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Posts posted by R L S

  1. All I have used are Landa and hotsy, I currently use a hotsy. Both are great in my opinion. I would say put your trailer together yourself if you have the knowledge and tools. Thats what I did and I made sure I had room to put everything that I needed. Plus its set up to your liking, if down the the road it doesnt suit you change it. Most rigs that I see were bought put together, just a tank, washer and hose reels, no room for chems, ladders, gas, fuel,tool box etc. It worked for me.


  2. I always carry an extra pump belt, pressure switch, thermostat, gas line filter, diesel water seperator, o-rings, tool set, spark plugs, fuses, wire and splicers/connectors elect-tape,teflon tape, plugs and couplers, spare h/p hose, h/p hose field repair end and the list goes on this is in addition to the already posted items. After everyone posts what they carry you'll have a real good idea on what to carry.


  3. Never heard of that company. I would be leary of a direct drive unit you really want a belt drive, it will extend the life of the pump.1000 gal tank man thats alot of water to toting around, 4tons worth, 500 gal tank should be plenty in my mind. I stop spraying water when it is going to freeze soon or is freezing. I would recomend any product from eaco-chem.

    Hope some of this mumbo, jumbo helps.


  4. I to am a one horse wagon and all I use for my business is my cell. I have a land line but thats just for internet and faxing. In fact if my land line rings I dont answer it because nobody I know has that number and I use only my cell number on all my advertising.

    I have used my fax to deliver bids to companies, fax insuracnce info to customers, lately I used it a few times for tax purposes with a company I have an account with they are in P.A so faxing is easier then snail mail. I would not get a land line just to be able to fax though, just me.

