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Jim Gamble

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Posts posted by Jim Gamble

  1. Nope...not a member and I will leave it at that.

    I will say that I do support the current board collectively in their efforts and look forward to hearing/seeing their plans. I do plan to rejoin and well as join the PWNA in the near future.

    and yes the membership was either 260 or 360!!!

    I know that the ***** was the place to be back then.

    If you was to become President with the original transition team as BODS, I bet it could hit well past 500 members. It would be great...again !

  2. Jim there was no lifetime memberships in there. The TT staff had a 5 yr membership and they all deserved it. Couldn't tell you where they stand with all that anymore but it was a good run a few of us had that was highlighted by the Convention. Enjoyed that experience.

    I stand Corrected....

    Thanks John for clearing that up for me. I know it was unclear to allot of contractors that I talked to.

  3. Not a member John...Haven't been one for several years!

    I am confused...

    Don't you Carlos have a life time membership in lou of the hard work you did for the *****. I remember all of those hours you spent working, trying to get members to hear you on the views of what the ***** stood for. Because of you, the ***** was strong and with a clear voice. I think you told me that you had over 300 members at one time.

    I know the transition team all have life time memberships as well as you...right? When People think of the *****, they think of you. Carlos, it was your baby.

  4. Chris, you are right, while I knew about this conference, and had discussed attending with Ron, and later we decided we really did not need too, I should have posted in case anyone else wanted to attend.

    According to the statement above, I am sorry Ron that you and the ***** have chosen not to attend the once a year Regional 6 Event for storm water issues and enforcement held in Dallas.

    Allot of issues for restrictions was coming down the pipe line to the Cities such as Houston, Dallas, Oklahoma City etc.

    Police enforcement was being considered to all cities in the region with possible funding coming from the Feds. Cities in the region was considering following Houston's Lead at the conference. Stopping these issues at the source save everybody allot of resources, headaches and money.

    Many thanks are owed to the PWNA and Robert Hinderliter for putting these issues down and out before they got momentum which would of affected all washers in Region 6.

  5. Carlos, yes anyone can attend these....we considered going but felt at this time, with the relationships and progress we have made here in Houston, it was not really necessary.

    In this case Doug, I believe your statement is not correct. You had to be invited at this level. I believe only Robert Hinderliter and the PWNA was the only ORG that was invited at that time.

  6. The City of Concord is an interesting animal....I reclaim now but will be filtering soon. Funny how Coco county seems to have less requirements these days vs. cities that are actually in the County. If I have questions at that county level..I know who to call. We are vendor for them and have done building washes and flatwork for them.

    One correction on that statement Jim. If you are doing drive thrus or gas stations and have a sewer drain (car wash) you can discharge directly into that without filtration.

    That depends on the POTW. Check with them if your discharge meets their requirements.

  7. No, you'll have to back off the pressure unless you change the pump pulley too. The pump is still going to spin at the same speed, giving you the same volume, but the engine will no longer be able to push the pressure and the gen too. Keep in mind, too, that the 5 hp figure is for full load on the generator. A generator with no load on it won't use any horsepower.

    Although I normally agree with Jerry (he's a smart dude), a generator rpm needs to be set according to frequency, not voltage. I have worked on generators that make 114 volts at 60 hz, and others that produce 125 volts at 60 hz. What you want is 61 - 62 hz no load, so the rpm drop under load will get you in the 60 hz range.

    Very Good Russ !!!

  8. Is this about garage cleaning or commercial/residential washing. Can anyone attend these meetings Jim?

    Sorry Carlos, did not see the red outline. I assume you are talking about N. California.

    I have been asked to talk about Parking Garage Cleaning and Filtration.

    As you know Carlos, the City of Concord makes you filter the water when cleaning sidewalks even though you use no soap. I am AGAINST this.I believe that washing with a pressure washer is the best way to go for the environment, again that is, if NO soap or chemicals are used.

    However, if you are cleaning a drive thru, or gas stations, then filtration should be used regardless whether soap is used or not.

  9. This meeting already happened Carlos. They ask the PWNA to attend. I do not know if the ***** was asked.

    Robert provided his time and boxes of research to make a case to help our fellow contractors in region.

    I have no evidence that Houston or Region 6 is or is not going to continue, trying to put regs on our Industry in the near future. All I know is that, for now, the PWNA has stopped them from actively considering to apply any new regs and/ or restrictions at this time.

    A big Thank You should go out to Robert and Micheal Hinderliter for their continue efforts in this matter with Region 6... which includes Houston.

  10. Honestly Ron, I'm not on the forums much anymore to see what events are going on.

    Likewise to meet you in person as well though.

    Me personally am "no soy pero" anyway you look at it.

    So threads like this just keep me running in the other direction.

    Which is sad because you two have so much to offer.

    The theme seems to always be the same, no matter what the topic,

    always turns into a sausage fest.

    Speaking for myself only, after a decade of this bickering it starts to be a time waster for me.

    Respectfully, though your efforts are graciously appreciated on both, but never are you guys on the same page.

    It just does us other no name grunts a bit of good when we see the same conflict thread to thread.

    However if there is BBQ I could be convinced possibly.....

    Bring Jim too.... I'll sell tickets and get a sexy girl to hold the card and walk around in a bikini that lets you know what round it is.

    Thanks Adrian.....Thank You

  11. My dogs bigger than your dog

    My dog bigger than yours

    My dogs bigger cuz

    He farts less emissions

    My dogs bigger than yours.

    Get it???

    See I just replaced "Kennel ration" with " farts less emissions".

    That how it works in the world of jingles. It just slid right in there like a brown trout.

    Breath guys....... carry on.

    You are right. I just get upset when he says this over and over again about the same thing to me. Going back today, I could of handle it differently.

    I am sorry to all.

  12. I was told they would Grandfather no one, the program was going to hit everyone for a Fee...of course CETA was fighting it. I do not however know. Maybe we should call Sherry Helms to get and Update.

    You was TOLD WRONG. Again, Already talked with the EPA Dept that polices this area of the law.

    How many times do I need to say... THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO OUR COMPANY. Unlike some contractors who CHOOSE TO USE old equipment, we have upgraded our UNITS every year for the purpose of the tax write off's, fuel efficiency and to be compliant. We are a certified GREEN Company. The first Pressure Washing Company in the bay area from what I was told. I would even wager that I big burners use less fuel and produce more heat then your burners. Our diesel's use less fuel then your gas engines. Everything is tier 4 compliance.

    SO AGAIN RON........THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO US. If this would apply to anyone, It may however apply to your business; that is, if you are still using those older pressure washers I saw 4 years ago. Units that are 8-12 years old maybe considered a Grouse Polluter. Not sure, you would have to check.

    So one more time ...just for you Ron.....My equipment, my engines, my trucks and my boilers are all compliant to Federal, State and local laws of California and the surrounding States.

  13. CARB Pressure Washer Compliance | Pressure Washer Blog

    This is a Blog from Hydrotek about the emissions issue, I believe CETA who's event your attending oct is currently dealing with this. I think its a Major Issue, I'm surprised your not aware of the situation. I suppose it would be better to start another thread instead of discussing here.

    I know that CETA has been fighting the ISsue for Manufactures for sometime now.

    I have been Told My units are not complient in the State of California without the Permit. I'm not saying this is fact about permits, just was told about this on a visit to Hydrotek.

    Again.... Ron this does not apply to any of our units.

  14. You and Robert keep up the good work, there are guys out there policing. They need help and guidance.

    I've asked you this before Jim , what's going to happen with the 2014 emission issue coming around the corner? Are you machine compliment with code now? Just curious?

    Ron, I have showed you why 2014 emissions do not apply to us. However you continue to ask the same question about our equipment over and over again. It's almost like you’re obsessed with our rigs. It's like your trying to create something that is not there.

  15. Jim, do you have an email address for the pwna or for whoever can get that info?

    Non-pwna members like myself do not have that info to get in touch with the pwna.

    Since you are saying to get in touch with the pwna for information about this, can you post their physical and email address to help those that are not members, I am sure people out there would like to know more about this besides myself.

    Can you post that address or email address here so it can help a lot of other people that are not pwna members?


    I thought you had the PWNA Email address already.

    Here you go


  16. Jim , you not following my lead. I certainly do not want to follow yours or Robert. I do not pollute, there's nothing in my cleaning process that creates pollution. I reduce contaminates from ever getting into the ms4 prior to any rain event.

    For the guys who wash into the ms4 and dump into public systems you and Robert might be helping them.

    It's just different aspects of washing, you handle a lot of waste. I simple do not create waste, maybe your process does? I do not enter jurisdictions of storm water authority at local levels. Someone like yourself who does needs to have your proper waste hauling and pollution control efforts in place. The sludge that your customers build I consider reckless compared to my process. More frequent cost officiate methods are just my choices as and environmental cleaner. Your video of sludge and 1000's gallon of waste water are something that I show all clients they can simply avoid.

    Jim zadril taught me many years ago , he is most likely one of the oldest garage cleaners in the industry. He is located in Los Angeles. I see a huge difference in Los Angeles parking garages compared to many places around the country.

    While my main focus is sidewalks I will not take a garage that will not clean responsibly.

    I've been able to prove most cleaner who profess reclaim filtering are not actually doing what they say.

    The others will claim they dump in ridiculous places.

    You and Robert keep up the good work, there are guys out there policing. They need help and guidance to handle the pollution.

    I've asked you this before Jim , what's going to happen with the 2014 emission issue coming around the corner? Are you machine compliment with code now? Just curious .

    Your not curious, sounds like your fishing again.

  17. I do agree with you in your statement about working with officials and not trying to hide things from them. In my personal experience working with Local and State Water Authorities, they will come after you hard if you lie or try to conceal things from them but will be more than happy to "Work With You" when asked or sought after for advice.

    Thank You

  18. Just in:

    PWNA was requested to attended the MS4 Regional Event to help our fellow contractors in Region 6. Fort Worth, Houston and other cities was there in force. Heads of Depts. was in attendance. A new stricter issue for our industry was being considered. Robert and I feared the worse.

    Robert Hinderliter was able to provide to them years of research and Lab results of our industries washing run off. By providing this information, which was back up by boxes and boxes of cold hard facts and lab results, Robert Hinderliter was able to reverse their motives of increasing current restrictions to the states, county and cities. Head officials from such cities and counties as Houston and Dallas was present as well as State and County officials. They finally all agreed with the PWNA that further restrictions are not necessary at this time. This is a great win for our industry and a great win for the pressure washers who operate in Region 6.

    I myself is scheduled for several conferences for the Bay Area, Los Angeles and the surrounding area as well. The costs for these meetings that Robert and I attend comes from our own pockets and we are not comp for any costs such as hotels, food, rental cars or airfare etc. by the PWNA or any other source.

    The purpose for these conferences, ( Conferences meaning more than 40 and less than 2,200 in attendance) are to work with the "EPA Agencies of enforcement" on the issues that strike at the heart of our industry. To give a clear voice for our industry to the agencies who police us daily. Because of Roberts reputation over the years for the industry, Robert was requested to share the views of our industry as a whole. This speaks Volumes !!!

    Regional 6 includes: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.

    If you would like more information about what’s coming out in the (2nd) 5 year plan for the states, please submit your request to the PWNA and ask for Robert Hinderliter. Since it seems that our attempts of verbal communication gets twisted at times though no one’s fault, we have decided to ask you to make your requests on this subject in writing. We hope that this action will promote "A clear voice of understand" on the subject.

    Thank You.

  19. That's the point I believe of the entire thread, miss informing has caught up with the individual's on every front eventually.

    Im glad Jim you taking a new fresh approach to this.


    Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227

    No new approach here. Been saying this on these BBS since 2008 and Robert eariler than that. You are aware of that so there is Nothing new here.

    You're just being you and are running with it... thats all.

    Please do not make it sound like I or Robert are following your lead. That's how mis-information can start and we both do not want that to happen.

    Thanks Ron.
