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Everything posted by desi

  1. area coverage

    How far of an area (miles) do you guys cover 50, 100, 150. I think about 75 miles is the limit.
  2. mold

    Beth answered this post a while back and I cannot find her answer. What causes mold, mildew and the other stuff we clean off bricks, concrete and wood? thanks much
  3. I always see posts about neutralizing wood. Please explain if wood, concrete, bricks,etc needs to be neutralized. Lastly, what is the concept behind neutralizing? thanks
  4. What are the best ideas for rigs? I plan on getting a 3500 psi 4 gpm cold water unit , hot box, surface cleaner. Is this the best set up for residential work? I will be towing this equipment around on a trailer (2 axle) behing a chevy s-10 truck. please offer your suggestions thanks
  5. caustics?

    what are the caustics in hydroflouric , oxallic, muriatic acids? Secondly, is soduim hydroxide the best agent to use when cleaning concrete & asphalt? Lastly, anyone care to give me an education on how bricks are made, different types and what causes efforessence? And what is the best way to treat the white spots. thanks