping organize State Championship for sporting clays how much effort is involved. Russ, you need help. We should organize a group of people to represent Alabama. Meet, Plan,Organize.

    I personally would not need the cookout at the park, or the country music singer. I will help you any way I can. I will be glad to drive over to help. You need to tighten your ass up. What happened to going big?

  6. Well we just finished up this deck today, and man I have to tell you, Behr Stain is really a Bear to remove.

    A little History about this deck, The home owner has this cedar deck built in June of this year, in October he decided to stain his new deck himself. After he was done he quickly realized how bad his staining work looked and tried to strip it himself, that didnt work, so called us to remove this 2 month old stain, and re stain it with a lighter color.

    Day 1 we spent stripping, applied 4 very hot mixes of Sodium Hydroxodie, and used a bit of pressure to scrape this krud off. It came off like paint, pieces were all over the yard and clumps of the stuff were stuck to everything. After thoroughly rinsing we applied 2 heavy coats of OX to neutralize and brighten the wood.

    Day 2 we spent about 4 hours sanding the deck, and sanding peices of behr that would not come off.

    Day 3 more sanding, and then finally the stain.

    The customer chose Ready Seal Light Brown, While I kept urging the customer to choose a darker color they really liked the Light Brown.

    Overall I think the deck came out great compared to what we were fixing. The homeowner was happy, and thats all that matter. I need to re paint their back door, Stripper got on the bottom part of the door and ate some paint..

    I want to Thank Adrian @ ABC who assisted me on this deck, He really does know his wood.

    Looks Great! Did you have any idea when pricing this job you would have this much time in the job?

  7. john that would be great sometime next week i will acually be up there in that area .Im sure you could show me tons too i know i still have alot to learn about this biz and just so knowone gets the wrong idea i learned it all here from the mechanics to the equiptment to chems and some of the funny stuff and some advertising advise i owe it to the scene i have read a ton of your posts too.I just get mad when it doesnt sound like someone wants to hustle for there biz and then they give ill advise on top of it .I wasnt hand the biz book of knowledge as im sure most of us werent.But im not affraid to give someone an idea that worked for me even if its my competition ,competition breeds sales.
    Personally I thank all of you for posting excellant information. It is apparent that each of you are talented,trained and succesfull Thanks for sharing. luca71, I would love to learn more about the sealing process. If you don't mind sharing. Thanks.