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Barry M

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Everything posted by Barry M

  1. HERE is a lowballer!

    I took these pics today at an estimate, this was the smallest of three decks totaling 1900 sq ft. Thank god the homeowner gave up after blasting this one.
  2. HERE is a lowballer!

    I think he did this deck.....
  3. just bought switchback XT

    Doug, I'm 4 hours north of Clarksville. Last time I stopped there was in Feb on the way back from the Tenn round table. It would be cool to load up a bunch of buddies and head down. I'm going to check their site for info on that shoot you mentioned, thanks.
  4. just bought switchback XT

    Another board I visit when I have time is www.archerytalk.com check it out. Some of my buddies shoot the Switchback, it's a smooth and quiet bow but it's a shame you can't get the speed out of them that they claim you can. If you want speed go with a Bowtech Allegiance, very fast and forgiving. A good friend of mine owns a big pole barn and we've finished off part of it and made a personal archery shop equiped with bow presses, scales, cut off saw, fletching jigs, chronigraph, and all the bow shop goodies. It also has an indoor range and about 6 or 7 of us shoot there every Wed night. We also try to hit a couple 3D outdoor shoots a month, to help us gear up for hunting season. I haven't jumped on the new bow band wagon yet, I still like my Hoyt. The best thing to do no matter what you shoot is to pracitce, practice, practice. Nothing annoys me more than some guys I know that don't touch their bow all year and then pick it up opening morning and go hunting. Then they wander why they missed or wounded a deer and can't find it. I'll be going to Kansas for a week in the middle of November to bow hunt. Indiana isn't know for huge bucks.
  5. http://pressuretek.com/0dessno.html
  6. Credit

    Michael With very little cash, I think direct mailing jumbo PC's or flyers to a specific audience is the best bang for the buck. Other ways to generate work with little to no cash are: Word of mouth, free demos, follow up with existing customers, community involvement, tie-ins with other contractors, public relations, newsletter, bartaring, take-one box with biz cards, and even smiling and being enthusiastic can generate work. Just remember most marketing does not work instantly. You have to stay commited and consistent in your marketing, give it time to work. A lot of business' run an ad or do a mailing and wait for the phone to ring. But nothing happens, so they change their marketing. Again nothing happens. The more they change it, the more nothing happens. Then they stop believing in their efforts and then go out of business.
  7. Test Patch

    I mix my stripper full strength in a spray bottle and apply to a spot on the deck, I reapply or keep wet with water if it's trying to dry, after 5-10 minutes I then scratch lightly with my fingernail. If I can easily scratch and expose bare wood I know I can strip the deck without going full strength. If I don't expose wood, I increase my dwell time and keep trying. After I've determined if it's strippable or not I then rinse the area with water. I always do a test on a vertical spot where the old sealer is in better shape as opposed to a horizontal.
  8. Credit

    I never owned a credit card until last year when I started the biz. So my limit is very low and I normally use it for chems and pay it off before the end of the month. My start up cost was all cash, so I owe nothing as of now and that's fine with me, I don't like having payments. I want a hot box right now but I will not put it on credit and dig a hole before winter, I'll wait till I have the cash.

    I know what your saying Shawn, it does seem like some have stopped spending due to gas prices. But I think that the amount of people who were actually thinking of hiring a PWer and then decided not to because of the gas prices is probably very few. I am not rich or well off by any means and I have to pay these ridiculous gas prices, but have I stopped doing the things I've always done.....nope. I still spend money on my hobbies, I still pay for services, I still purchase the same needs and wants I always have. The only thing different is I complain about the gas prices. I refuse to believe that Joe Blow the homeowner that makes 100,000 or more a year is going to let mold and mildew take over his beautiful home because of gas prices. I am good friends with a few guys who make 6 digits a year and I never, never hear them complain about gas prices. Nor have I seen their spending come to a hault because of it. Just my .02 cents. Thanks for the insight John, good stuff.
  10. The homeowners didn't think it was too dirty, they thought different once they saw the results.
  11. It's not that dirty

    I've gotten junk mail before that was addressed to Barney Maddox, I kinda like the sound of it.
  12. It's not that dirty

    Mike's stealin my thunder!
  13. It's not that dirty

    This deck actually had some old sealer on it besides a little mold. So I stripped it with Timber Strip Pro and then gave it an acid bath with the xjet. Are you joining the BDA now or what? I have used bleach (6%) on a couple of decks, because after stripping them some of the boards were still green looking. The bleach took the green out and also lightened the deck. I don't think you have to nuetralize after washing with bleach, but I'll let Shane or someone chime in on that.

    John Is it the realtors that are hiring you to help them make a sale? Or are the realtors talking the sellers/homeowners into hiring you? Just wandering because around here when someone puts their home on the market the last thing on their mind is sinking more money into it, even if it may help it sell, they just don't care. And as far as the realtors, they don't make enough money as it is, let alone hiring me to wash a house they just have listed, and may or may not even sell. Kory Slow here too man, hang in there. I wish I had some commercial accounts to fall back on but I don't yet.
  15. It's not that dirty

    No pun intended...LOL
  16. It's not that dirty

    Yea, I think your right. For white walls, which I haven't seen since the 80's. They still make that crap?
  17. It's not that dirty

    I also upsold them on cleaning up this small cedar deck, their going to stain it themselves. Again they were amazed, I love powerwashing.
  18. It's not that dirty

    The guy said he tried to scrub the gutters with something called bleach white, before tiring and giving up. Nothing cleans em like GS.
  19. Logo Theft and Fraud

    You could punch him in the head.
  20. oxalic source

    I agree with Dan. Do the whole drive or none at all and Jeff's mix is for x-jetting with no proportioner. The mix is about the same for nuetralizing a deck after cleaning or stripping.
  21. What do you use

    I've used shurflo and a phelps wand to apply muratic to a driveway. Just make sure you rinse everything out.
  22. Bug

    Looks like someone spotted him with chlorine.
  23. Where do I put all this stuff?

    Hey all, I'm starting to accumulate a lot of chems, supplies, equipment, parts, etc. And the old 12' x 8' shed is gettin pretty crowded. Some of my chems I keep in the basement to keep cool and that's getting old too, walking up and down and thru the house. I've actually laid in bed at night when my mind is racing and dreamed about adding on to the shed, only to wake the next morning and realize what a dumb idea. I don't know if I should buy or build another shed or rent somewhere or what. I don't have the funds to build a garage right now which would be ideal, a place to park the trailer too instead of the drive. I live in town to which really sucks, but I was just curious what route some of you took when you reached this point. I have to do something before I start storing containers of 12% under my bed.
  24. HD-80....pain in the you know what

    When people do dumb things like you did and decide NOT to share with others because it might be a little embarrassing. I appreciate you being honest and sharing with us, so that we can learn from your experience. Thank you and stay safe.
  25. HD-80....pain in the you know what

    Hey Len, Do you know what really burns my ass.....