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Posts posted by Kendra

  1. Hey you are not bursting my bubble. Like I said, 4% doesn't seem like much, and based on what you are using, it isn't. I won't deny that! That is only $208 per year. But over and above the fuel mileage, we get better engine life, cleaner tanks (i.e. less deposits), and lower emissions. So, like anything else it is all relative to your own situation. You would probably be a better candidate for running the engine oils and our overall system flush products that can be run in the burners. Clean out the deposits there. The engine oils do the same type of job, but also extend out the drain intervals, increase lubricity and engine life. And the high temp greases for seals, o-rings, etc. I am working on putting together something to post in the vendors area. This was a quick snipit. If you are interested, I can put together some recommendations, and cost comparisons for you. In the meantime, I am the first to admit, that not all products are good for everyone. On the fuel enhancers, I am selling most of them to large trucking fleets that rack up mileage, and carry heavy loads. Even in school bus fleets, our average fuel economy increase has been holding steady at about 8% across the board. And we take care of fuel stability issues in underground tanks, Increase the lubricity for the lower sulfur fuels that are coming up in states other than just California. And we add far more additives than any of the fuel companies. They do the absolute bare basic, and we put together all of the properties that should be in your fuels and oils that they don't. And we don't sell anything toxic or carcenogenic. That is a big deal to me. So, anyway, I'll get off my soapbox now too! I'll let you know when I get that info posted.


  2. :lgbow: Hey Alan and Jon, thanks for posting my website. Read all you want, but I have not updated my website in awhile, I am sorry to admit! The info about the fuel additive is no more. The product is no longer being made. Too much competition! And the Ca testing was not completed. So, as much as I would like to be selling that one, I had to move on. All of the biodiesel info is correct though. And, to find your nearest fueling stations, logon to biodiesel.org, or your local Clean Cities Coalition websites, and they should have links too. Just about everyone has CCC in their region. If you can't find it, email me and I'll make some phone calls for you. Happily!

    I am presently selling a different fuel enhancer for gas and diesel, as well as synthetic based engine oils, lubes, greases, tranny fuid,....just about anything that you can put into a vehicle! The company website is: http://www.hydrotexlube.com

    The company will guarantee increases in fuel mileage. It doesn't seem like much until you do the math. Even 4% is a nice bonus if it is guaranteed. And yes, we usually get more. You know the old saying, "Underpromise and Overdeliver!" I have been meaning to put something together and post in the vendors section, but here are the tidbits, and I will actually put something together since the topic has now come up! I swear I'll have something up by the weekend!

    Oh, and By the way for those who know me, I just got married a few months ago! So, note the name change! :)

    Kendra Tillery McCreary



  3. Actually I was just referring to walkmans vs. boomboxes. But as far as dress code, we did not have one. There were only 2 of us, and the work that we did, we were never in the public eye. We were locked inside customers locations. So, we both usually wore jeans and a t-shirt with steel-toed boots, and the never leave home without it, baseball cap. And I always seemed to be covered in more grease than the floors started with, some nights!

    During the day was a different story. Whether it was doing sales or just customer service work, I was usually always dressed nice. Business Casual, if you will. That is where the company image showed. Not while we were actually cleaning.

  4. I only worked nights. Flat Work. So, I bought a $20.00 set of cordless headphones. The were supposed to be yellow and black, and after one night of wearing them, they were officially black! I had to duct tape the batteries in so they didn't fall out, but those things lasted 4 years before they finally bit the dust. They were surprising plenty loud enough, and I didn't have to worry about cords. Easy.

