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Posts posted by mrwindow

  1. I feel that the odds are against me with little experience.

    Hey LB,

    Keep your head high, your already discouraging yourself and you have yet to do any work.

    Go out and get some accounts, if you have to do a freebie in order to take photos - then do so and be sure to thank the customer for the opportunity before you leave.

  2. That much Dawn seems to make the cleaning water super sudsy, I only do a couple of squirts.

    We hand wash 'em w/ a brush and squeegee, detailing the glass from any over spray using acetone or denatured alcohol.

    We then clean the framing, tracks, sills and screens.

    Very through process, which many customers appreciate.

  3. Congrats Richard on your first barn gigg!

    If I we're you w/ time permitting. I'd consider hitting the floor on the way out as a 'thanks for choosing us' kinda jester ... should clean-up rather easily w/ a hot water machine.

    Let us know how it goes and take some after pictures to post.

    Clean it well, 'til the cows come home :)

  4. Please go to your MY CONTROLS and add your signature.... :)
    I did add my sig btw, prior to the post.

    Not sure why it did not take then but it did now.

    ARS replied this morning, to the pic's.

    Thought someone else could use this info as well, besides me.

    "The awnings appear to be Sunbrella (Burgundy #4631).

    They clean up real nice with Universal Fabric cleaner used full strength

    ( with 2 ounces of Stain Magic mixed in per gallon).

    Apply it to dry fabric from the bottom up.

    On the real ugly awnings more than 1 scrubbing will be needed.

    They should be sealed with Fabric Weatherizer to keep future cleanings easier.

    When done properly they should clean up to the point that coloring would not be needed.

    Resurfacing Compound would be used to colorize the fabric and the white trim."


  5. New guy on board, first post ... go easy.

    I searched high / low for algae cleaning threads, found none.

    A potential customer on a residential home called me the other day to look at few of his canvas awnings covered with algae and heavily solid dirt that he wished cleaned. (3 yrs since last clean'n) Also, may need color restoring I think.

    I've cleaned canvas before, except they were only covered w / surface dirt.

    Tony C from A+, these are like two of the four you cleaned.

    Any ideas, on what cleaning products to use?


