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Posts posted by RJTravel

  1. Douglas,

    Elk season is one week only?  Wow things have changed since I haunted the mountains in the 60s and 70s.  Back then elk season was from the 1st of Sept thru Feb.  Could hunt anywhere in the state you wanted at any time.  Pretty hard not to be successful.   Two elk allowed either ***.  I usually picked up my tags at any store on the way to the mountains.  Bear were varmints - no tag needed.  We ate a lot of elk and bear meat.  Recently I decided to go harvest an elk but discovered one must select a hunting area and apply for a 'drawing' months in advance.  No thanks.  Guess I'm spoiled.  Good luck.


  2.   Great pics!  Typical Colorado.  Lemme guess - Mt Evans or Lost Creek?  Spent most of my life in or near the Rockies - you won't need a firearm for grouse in N Montana or much of Alaska.  You can kill all you can eat with a rock or a stick.  That's why they are 'fool hens'.  Same with fishing - carry a handline in your pocket for all the fish you can catch.  In the summer 'survival' is very easy.


  3. Rick said it well: there are a few memorable events in a lifetime.  12 years ago 4 of us were backpacking in the heart of Idaho's Selway-Bitterroot wilderness.  No contact with the world & learned a week later.  Not the most momentous - I also remember where I was when JFK was shot - driving home on a Friday to my wife and 3 kids in an old Desoto.  I even remember the celebrations when WWII ended.  OK I'm gettin' old, but one never forgets things like this.  There are a host of others such as the Lt Calley massacre (1966?) - I was in Vietnam at the time therefore more of an impact on me. Memories.


  4. Our associate taught us how to overcome the potentially shakey accounts. This is a large servicing firm and cannot be bothered with constantly chasing after payment. They will bill in advance - for instance the Feburary billings have been delivered. When payment has been received and deposit cleared they will then schedule the work. I don't know if I would have the guts for that mode, but it works well for them and they have few if any complaints.


  5. Obama has repeatedly demonstrated that he cannot handle himself extemporaneously - can we say 'Joe the Plumber' and 'Bill Oreilly'? He is good at memorizing speechs - much the same as any of can do if pressured. I fear what will happen when he must face other heads of state. He won the majority vote, which once again illustrates what happens when ppl are driven by apathy and avarice - the majority is almost always wrong. I don't dislike him, I just hate almost everything for which he 'stands'. I hope I am proven wrong and that he will step up to the plate, change his views, and earn our confidence and respect. I truly believe that in a short time even his once supporters will wish for the security and freedom of the Bush era.


  6. p.s. Richard, I'll be sure to bring some extra tissue when I ski Vale this year. I know how you feel pal.

    There is no "Vale" in Colorado. The hummocks and vales fill with snowdrifts and are unskiable. Given this poster's input it appears highly unlikely he/she has ever been away from home whatsoever. Typical predictable Obama minion. This level of mentality is precisely that which gives cause of grave concern in respect to America's future.


  7. Wrong. I do. I was born before WWII and grew up in the 40s - married in 1958 (same wife more than 50 years). From L.A. In the deep south there was rampant discrimination, but "spit on...killed"? Huh? Not in most of the USA and never ever in my experience. You've been duped. Equality in employment and opportunity was the norm even back then. Top security clearance govt jobs (B-70 bomber) found me working side-by-side with intelligent, trained, and qualified blacks. Thoughts of spitting on or beating our friends never even crossed our minds. b/t/w, to use the silly current description, I am English-American and my wife is Swedish-American.

    I will admit, however, that I am glad for one social program. I've been taking all the Soc Security retirement available to me for almost 6 years and will continue pecuniarily mugging you young ppl for what I hope is a long, long time. He he he.


  8. It is now afternoon and the exit polls show that my candidate is not doing well. Too bad, he was the only one to stand face-to-face with Obama and level him verbally. He is by far the most knowledgable and reliable candidate. He is the only one who can stand straight and look both our adversaries and our friends in the eye. He is a straight-shooter and a real American. Too bad, but in four years we may have another chance to elect Joe the Plumber.


  9. 'Twas the night before elections

    And all through the town

    Tempers were flaring

    Emotions all up and down!

    I, in my bathrobe

    With a cat in my lap

    Had cut off the TV

    Tired of political crap.

    When all of a sudden

    There arose such a noise

    I peered out of my window

    Saw Obama and his boys

    They had come for my wallet

    They wanted my pay

    To give to the others

    Who had not worked a day!

    He snatched up my money

    And quick as a wink

    Jumped back on his bandwagon

    As I gagged from the sink

    He then rallied his henchmen

    Who were pulling his cart

    I could tell they were out

    To tear my country apart!

    "On Fannie, on Freddie,

    On Biden and Ayers!

    On Acorn, On Pelosi"

    He screamed at the pairs!

    They took off for his cause

    And as he flew out of sight

    I heard him laugh at the nation

    Who wouldn't stand up and fight!

    So I leave you to think

    On this one final note-



  10. PREDICTION - tomorrow we will have voted in a new President who:

    Will be the first black President in history;

    Loves the working middle class (sniff), yet has never worked a day in his life;

    Fosters education, yet was given a silver spoon free ride as a professional student;

    Is an ATTORNEY and has nothing in common with others;

    Will be Commander-in-Chief with no knowledge or experience whatsoever. Horrors;

    Is an out & out socialist with 'friends' such as Rezco, Ayers, Farrakhan, Davis, Wright;

    Whose 'novation' practices will change American life if we allow it;

    Is one of the 3 strongest opponents of the second amendment;

    Whose 'forced' wealth sharing is pure socialism;

    Was thoroughly inculcated with Islamic immersion until age 10 - can't change that;

    Embraces a radical death culture religion under the guise of 'toleration';

    No one says he is not a personable or unlikable guy, but he remains as the most dangerous man to our capitalistic economy and our freedoms in our history. Everywhere radical Islam has established a foothold that country is now socialistic (at best) and not where you would want to live. If that lifestyle is desired then move to Great Britian with its disarmament, rampant crime, a horribly failed medical care system, and no freedom to make your own choices. Try Spain with its recent millions of Muslims living in free housing, freeloading food, and all the while staying behind closed doors planning how to kill 'infidels' like us. It is tragic, however we are headed in the same direction when Obama/Biden have control. Lord help us.


  11. The question of Obama's citizenship is a mute point...


    You are correct - it certainly is a suppressed 'mute' point, however it is not a 'moot' point. Renouncement of citizenship cannot be remedied in this respect - period. Inquiring minds demand to see these documents - don't fall for their excuses. You CANNOT responsibly cast a vote for this guy until you know. There are many, many other things about this guy which are not only unsavory but are absolutely diametrically opposed to Judeo-Christian American principles. He is Islamic in thought and practice through and through. This is the worst thing that can happen to America. You may be brainwashed by this self-proclaimed "citizen of the world", but I trust there are enough 'American' citizens to see the tremendous danger he poses and vote to get this guy out of American politics. It seems likely Obama will be the next President - if so I truly feel sorry for all of you who made that happen - you well may experience the Socialist economy, poverty, and disregard for human life that will ensue.


  12. ...you have to be a citizne to LEGALLY vote...

    To carry that further, one must be an American citizen to run for President! Not one of us are certain of Obama. Did his mother include him when she renounced her US citizenship upon moving to Indonesia? No one knows. Why will not Obama release his birth certificate? We don't know. Why did he seal his grant application to Occidental, which will show nationality claimed for grant purposes. Dunno. The current ongoing lawsuit may demand production of these documents, but no order will be entered until after the election. By then Obama will be the President Elect and the machine will find a way to keep these docs sealed. It seems incredible that we are about to elect a President about whom these very serious questions remain unanswered. C'mon, I could provide my birth certificate and applications! McCain produced these immediately. Why would anyone even consider a candidate about whom we know little and with impeachable material already in place. Perhaps Biden will be the next President?


  13. I notice all the concern about 'taxes' and how it will affect your own wealth. Personally I don't give a rip how each intends to address this - they can only go so far anyway. Set aside your personal greed for a moment and consider that which is of much greater importance. This Obamanation of Desolation not only advocates pre and post-birth abortion, he is also sympathetic with religious zealots who want to abort YOU. Think about it before you vote for that which may very well change life as we know it for both you and your progeny.


  14. I have no dreams of gutting a moose...


    This is another skill in which Obama can save your life. A friend had just mailed his ballot and then went hunting. He shot and field dressed a moose when a sudden ice storm moved in. He was freezing, and since the moose had been cleanly eviscerated he crawled into the body cavity and pulled the rib cage together in order to escape the deadly wind. It was nice and warm and he soon fell asleep. Meanwhile the temp had dropped about 40 degrees and when he awoke he was trapped inside the frozen body cavity with only a 6 inch slit. After some hours he knew he was going to die, and all the bad things he had ever done flashed through his mind. When he thought about his recent vote for Obama he felt so dirty, rotten, mean, and small that he just shrivelled up and was able to slip through the small opening. Finally Obama has accomplished something good.


  15. Personally, I can't imagine any business-minded entrepreneur favoring a ticket whose head thinks it is important to "spread the wealth around" and whose VP nominee thinks it is patriotic to want to pay more taxes.

    I can't imagine any sensible person voting for someone who could sit under the likes of Jeremiah Wright for 20 years and not have a problem with the hatred he spews.

    I can't imagine any freedom-minded person voting for someone who thinks clinging to God and guns is a problem.

    I have no problem with his being black, I don't think he's a terrorist, though his associations show either very poor judgement or a very self-serving dishonesty. I don't think he's muslim, though I don't know that. I really don't think he thinks much of God, and his position on abortion shows that he doesn't know much about God. I simply think he's got a socialistic agenda for this county, and I think he's not qualified nor experienced enough to be President.

    If He wins this November, God help us all.

    Wow Mike - it could not have been better stated! Well said. The only thing I could add is that Obama is Muslim through and through. He claims he doesn't remember much Islamic teaching and that he attended a christian school in Jakarta. It was a Roman Catholic school, and under Islamic Indonesian law he was religiously instructed by an Islamic teacher. Until age 10 - and he cannot remember? C'mon - if one is consistently brainwashed until age 10 he is gone. Louis Farrakahn calls him "brother" - under Islamic law Farrakahn would be beheaded for calling an infidel "brother". Only the Lord can change him now - and I do pray that this will happen. I would then vote for him, but not while in alignment with those would love to destroy us. It is certain that he is a regular guy and does not even know he is being used in this manner. There are enough fawning followers that he will probably be elected, but his ascension may be the beginning of a tremendous downward spiral to 3rd world status.


    p.s. while typing this a young man supporting Obama came to my door. After a few minutes I think we may have just neutralized an Obama vote and gained a vote for America!

  16. Richard,

    It has nothing to do about belief...no one cares if you think your daughter or granddaughter is smarter than Obama...You posted an inane opinion deriding...Obama has demonstrated...Anyone with even a clue to another's ability...can see that.

    BTW, I am not an Obama supporter. Quite the contrary.

    It has everything to do with Obama's beliefs. We are not concerned with your assessment of what you consider to be 'demonstrated' abilities or your opinion in respect to what you may consider "inane". Facts are facts. It would be really hard to evaluate Obama's latent abilities - they remain latent. I am far more concerned with his core beliefs than with his abilities. Actually we somewhat agree, I would not want my daughter to run for President - she has no more experience than Obama.


    BTW, I never ever said I was a Republican - I am just disenchanted with our choices. It may be well to write in 'Joe The Plumber' - he seems like a level-headed and well-informed guy. Palin seems to be the best hope for the future.

  17. My English is fine...answering them like unrehersed(sic) idiots.


    I will assume you mean 'unrehearsed'. Actually you said a mouthful - I have never in my life seen so many 'rehearsed' froth as that which flows from the mouth of Obama. It is refreshing to hear Palin. Surely you can see that!


  18. Ummmm...if you think BIDEN is a relic, what do you think of MCCAIN? MCCAIN (71) would be the oldest President elected IF he were to make it. He's 71. Biden is 66.

    I love it when people throw words like RELIC around - especially when their candidate would be even more of a fossil.... :lol:


    You miss it entirely. Biden would be a relic if he were years younger. Chronological age has little to do with it. I resent that "fossil" remark - I myself am older than Biden but have perhaps taken care of myself a little better. 'Age' is not merely a function 'time'. Even at an older 'age' I could still press well in excess of 300 pounds, and would gladly go 6 or 7 rounds wity almost anyone - OK there are a few I wouldn't spar with but I wasn't that stupid even when I fought as a young man. I know my limitations, neither Biden nor Obama have grown to realize that.


  19. Sorry, I don't think Palin is anything special... she has insulted American's(sic)...segregatist...troopergate...Katie Couric thing..has flubbed many times...incomplete thoughts with no conclusions. It's an enligh(sic) teacher's nightmare!...she's

    (sic) not ready for prime time...


    Not 'special'? - very few if any men would agree with you - sounds like jealousy to me. 'Insulted - segregatist' - huh? She is right on the mark, well-spoken without the hyprocrisy that marks the others - period. 'Troopergate' is a mark of her strength and willingness to act. I wish others were willing to take a stand and act out of moral strength - may her tribe increase. The 'Couric' thing is a demonstration of control - I would have lashed out and verbally leveled Couric. Palin has a rare self-control coupled with respectful thoughtfulness. Speaking as one who has several languages I assure you she has command of English. She is not a "teacher's nightmare" at all - I could not say the same of your posts. President is not to be a 'prime time' entertainer - perhaps that is something Obama could do.


  20. Obama: Biden Prone to 'Rhetorical Flourishes' | The Trail | washingtonpost.com

    It's certainly no worse than some of Palin's remarks...or any number of Palin's campaign trail comments.


    Surely you jest. Palin has again and again proved herself genuine while on the campaign 'trail' - we know firsthand. She is by far the most intellectually gifted of all 4 - her 20/20 memory is unbelievable. Biden is a relic of the past, and is all about Biden. Review his debate statements - he pulls 'facts' right out of his shoe. Still, he is much, much better that the affliction of an Obama. In respect to 'memory' Obama has shown a huge lack. He can't even remember much about his Islamic upbringing - consistent until age 10! What a dolt. Only 2 possibilities exist - either he is untruthful or his memory is about as reliable as the Indians at Shiloh. In either case he is totally unacceptable to represent ANY American.


  21. One can be an orphaned, handicapped...from Somalia..you are not going to be admitted into Harvard Law School...President of the Harvard Law Review...He taught for 12 years...to question...in light of his accomplishments and resume', is just plain off the mark.

    This is precisely what is wrong - Obama supporters consistently read and believe only what they want to believe. This poster and the amen corner which followed clearly demonstrate this. If one were to read my post and get the facts BEFORE distorting them it is clear - it is about B.O.s scholastic history prior to Harvard. Harvard is another subject altogether - and just as shaky. My daughter is one year older than B.O. and attented college in L.A. at the same time. One MUST fill out grant forms and applications - B.O. refuses to release these and his transcripts. My daughter stayed with her grandma in L.A. and I could have lied and shown this as residency and saved many thousands of dollars, but I am an American and felt (and still do) that deception would detract from any educational benefit. Foerign students and out-of-staters (like myself) were indeed afforded grants - often free, contrary to the uninformed posts. Why would one not question Obama about his application forms? Why does he hide these? Harvard aside and 'president' by his peers (that is not good), everyone knows his 'teacher' and 'lecturer' background - he has never owned a successful business or worked a day in his life. Everything we do know about him is very unsavory. He is incapable of dealing with Joe The Plumber, why in the world would any thinking person believe he has anything to offer except froth and rhetoric? There are even more compelling reasons to clearly demonstrate that B.O. is a very real danger to America - don't blindly fall into the Obama trap.


    p.s. b/t/w B.O. is not quite as bright as many assume. Extensive testing revealed only 5 college students in Calif attained the max reading skill of 1,800 wpm with 100 percent comprehension over 10 consecutive weeks. My daughter was one of the 5 - Obama is not even mentioned.

  22. I think General Powell was very articulate and clear about why he selected Senator Obama...


    OBAMA/BIDEN 08!!!!

    Really? Especially about his statement that he regards Obama's close brotherhood with terrorists and Islamics as "trivial". Insane! He is 'articulate' only in respect to the colloquial norm - not so well-spoken in respect to clarity, much like Obama. Don't be led about like a sheep - in the short term Obama may have some positive effect, but if Biden is correct and an international crisis occurs within the next few months we will have a problem. Picture the professional student Obama meeting with antagonistic Islamic heads of state and saying 'c'mon fellas, can't we all just get along?'. It is imperative that we have strong leadership. McCain brings that. He has the scars to prove it and I can and do attest to the wisdom he has as a result of his battles. He can get the job done. In respect to B.O. his 'scars' consist of a few paper cuts. For myself it matters little - I won't be around to see America brought down to the level of much of the rest of the world of which B.O. declares he is "a citizen of the world". An American is a citizen of America, contrary to Obama. Be an American and do all you can to keep this Obama guy out of American politics - your progeny depends upon it.


  23. When asked to revel his records, McCain immediately released his birth records and all school transcripts. Ask yourself why Obama refuses to release any of these records. We know he received no honors at either Occidental or Columbia - certain it is his GPA was between 2.0 and 3.2 - he is hardly the sharpest nail in the bucket. I have one granddaughter who earned 2 (yes two) fully-earned 4-year B.A. degrees by age 20 - both *** laude! Given that she is substantially smarter than Obama, does that mean she should hide her true age and run for President? Heaven forbid! If for no other reason we cannot allow Obama in - impeachment proceedings may soon follow given the ongoing lawsuit over his nationality. I will assume everyone knows that his mother renounced her US citizenship. Foreign students are given essentially free education - is it possible his applications and transcripts are locked for a reason? This is a question that must be answered before anyone can intelligently vote. If the Dems do win it could take unprecedeted, and expensive, action to replace Obama with Biden, however in my estimation by far the better choice.

