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Jim Gamble

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Posts posted by Jim Gamble

  1. Tony, It is a fact California was the richest state in the union until the Enron and other companies took advantage off loop wholes in California law and bleed California dry from Electricity. For hours, some business had no electricity. Google, Intel, New Motors INC and others threaten to leave if these outages did not stop. These outages was costing Intel Millions alone.

    Before this happened, California was the 6th largest economy in the WORLD ! Now we are the eighth. Nevada is not even in the top 300.

    The fact is that it is well documented that California's economy directly affects the rest of the nation. California was the first to go into the Recession because of the electric wholesale power play. I remember President Bush being asked what are you going to do with this Enron thing " Stealing BILLIONS OF DOLLARS from California" if it makes California go into a recession? Bush responded that it was Not the nations problem. That he was not going after a company in Texas. That California would not bring down the USA economy. HE WAS STUPID AND WRONG. It was a matter of time before the rest of the nation followed the 6 largest economy into the red. Now Nevada feels it to because Californians are not Gambling AS MUCH. Your housing is suffering as much or more then the rest of the nation. If you compare SF housing pricing to Las Vegas, SF is a better investment. SF housing has not falling, but actually increased.

    GOOD NEWS though, California housing prices was up in some counties as reported last night on the news. They are building New housing again and would not do that if there was not any BANK qualified buyers. Permits are on the rise to build 300 homes for this year in my city alone. 600 homes is the limit. 2 years ago, less then 0 to 40 homes was permitted.

    These are all good signs, though I think it is only temporary. One more year, then we should be out of this. California will take time to heal. Tightening of the belt on spending is a must. Some schools need financing while others are doing fine. Roads are being rebuilt, new freeways are being created. A new Tunnel is being built from Orinda to SF. BART is being expanded. Muni tunnel is has begun from the finacial district to china town. A 2 billon dollar expansion. New fire trucks with New fire Stations. Though some of the poorer cities are having to lay off police and limit services and even went bankrupted.

    You keep saying companies are leaving California and I am sure that some small companies had to leave to get cheaper labor in order to compete with China, but that has always been that way, yet business still thrive and chose to stay, why?...... Could it be the opportunity, could it be the ability to be " In Tune" with some of the youngest and smartest minds in the USA? I am talking about Stanford, UCLA, Berkeley, UC Davis, UCSF, St Mary's? Why doesn't Nevada have just 3 of these WELL RESPECTED Universities if Nevada is so good and California is so bad? How come they are not leaving but thriving? Companies regularly visit these campus's for input on their products and hire from these Univ.

    California does not relay on tourisms or Gambling to make the state run. California is well diversified, from oil to mining, from defense contracts to computers, from education to imports, from fishing to tourism. The list goes on and on.

    California is expensive, but anything is expensive when compared to the option of having another Corp paying your share of taxes.

    So does California have problems....yes. But show me one state that does not.

  2. A few days ago, Ron pulled back up a thread "Parking Garage Cleaning videos California Pressure washing" at ***. This thread has our videos for garage cleaning in the thread.

    Since Ron's action on this thread, a few members have ask questions about Parking Garage Cleaning filtration units which some contractors currently use and freely talk about in open forum as having problems with their design. However, when the questions got serious, no one has respond or attempted to answered those questions for the last two weeks. So the question was asked again.... but still no answer. Everyone must be working which is GREAT !!!!! I completely understand.

    HOWEVER, I MUST take a moment and Thank Ron. My site, which averages 130+ hits a day, got an extra 200 hits on top of the 130. I know this is only temporary, but it is nice to be pulling in over 300 hits a day from your site even if it is only for a few weeks. When I tracked it back, most of those 1 - 200+ hits came from *** at one time or another.


    Thanks Ron for the ratings !!!

  3. Jim, if price is no concern why didn't you just make it in stainless to begin with?

    Ya Tony, we did think about SS. The cost was actually cheaper than the Aluminum that we ordered for the tank. However the weight for the tank was estimated to be around 4,000 lbs with the SS, instead of 800 lbs with the Aluminum.

    As far as the trailer, The trailer manufacture did not recommend using Stainless Steel on a heavy spec trailer situation. It may crack from vibrations when under stress, more so than regular steel.

    Third, we are using the same trailer that you saw when you came over to my home. This was already designed to hold 4,000 LBS every 3 ft of the trailer while suspended at the corner off the ground.

    If we went to all SS, we would have no use for that trailer. I did not want to just throw it away.

    So to answer your question, YES we did think about all SS, but advised against it.

  4. The way you set up your equipment Jim I would look to get your trailer powder coated. You have a different standard on how you want your equipment done compared to most so I would go with what you want. Line X is good. I had a trailer a few years ago that was professionally coated with Line X. I only had it a short time because I sold it to someone else that needed that type of trailer more then I did. But in your case Powder coated is a step up so I would get it done right in your eyes.

    For me that would be an expense that I wouldn't want to take on but Like you said there are others that have a few Hundred Grand in there set-ups so do what works best for you.

    Thanks John !

  5. Thanks for all of your replies.

    I had a Water Blaster with Vacuum rig who competed against me in the Bay Area. He was stealing all of my customers to where we was doing to 80k a year in sales. I almost called it quits when a national company offered me a job with a very good salary, complete with a Secretary and an Assistant. However, I turned it down.

    So I focused on my business. I researched this rig. I found out how much is the lease options and the costs involved. I learned everything about this rig.

    I then took the research and built our rigs with that knowlege and all of those " Bragging" costs and maintence sheets. Only then was I able to overcome this threat. After 5 years, he left the area and moved south to LA. My business shot through the roof the next year and continues to grow. This was a multi million dollar company who clearly had more revenue than I with a fleet of washers and blasters.

    So now, when I talk to some in the Water Blasting fields, they explain how they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on just 1 rig. Do I think they are bragging, on the contrary, I am VERY happy that they tell me. I then asked them everything good and bad about their equipment. I want to know why they made the decision to pay 3 to 500,000 dollars on one rig. That way I can open my mind, understand their limitations and their costs of doing business. Hopefully I can design, on a lower scale, a better rig based on their costs and durability of these monster pressure washer's

    I was very serious about which way to go and thought I should ask all of you who might know yourselves or someone who would know the draw backs for each procedure. But I guess I was asking to much or many just did not know the answer, but answered anyway.

    As far as the costs, I always want to know what something costs. It is not bragging, but a reality. I have a few calls per month from individuals asking about our rigs and the costs. I freely tell them so that if and when they build a rig, they can make some intelligent choices.

    One more thing,

    Thank You Scott Stone for your answer. That is what I was looking for. I did not expect that from you, it was a very nice and honest comment.


    Thank you Scott.


  6. As most of you know, we invested a great deal of money for our filtration unit to preform for many days in a row at 40 GPM's without to worry about sludge build up or clogging of the filters. To exceed all EPA requirements in all 50 states.

    So we are now over budget on all of the upgrades by about $12,000. Not a big deal, but when do you stop is the question.

    We went to get the powder coating done on our trailer which measures at 101 inches wide and 24 ft long. Because of the extra supports needed for the water, the trailer weighs in around 4,500 LBS. with no equipment on it. This makes it difficult to maneuver inside a oven.

    We had a powder coating company that we dealt with and have agreed on pricing. The day we went to deliver, we noticed they were closed. They went bankrupt. So we found someone else but they are twice the price.

    Question, Should we pay Double the price for powder coating on the filtration unit trailer OR should we use Line X in a yellow color?

    What is the benefits of both? Powder Coating is an excellent product. Lasts for many years or line x which is less expensive by about $2,300, but stand up very well also.

    The Line X will fade over a few years and the powder coating will take allot longer then a few years to fade.

    Money is not necessary the issue, it is the product on the filtration unit and the appearance / durability in regards to longevity that I am asking about in a Parking Garage Cleaning setting.


    Crystal Cleaning Company LLC


  7. Hot And Mighty Mobile Cleaning Systems

    Considering this unit for installation in a E350 (smaller tank) what do you think? Seems like a solid unit and I am impressed with the pre-sale customer service. I visited two local distributors for a large name brand and they are pretty much unresponsive to email and phone calls.

    From my understanding, the one thing good about them is that they will make it anyway you want.

    what will you be using this unit for?

  8. Never heard of that. Kevlar is good for abrasion resistance, but how does it protect from heat?

    Perfect Fit Standard 2 Ply Kevlar Sleeve with Thumb Hole: (Size:14") - Dozen :: Perfect Fit :: Brand :: PalmFlex

    This is where we buy them. They are relatively cheap. I have touched our boilers, while the boiler was on registering over 600 degrees, and felt nothing. We did this test for only 65 seconds. Actually, I was concerned that someone would get burned.

    The fabric did not burn during this test as well.

    We also touched the SS wand that registered at 290 degree's. We felt nothing.

    My guys wear these inside the gloves giving them heat protection. The burns have stopped since we started using them.

    IMPORTANT !!!!!

    If the Kevlar gets wet, all bets are off. The water will penetrate through the Kevlar. The water will burn you. This Kevlar will only stop DRY heat.

  9. Its too Fatigueing to handle that 3,000000 degree hose

    Well Chris, your math is off again, but you are basically right about the 300 degrees. In the summer months, we have seen Rubber Gloves Melt to the hose while handling it. Since then, we have switched to thick cheap leather gloves. These gloves will last 5 to 9 working days before the heat burns a hole in them. All of our guys wear Kevlar to help protect them from the heat.

    Is it fatiguing as you say ? Yes it is.

    How can I explain it to you in a way for you to understand....

    Think of it as if you was in a steam room at a Gym. Working in that environment, you will get fatigued more quickly than working in the open air.

    I hope I explained it well enough this time for you.

    Thanks Chris.


  10. Jim, you have 2 pressure washers if I am correct, what in the world are the other 13 guys doing?

    We have more equipment than what I have told on the boards. Some equipment has not been shown or discussed.

    But let me give you a very basic number....

    Two men per Turbo Twister ( One on the surface cleaner, one walking the 1/2 inch 300 ft R2 line)

    We have up to 4 pressure 1/2 inch lines at 6 GPM's at 4000+ psi at a min. of 275+ degrees.

    So right there we have 8 guys. 4 lines x 2 men = (8 men)

    We have 2 guys applying detergent and hand scrubbing (1 man for applying detergent, 1 man for scrubbing)

    We have 2 guys rinsing with a fire hose (2 men)

    We have 1 guy at the filtration unit* in the basement (1 man)

    ------* This is necessary for the volume of sludge that we get. The filter will clog thus slowing down filtration process from 40 GPM to as low as 4 GPM. Back washing the filtration unit and inspection is a must with any filtration when doing a garage. If a smaller filtration unit of 6-10 GPM is being used for deep cleaning in the methods that we use, that filtration unit would be hard pressed to function to manufactures specifications for any real length of time.

    So lets see, we have 8 on the lines +2 on the detergent +2 on the rinsing with a 1.5 inch fire hose +1 on the filtration unit thats 13 guys so far.

    We have 1 guy as a gofer and break reliever. His job is for the movement of the rigs and to service the equipment while the work is being done. ( Meaning... the guys on the surface cleaners do not every leave their post. ) This extra guy also gives Breaks as required by law ) (1)

    Then we have 1 guy for another piece of equipment that we bought for garage cleaning that has not been discussed here on the BBS. (1)

    So there is the break down. We can have up to 15 guys on one a big job.

    I am sorry for all of the confusion.

    Since last year, we have built or bought several pieces of equipment which is stored at our warehouse in Vernalis, California. I just did not inform everyone of our purchases or where I am storing it. But you can see some of the warehouse in a few photo's that I have posted. In some of those photo's, you might be able to see our equipment in the background.

    We have 5 trucks at our disposal now. All towing trailers with equipment on them.

    Next year we are contemplating adding on two more Dodge Diesel Cummings 4x4. Just this last 3 months, we invested over $83,000 in equipment/ trailer/ improvement designs to our Garage Cleaning Service. Next year we may invest even more.

    Again, Sorry for the confusion.

    Jim Gamble

    Crystal Cleaning Company LLC



  11. Jim, you and I have had this conversation before, you know what I'm going to say, so don't take offense. And for everybody else, Jim is far more conservative than his posts reveal.

    Your state is bankrupt. Your state is the most perfect example of why over regulation and excessive taxation is a FAILING proposition.

    Is your water cleaner. No. Is your air cleaner (cleaner than it was in 1970, but no cleaner than any other state even with your excessive emissions requirements)

    Are your roads better with your higher taxation? No. The roads in California are beginning to look like Mexico.

    Aren't your property taxes the same as mine? Then why isn't Nevada bankrupt? You pay many times more state income tax than we pay, (Nevada has zero, not even a corporate income tax)

    Why not change the conversation and tell us the devastation your state has experienced because of the nimrod politicians who levy the fines and make the laws?

    How about the I.O.U's your state workers have had to take for pay? Eliminate the wasteful inspectors and redundant government agencies and get back in the black!

    I don't understand why we, as business owners, can't understand the simple principal that the goal of government is to TAKE AWAY what you (you being 1 voter) earn and give it to a bunch of other non-business owners who have many votes (and that includes your employees). This ensures RE-ELECTION and perpetuates class ENVY!

    They take this away from us via fees, taxes, fines, and levies. They use the media to plant seeds of fear in everyone's head (voters) i.e. "the public needs to be "protected" from unscrupulous contractors" and "the government needs to "regulate" all these chemicals" (that you, the consumer can buy legally).

    Bottom line is this. Business regulates itself. Bad work can only continue as long as there is no one there to do a better job for a lower price. It's just plain old economic law.

    If a contractor's goal is to raise prices by lobbying government to HELP you raise prices through more regulation then you are a **** poor contractor who can't compete on a level field and should have your a** beaten and should be thrown out of town. (Not a reference to you Jim, I know you have fought against the regs in the past)

    Whew.... I just don't understand why so many people can be duped by the government charade.

    Tony, you ARE THE MAN !!!!! As far as the state, don't worry, your state and others is not far behind.

    There is one thing that was on the PBS that I saw the other day. Because of the storm water restrictions in regards to settlement, the Bay Authorities in 1970 estimated in 2010 that the bay would be so filled in that it would be a good size river by now. Instead, the bay is actually BIGGER AND CLEANER than is was in 1970. Since ALL storm water enters the BAY, they have seen marked improvements in the Bay. They still have along way to go, but with the population being over twice the size then in 1970, the pollution has kept up with the increase of population when it comes to the bay.

    So in Short form, all of these restrictions are helping when it comes to the bay. The question is..... Is there a better way to accomplish the same thing?

  12. Someone was introduced to us who had a unique issue. Both parents have to work to make ends meat as so many of us do. They have two lovely children one 5 they other 7. They do not have a car and live in a small apartment in the City.

    Here is the problem, The mother works days, the father evenings. Their mother arrives home around 4:40, the father, who takes the bus to work, has to leave at 3:30-3:45. They have no one to watch their children, and cannot afford day care. They do not qualify for any government programs because they make to much income by $4,000 a year or $333.30 a month. Their rent is over $2,300 a month.

    They work so hard just to provide a roof over their children's heads. So my wife and I bought them a BRAND NEW Aprilia Sportscity 250 cc from the dealer.

    Now he can leave when his wife comes home. The kids will never have to be alone.

    My wife and I believe in helping those in need. We seldom give cash, but we do buy someone whatever their true need.

    You can see it at

    Aprilia SportCity 250 @ Authorized Aprilia SportCity Dealer Fort Lauderdale Florida USA 2009 Broward County

    We bought the scooter two weeks ago and delivered it to them with a red bow and insurance paid for the first year.

  13. As you know John, we are upgrading our filtration unit to exceed all requirements in the 50 states. We are building a new 1,000 gallon filtration separator to help control the sludge and heavy materials ( Grit, sand etc ). This unit, just in materials, no labor, is costing us over $7,000. We are estimating another couple of grand for the welders ( Labor ). The High Quality Aluminum walls is going to be 1/2 inch thick and weighing in at over 550 lbs. This is developed with a cat program so that there will be no bulging of the side walls. Specs to meet DOT requirements. It will take 3 welders a week to build.

    Unit will be 4 wide x 5.5 high x 7.25 ft long.

  14. I was just turning 25 when I signed my first contract without any rig or even a business Lic. I have over 10,000 dollars in contracts before I bought my first rig for $12,500.

    I am now 47 and work 180 days or less a year by choice... or I should say.... because the boss ( My wife ) says so. As long as we are comfortable she is happy. My wife prefers less money and more time with the family.

    So, I spend as much time at home with my children and wife as possible. God has truly blessed us.

  15. Jim, while you were sick we flew out there and took pics of your reclaim system!

    You made my blood pressure go up for just 1/4 of a second.


    I think it is time that I post the new design photo's on ***, that is if the band is lifted, I will also post photo's on the Grime Scene and the *****. This way everyone can see it or I should say from a distance. It won't be in detail, but it will give you a very basic understand of a filter.

    For the last 2 weeks, it has been worked on installing all 2 and 3 inch copper tubbing. The trailer will be POWDER COATED to 7 mil thick. The wheels upgraded to 17.5 inch, Etc.... I am into it approaching another 20k.

    I have been looking on the web and noticed the filters of " TODAY " have the same " BASIC " design, so there is really no reason why not to show you the rig any more other then a few details that manufactures have limited due to costs or are unwilling to design.

    I will be making one upgrade that may not be ready by the time the unit is displayed. This upgrade is NOT in any current design as of today that I have found. I am in touch with a manufacture about the design, were that leads is anybodies guess, though I am not holding my breathe.

  16. I would Like to thank Everyone for your prayers....

    As some may know, I was admitted to the Hospital late Sunday Night. Though I am not fully recovered, I was released on the 24th to be home for Christmas with my family.

    On Monday, I was very weak and my wife got very worried. I want to thank all who prayed for me. They changed my meds and miraculously I improved beyond anyones expectations.

    Though I am not 100%, I am well enough to write and talk for a bit. Wife is Very protective and does not want me to be on the boards or on the phones until I am 100% I am sure everybody will understand.



    Jim Gamble

  17. All are necessary to be successful. But few things that stick out is the

    1. Education of the customer, to get the sale, What makes you the best choice...without talking trash about your competitors.

    2. To keep the sale next year, Accomplishment to the customer..... what you promised or implied.

    3. Make sure that quality control is among the highest on the priority list.

    4. Know your competition. Know what equipment they are using and the positives and the limitations of that equipment ( If any)

    5. What makes you the better Value.... Price, Convenience, Service, Quality of work, etc.

    When possible, I personally inspect all work completed BEFORE I submit the invoice. We also have a walk through with our customers as we complete each floor. If for ANY reason the customer dose not like what he/she sees, or is concerned that it is not clean enough, we offer to do the entire floor again at no charge. That is up to 175,000 sq ft per floor. Each floor of the garage is under this policy.

    In 21 years of Parking Garage Cleaning, we have never been asked to " Redo " any floor by the customer.....Not ever!
