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Everything posted by Oxfordlawn

  1. ok..signature done..I think:o
  2. This is what I ordered to start off with... Emulsifier Plus Power Pack #EMUP5 Power Pack-Makes 8-10 gallons of concentrate Could someone suggest a good mix ratio of soap/12% SH/water that would give me a good place to start with for washing light mold/mildew stained vinyl siding and lightly stained gutters. I have the time today and tomorrow to do all this research...then its back out there to work, so again, thanks for the suggestions
  3. OK I ordered the E-Spec Emulsifier PLus wash and will pick up the 12% tomorrow...Thanks for the info TOM
  4. I agree because whenever I mow a yard where the house was just washed...I can smell the bleach. I just recently mowed the property of a white house and gawd it smelled like they used straight bleach. How will the 12% SH be on plants and grass??
  5. theres a large pool supply outlet real close...so the 12% SH should be an easy one The emulsifier plus i saw on the Espec page...again no problem there... Do yo have any suggestions for a mix ratio that you found worked? Safe to use on colored vinyl siding as long as rinsed before drying..right?? same mixture used on the gutters and white vinyl facia covering and I will clean the gutters and scrub with a brush as needed...just got done reading a different thread.