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Posts posted by mlaurenza

  1. Tip size is a 3.0 or a 2.5....I have not yet tried to check the flow switch at the inlet side of the pump...The unit is a direct drive style...I had spoken with Hydrotek reguarding this issue and they claim a float tank will not work on this machine...I am not sure the float tank will work because of the flow switch that turns the machine on and off or what...I can remove the flow switch if I have to but I dont know if the pump will syphon in the water needed to run at the full 1500 psi...They claim a belt drive style machine is the only machine that will syphon in the water...

  2. Does anyone use a hydrotek pressure washer model HD15002E1C? I recently purchased one and I am having an issue with some restaurants with water pressure. The machine requires 35 psi of positive water flow just to turn on...when there isnt enough positive flow the machine only runs at about 800 psi and its supposed to be a 1500 psi machine...I was wondering if anyone has the same issues..
