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hermies pressure washing

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Everything posted by hermies pressure washing

  1. Downstreaming rig

    I have been reading yall's forums for a while now and just started my own business. Things are slow right now, but hoping things will pick up. I just have a quick question about downstreaming. I have a 3500 psi 4gm belt driven machine. Im recieving a water tank in the next few days and also have a chemical tank. What is the best way to set up my trailer to downstream. Also where can I get warning signs for my chemical tank? And last but not least putting the simple cherry in the directly with the chem tank is the best way to go? Thank you for your help you guys are great. And if any of you Polk County guys read this would it be possible to meet up one day and tag along for some tips. Im great labor LOL.
  2. Downstreaming rig

    Thanks for all the help. You guys are great. Im sure I will have plenty more questions to come.