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Everything posted by gutterdog

  1. I couldnt tell, so i used a stripper. then oxlic acid mixed as per the side of bottle for just under 15 min. because of the mold on it I was advised to add some sodium hypochlorite to the mix. I just added a dash to the striper
  2. ThankYou to the guys that helped. You know who you are.
  3. At what temperature do you stop washing houses? Its starting to get colder here. All the years before no requests for house washing this time of year but now I'm getting them. My understanding is temp is important for roof washing and concrete. Since siding isnt pourus like asphault roofs I'm assuming can still wash that n gutters at lower temps? Sure it would be cleaner but is the quality the same as 70 + temps? When do you stop washing houses? or do you stop? Do you wash all the way down to 50 degree temps? This question is for cold water pressure washers. 60 here today n resceduling a house wash for tomorow. then it will be 70!
  4. Thanks John. Im using cold water but was given the extra advice same as yours today also! Makes so much sense!! I never got a call this time of year, to wash anything, till this year. Thank you grime scene, Beth n Rod too! Also heard Henry was under the weather. Shout out to Henry. Henry I hope you feel better soon!!!
  5. Good thinking John, I keep forgeting to do what i prommised ya. I'll try to remember tomorow!
  6. Thanks Mike!!! Good name:) hehehe
  7. Freakin awesome guys. Matches what I got told today by someone else!!!!!!!!! Got my surface cleaner today! Gutterdogs owns a freakin surface cleaner! hehehe its a lil one, 12 inch. Dont trust i can go 20 inch yet. All tefloned up and ready to go tomorow! Next day aired it. Yall gonna laugh but its right here next to me!!! I keep looking at it! What am I gonna do when i get a burner??? I'll prob sleep outside with it!!! lol!!!
  8. Another newbie question..help please

    Justin I found the answers in old threads to the majority of your questions. I have a question that I think I know... but going to post a new thread anyway to be sure.
  9. Have you survived the great Recession?

    This year Ive become more street smart, got that book Ken! Havent had a chance to start reading it yet, A surface cleaner will be here tomorow! Work steadier, Survived a transmission that caught on fire, Havent advertised since I dont know when (Its been all word of mouth and repeat business!)but put one in for next week, want to be so busy I'm pullin my hair out and working in the rain to keep up. Started a second website. It will be all tightened up spring next year. I've got shiny ladders! LOL!!! This has been a memorable year!!!
  10. let it go

    Did sombody say beer!!!!!! :cheers:
  11. let it go

    Wow you are right john!!!
  12. let it go

    +1 to everyone for the advice, videos etc. This is what it is supposed to be about! We are all brothers. Even if competitor. A now friend, competator,gutter cleaning, my area. well we have a common interest. 'Bout something. We both thinking on that. I've learned so much here at the grime scene. Wouldve learned it somewhere else, but I learned it here. Some of you guys in here Ragged the crap out of me. Pushed me away, I'm gonna shake your hand somewhere! I'm left handed!! LOL!!! Just kidding!!! Not about the meeting you one day. I will. To thank you for everything. And to get into the groove you guys are in. I'm Glad the grime scene was here for me (even the guys that rag me, you tightened me up). To you up there in new york,... be a yankee! its in you man! you worry a lil like i do. You are a new yorker? I aint a new yorker, but im as tough as one.
  13. let it go

    +1 Tom!!!
  14. let it go

    My friend there are ups and downs to this business and every business. Your overhead is way too high! Do what you got to do and don't give up. I'm not! You newyourker guys are tougher than us guys in the mid to lower south! IMO. Bring the newyorker out and survive. Also sold the job everyone in here except one, said I wouldnt! At the prices i gave him and the options!!!! (the one that went with thompsons clear) over 1600! Got the contract n money up front! take 2 days. net just 'bout all of it.
  15. Just here checkin out something.

    Didnt know where to do this so figured here. Just checkin out somethin.
  16. Washed my first "pay" house today

    let me know how that works out?
  17. Just here checkin out something.

    I went about this all wrong. Ahhh... first time! Never get nuthing right the first time.
  18. speed of wasin a house

    ok, i over bid a house in va. for the time it would have took fair bid. another company came in there n washed the house in 1 hour. wtf?? i now roll with 100 ft of hose. set press washer 1 time instead of 4 or so. that a time saver, i think im addin too much soap to my mix. takes a while to rinse n i get a beter job done with 2 hits on the gutters n caps... im thinkin to use less power house n more bleach.... just a feelin??? am i right???
  19. Washed my first "pay" house today

    Congrats!!! My understanding since you have a simmiliar machine as mine, About the surface cleaner, 12 or 16 inch is about as far as you can go? Dont know till I find out for myself! House washing is imediate gratification! I love it! Did a job today all gutter and metal capping scrub. Night and day diff!!! I hope to sell their flatwork next, rent a surface cleaner 16 inch and see how it goes.
  20. I was wondering what other companies do when they cant work because of temperatures or rain. I work on SEO. and try to broaden my knowledge.
  21. Great year....

    Ken you Henry and Rick 2 are my mentors. I only had one before. Long story short he has a court date. He was a plumber. No hope for him and i've not answered his calls in a while. Sad for him...I'm better than that and always have been. Just no direction. No help til this year.No friends.