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Posts posted by gutterdog

  1. Mike (gutterdog) is right, the best product to use on sealing those gutter seams is OSI or some type of silicone caulk. Normally when you first install the gutters you would spread some OSI into the joints, top and bottom, that way when you put it all together you have double protection.

    Thanks Henry!

  2. Not if you are doing from the ground.

    What I mean is if the downspout is clogged how would you clean it? Other than settin a ladder? The clog is rarely at the bottom elbow, 1 in 20? Could run a snake up it. I have one for that Used it a couple times. Just use the snake for other stuff now. Since the clog is at the top most times it has to be addressed there. Usually some tapping on the elbow or section of ds where the clog is and it shoots. then drop a penny to make sure its all the way clean. Thats how we do it. The vac???? using the vac and you come accross a clogged DS what do you do?

  3. This is kinda the same and not. 'Bout a month ago I had an estimate for a gutter clean in prob the richest neighborhood in PG county. Never been in there. Gated comunity, he wrote down my tag and all. Kept tellin my helper THIS is where we want to be etc!!! The houses freakin huge!!! Got to the house. Walked around it a bird flew outa one of the gutters (it had a cheap gutter guard, no end caps) The guard was cut short here and too long there, spikes coming out... I knew I wasnt gonna get this job because I would be too much. Judging by what he bought etc... He was a tight wad. The roof had thick moss on it....lol!!! Somethin said to just not bother with it! LOL

  4. I guess Im making a big mistake! Ive put a few thousand into company in past 2 months I couldve saved. Going with my gut on this one! Hope I'm right!

    I think its about momentum. Keep it going!

    Wasnt expecting the super cold temps to come so quick... I'll make it to spring.

    Staying positive, Here is a saying I like. Its not about how hard you hit, It's about how hard you can get hit. AND get back up! (Rocky said that)

    Best wishes for everyone in the new year 2010 coming up!!!

  5. Dealin with a lot of gutter cleaning right now. Phone ringing of the hook... Messages full in phone. Not ready to buy nuther truck yet and crew.

    This the wisdom given to me from some one years ago. Heck I forgot who told me.

    There are 3 things the customer can choosed from. He can only choose 2 of the 3.

    1. cheap price

    2. quality

    3. served tomorow

    the customer can choose the cheap price and quality job buy aint gettin done tomorow.

    The customer can choose quality and served tomorow... It wont be cheap.

    The customer can choose cheap price and served tomorow but it will be a rush job and lower quality

    any thoughts or variations on this?

    Also a customer told me once. This musta been a real long time ago. The price has to be fair to the homeowner and the contractor. Fair to you and him.

  6. you working with home depot gutter....Yuk! Sorry. I know the seam things. The guage of the gutter is a thin .027. The coil it is made from is cheap. Very low gloss. 28 feet with those seamers would fall apart on you trying to take it down in one piece. Keep the tubes inside the house where its warm. Do the finger application of the silicone. after that zip screw the seamer to the gutter.

  7. Wow.... Ken and Ron, you guys are looked up to by many. Ive taken much advice from Ken, and have it in play as the season is dying. Ive learned alot here, Lost my temper, Made some great friends, thrown jobs to other friends, the latest a cedar house wood restoration. Even if I felt comfortable doing the job,(I DONT). Too time consuming for me... Anyway... I dont understand what is going on? a friend called me up in Tennesee. First word out his mouth is about the negative stuff going on? And now big shots like you guys??? I know I'm putting my nose where it dont belong. I'm still a newbie kinda. Never been to a get together yet. Cant wait to meet n shake the hands of the ones that have helped my lil company. My friends at envirospec and soap warehouse also. Lets all try to stay positive!

  8. Found this happened to my truck last night, this morning, lol!!! I turned it into a goood thing. I spent all day replacing the tools, most of them. Had the truck detailed and glass getting replaced tomorow morning, alarm being installed next rainy day! I shouldve asked how much to include the ladders with the detail, lol!!! Here the pic i took this morning. (heres an after thought. After robbing me they couldve closed the door all the way and saved my battery some juice, lol)

