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Posts posted by RAJD

  1. My biggest ad is in the spring cleaning / home repair section of the local paper it comes out April 2 nd.

    I am getting calls now for house washing (more than usual) I had asked before if I could use the EFC38 for this,if you don't mind could you tell me what the formula or mix would be? and the dwell time on vinyl siding would be? And should it be applied with high pressure (x jet)?

    Thank You



    Thank you, I have a 55 gal. plastic barrel I could use. I never thought of it and I walk by it every day, thats why three heads are better than one.

    If I had to, I have a strainer for drawing water from the lake. But I am going to use the barrel.

    Both the walkway and dock are on the bank away from the lake by about 50ft. (they pull them out for the winter) so I am not worried about getting residue in the water. They were newly built last year and the homeowner finished them with thompsons. did not last the season.

    Thanks again for the help


  3. I have an upcoming job to do a wood walkway and dock on a lake, The problem is the house water supply is 500' away.

    I have 150' of high pressure hose. So that would still leave me about 400' short

    Can I run 5/8 hose this far without hurting the pump?

    The machine is a belt driven 4 gpm 3500 psi belt driven unit.

    Can I draw from the lake?

    If so how far can that machine draw and to what height?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

  4. Beth

    Ron p. suggested your EFC38 would that work for me?

    Ron have you used it? on what finishes?


    I have a question for you if you dont mind.

    you had said on anouther board that you get $1.50 a sq. ft. for decks. I was wondering if that is carved in stone, or do you discount for larger jobs. say over 1500 sq.ft.


