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Posts posted by Washaway

  1. If the HOA does not pay for the water then a fire hydrant is the way to go. A meter is requested from the county/city and then placed on a hydrant of my choice. In cases where we are allowed to move the meter around its no big deal....in cases where they lock the meter to the hydrant we simply truck it back and forth or sometimes we get lucky and can place strategically so that tethering works.

  2. Amen!!!

    pool? Give me a break. How about this.....

    1. they have to apologize to the client every time
    2. the first occurrence is a verbal warning
    3. the second occurrence is a written warning
    4. the third occurrence and they lose their job

    there are lots of people looking for work these days! Remind them of it!

    This is assuming a rash of instances close together. Also i would suggest that if you have the equipment to do it, rotate the crewmen and partner then with others. Take them under your wing one at a time are retrain them if you get to the written warning stage and document everything. Show them you are investing in them, and want them to succeed, but let them know it has to stop now.

    I don't like go backs. Sometimes it is a process issue, sometimes a training issue, but you always have to address it - always. Never reward it. It will bite you in the butt and tarnish your reputation.


    p.s. Sometimes it is a "burn out" issue and in that case, it is better they go before they cost you a bundle.....

  3. Flood neighbourhoods with flyers. I started this business by photocopying hundreds of flyers at Kinkos, onto coloured paper. The flyers I designed myself in Powerpoint:)

    Certainly nothing to write home about...but it did the trick.

    Once you start landing jobs you'll learn how to price appropriately and your flyers will change drastically.

    Just don't give up!

  4. I wouldn't spray SH in that basement either!!!!

    The fumes will make you go blind before you suffocate.

    Plus, you have to take into account the people who live there and their reaction to the fumes. You could neutralize afterwards but still.

    I cleaned a 30x35x15deep pool used for acoustic testing. It was a nice windy day yesterday and the SH still irritated my eyes.

    If anything I'd attack it with household bleach, a painter's pole and a coarse brush. Then simply mop up and be done with it.

    Also, you can give Russ Johnson a call. He's got some new bacteria based chems that smell good and work wonders.

  5. My assessment was that those stains were not from muriatic acid. Homeowner that the 'other guy' couldn't remove the black dots. Homeowner then gives him some muriatic acid to try and it turned this color.

    My first question was why would someone pour the acid in the corner by the wall if the spots are 2.5 feet away? (Can you tell i was sceptical?)

    I went along with the story which revealed attempts with chlorine, bleach, etc.

    Bottom line is that I poured a bit of muriatic on it myself and it all cleared right up. Washed off, neutralized and hauled butt!

    Job done.

    ps: i just don't understand why they have to lie. I have feelings too!!!!!:lgtear:
