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Everything posted by R L S

  1. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    Tropical Wave, I use a 20% downstreamer from e-spec. There are pretty cheap. I use the adjustable ones with a ceramic ball this is one of the few things that I like from e-spec.
  2. Truck Lettering / Mag. Signs

    My truck is now lettered on the doors and tailgate. I used to have magnetic signs. I have gotten calls from both. I have a $2,000 dollar a month contract that I got when a manager read my magnetic sign and called. Lets see $75 magnetic sign for $2,000 a month going on for over a year now, yep its worth it. The lettering was $230 and still worth it.
  3. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    I bought the origanal x-jet about a year ago. I used to down stream everything (acids, house wash,etc.), then I got into the x-jet craze and used it for everything. Well now my x-jet sits in the tool box never getting used and I am back to downstreaming and much happier, I guess the old adage if it aint broke dont fix it comes into play with me here.
  4. Moisture Readings

    The boards further out from the house recieve sunlight first because of the roof over hang, therefore drying before the ones nearer the house. I always check my decks in a few different places to make sure the entire deck is at the right moisture content.
  5. Fat Snake.

    Thats a big ole Rattler. Seen a few that long but just a couple. Where did you shoot it at (Location).
  6. If you mean that your burner is rigged to always be on if the machine is running then absoulutley yes always keep water flowing or you can have a coil burst and at the psi they blow at, it would be very bad if not deadly. Your burner should have a flow switch or pressure switch that senses flow or pressure and turns your burner on and off, you need one of these on your machine, if you dont you are asking for trouble. If I misunderstood your question then disregard my post.
  7. Thats 3-4gph if your burner is cranked up all the way and is constantly heating the water and never turning off. I run my burner at 180 and dont use any where near 3-4gph. The water is plenty hot to clean concrete, pop gum and degrease heavy equipment also.
  8. about how much are you clearing?

    I make more than enough for myself. I have no help. Just me doing all phases of the business. I work six days a week and an ocassional Sunday. As far as how much, well, I can always make more.
  9. Estimate form

    To early in the morning to remember what I was going to edit. Good night,
  10. Newlook.Life is good when you have a cabin on North Shore. When my hotshot crew had our 2 days off after a 2week tour we would haul butt up to north shore and close it down then stumble back to Quincy for another tour. Great times, great times
  11. I am not sure how you got the number 4, but that sounds like the orifice size to me. A tip that reads 2504 is a tip that is a 25degree fan and the orifice size is #4 and down the list 4004, 1504 and so on.
  12. Any Audiophiles out there?

    Good thing you clarified that! J/K
  13. Taking Private Land for Private Businesses

    Glad I still have my right to bear arms.
  14. They are both great, good laugh at the end of a long day, thanks. Richard
  15. Nozzles help

    No problem. Happy washing. Richard
  16. Ay- yuh. That's how 'tis.

    Damn Yankees!! JK That is funny though Richard
  17. Nozzles help

    Are all the nozzles the same size as the 25deg.
  18. I just took a 90deg Copper elbow in the right diameter and used a self tapping screw to screw it in to the exhaust pipe works great. Richard
  19. Bid Proposal

    That looks really good Jason Richard
  20. Bid Proposal

    Jason, You might wanna just post the attachment on the board. I have seen these respones get to be many many pages long.Some still get hits months after the posting. But do what you want. Richard
  21. Ok here is the story. I pulled my pump head off to inspect the plungers and make sure everything was ok and that no o-rings were bad. I put the pump back together and now I have a sputering 500psi and that is all she'll give me. my pump is a HOTSY pump and I believe they make their own pumps and of course my dealer is closed right now. Is the pump air locked? or does anyone have any ideas. And of course I have a 13,000sqft brick wash job to finish tomorrow, maybe. Thanks for any feedback. Richard
  22. Morality/Honesty Test at Lowes

    Hey Scott I used to buy thier hose as well but in no time, like 2 months all and I mean all the swivels on them start to leak. I bought some hose from the local LANDA dealer called TUFF SKIN (I believe) and so far it is working great, its not cheap but if it lasts then its worth it. Where are you getting your hose from? Richard
  23. Barlox on a Housewash

    Thats a chunk o-change there!! I can get my glory for around $250 for a 55gal drum. Mostly on houses I use emulsifier plus from e-spec mixed with 12.5% bleach at a 50/50 mix then downstream onto the house. Works great for me. E-spec is having a sale right now for the month. Check them out. Richard
  24. Barlox on a Housewash

    I have heard of cleansol and read about it on eacochems web page I imagine it would work great. I also would think it would cost more than a good soap and bleach mix. I use Glory for tractors and ocassionaly on houses as well and it works great for both. Richard
  25. New To the Forum

    WAZZZ up, from the east coast. Richard