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Barry M

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Posts posted by Barry M

  1. Hey Jeff, I get a dollar a linear foot for one story and two bucks a foot for two story. I'm doing a small one story ranch this weekend for $210 it should take me under 2 hours.

    Everett, I wasn't going anywhere, and your right this is a good discussion. I'm just having trouble coping with the idea of pulling the trigger of my gun standing on a ladder up against a house. It just seems dangerous, not to mention all the up and down and moving the ladder. But again I do see your point about getting at a 90 degree angle to the siding for rinsing. I just realized I may have experienced this weep hole problem myself this summer. I got called back the next day to take care of some steaks on the front of a house that looked good when I left. At the time I wasn't sure what had happened, but this thread has me thinking it was crap running out of the weep holes after I left. It was nasty crap, looked like shingle oil and dirt.

    Your way may take longer than a splash and dash but so did having to drag all my equipment out again to go take care of some streaks. I'm assuming every house is different and that scrubbing may not always be the case. Every tool and technique has it's place and situation, so I will stay open minded on this one. Thanks for your input.

  2. Agreed on chemical usage and not pressure. Do you ever wonder why many directions use the word "agitiate" when working with chemicals and cleaners. This means they need scrubbing. If you really think you can clean rust, acid rain, jet fuel, mold, mildew, algae, dirt, clay stains, egg residue, etc. without scrubbing and using ladders at times then I am disagreeing with you. Again, these are just my opinions..

    I'm not going to argue my opinion with you anymore, besides you have a ton more experience than I do. Which, by the way, is what I meant by calling you old school. Okay it wasn't really, but it sounds good, I certainly didn't mean to call you old Everett.

    I see your point and will definately be looking closer at the next two story house I do. Everett do you wear a safety harness while scrubbing from the ladder? I understand your method, except how do you rinse? Rinsing from a ladder seems extremely dangerous. If your not doing it from a ladder your still spraying water from the ground at the wrong angle which would still leave room for the weep hole problem.

  3. Personally I think it's a new school old school thing. I'm sure back in the day you had to get up there and scrub the house, but now with the x-jet and better chems it's usually not necessary. My chems, shot out of the x-jet, will melt and rinse off almost anything that you might otherwise scrub. I do get the feeling sometimes that the homeowner is very skeptical when they don't see me up on a ladder scrubbing, but their skeptism is crushed when they see the results. To me it's all about using the proper mix of chemicals, not the pressure or scrubbing. Just my opinion.

  4. 1/2 lb to 1 gallon of water? How are you applying your Ox? Wet or dry? Leave it to dry then PW or PW before it dries? Are you neutralizing?

    Looks good man!

    Jeff recommended to me a while back to mix 4lbs to 5 gallons of water and x-jet. It worked very well on the drive I did. No neutralizing just a lot of rinsing. Just my .02 cents, I'm sure Jeff will chime in again.

  5. It's definately based on how many jobs you do. I've been in the biz since this spring, but I've only done a handful of jobs. As long as I keep getting nervous everytime I pull up to a job I will consider myself a newbie. I will have taken the next step once I have more jobs under my belt and build some confidence.

  6. I don't cover any lights, I just keep them wet before, during and after the wash. I've never had to deal with an intercom, but if it's out in the weather I would think its water proof. I would talk to the customer about it and let them know its a concern. I would probably cover it with plastic and duct tape and not spray it directley during the wash. Other than that Lou, I don't cover anything really, patio furniture, plants, lights, outlets, nothing. I just keep everything wet and rinse, rinse, rinse.

  7. It seems like homeowners who are selling don't care about the home anymore, even if it would help sell it, they don't want to sink anymore $ into it. If they do it's, "can you just wash this side of the house" or "just slap some stain on it we're moving". If your in good with a realtor they may mention your services to a client but they aren't going to be pushy about it. My wife is a realtor for Coldwell Banker, she helps me target the higher end neighborhoods, and she has a grasp on the market as far as communities who spend $ and the ones that are a little tighter with $.

  8. Sunday I washed my first house, your average 2000 sq ft 2 story home. Anyway when I got done the homeowner said his neighbor behind him wanted an estimate on one side of his house. So I went over to talk, he said they were moving and just wanted the north side done, it was slightly green. So I told him it would be $75, he said go for it. Before I even wrote up the proposal for him to sign he came back out, handed me a wad of cash and said we're going to the hardware store. I was packed up and gone before they got back, I left a reciept with a business magnet on the door. That was well worth the effort to me.
