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Doug Black

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Posts posted by Doug Black

  1. Sorry that I have been away for so long... I work a full time job and am staining fences almost full time as well. I wanted to give you all a quick update on removing oil based stain from concrete ~ I have not had the time to reat all the posts {so someone may have already posted this} but I have found a new process that has worked for me 100% of the time

    in a pump sprayer mix TSP (trisodium phosphate) with your favorite degreaser and add water as ususal. Spray the solution on the stain and let it set a few seconds. Use a stiff bristled brush and it should take it right off. If this does not work, I have also let it dry, applied Goof Off with a brush, then the TSP/Degreaser solution. Another great trick is to mix diatomacious earth (common swimming pool ingredient, but don't know if I spelled it correctly). Scrub it into the concrete and allow it to dry. After drying scrape it up with a putty knife and rinse off. Hope this helps everyone!

    I've never thought of using DE. Just be careful with runoff....it's okay to sit in dirt but not otherwise draining into water supply ( I'm a CPO) Cool idea

  2. all i can think is that the xjet backpressure is pulling on the chem injector port and pulling it open enough for the backpressure to then decrease and thus spray....nothing.

    You should probably, as you suggest either run one or the other. Time wise...downsteam....professionalism and quality...upstream... just my opinion... largely the industry is about time but that's them.

  3. Buffer tanks helps your power washing immensely. I use a 30 gallon with a 5 GPM. It's awesome except for very rare super low output. As in..."I'm not quite sure how you even shower with this type of water output" Answer: "Yes, it's very hard. We were going to get that fixed" (Yes this has really happened). Sometimes on driveways you have to wait a minute but by then it's good to take a break anyway.

  4. Arthur Boorman was a disabled veteran of the Gulf War for 15 years, and was told by his doctors that he would never be able to walk on his own, ever again.

    He stumbled upon an article about Diamond Dallas Page doing Yoga and decided to give it a try -- he couldn't do traditional, higher impact exercise, so he tried DDP YOGA and sent an email to Dallas telling him his story.

    Dallas was so moved by his story, he began emailing and speaking on the phone with Arthur throughout his journey - he encouraged Arthur to keep going and to believe that anything was possible. Even though doctors told him walking would never happen, Arthur was persistent. He fell many times, but kept going.

    Arthur was getting stronger rapidly, and he was losing weight at an incredible rate! Because of DDP's specialized workout, he gained tremendous balance and flexibility -- which gave him hope that maybe someday, he'd be able to walk again.

    His story is proof, that we cannot place limits on what we are capable of doing, because we often do not know our own potential. Niether Arthur, nor Dallas knew what he would go on to accomplish, but this video speaks for itself. In less than a year, Arthur completely transformed his life. If only he had known what he was capable of, 15 years earlier.

    Do not waste any time thinking you are stuck - you can take control over your life, and change it faster than you might think.

    Hopefully this story can inspire you to follow your dreams - whatever they may be.

    Anything is Possible!

  5. RawforLife Blog: Spinach And The Oxalic Acid Thing

    "Oxalic acid is contained in many foods eaten by raw fooders, and 'significant' amounts have been found in spinach, kale, Swiss Chard, 'fat hen' (lambsquarters), watercress, purslane, parsley, beets, bell peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, cacao, nuts (eg almonds, cashews), seeds (particularly whole sesame seeds), buckwheat, some fruits (eg plum, starfruit, mango, most berries), some pulses, ginger. Wow - all those! So do we need to rule all those foods out of our diet? In most cases, no."

    Here's another neat article. This article says it's in almost anything (ok, I'm exaggerating but it's a lot) Oxalates In Spinach – Is Oxalic Acid A Green Smoothie Health Concern? | Incredible Smoothies

    Kinda cool. Calcium, naturally present in many plants, neutralizes it, according to the articles...

    The second article says our own bodies produce oxalic acid too!

  6. The board walk has hardened, cooked wood; (CCA) the moldy wood guy was the sodium metasilicate homeowner. (SYP)

    But yeah, if the board walk guy had properly cared for his wood he would have saved money long term plus at buy and install, since regular wood is cheaper and he said he had to predrill all holes...

    But I guess a function of that is how long stains right along the boardwalk...which I don't know.

  7. Haha interesting. This last quote seems like my worst nightmare...can you imagine a customer calling about this if they didnt know it was special wood: "

    First was the mold phase - not sure what that was all about, but it developed gray/black mold spots all over. I did nothing and they went away. Last year was the fur phase. I read about this from some other users. The top layer of fibers seems to slough off, and it looks like fur for a while before the fibers wear off. Now it seems to be settling in. Not as much splitting as regular pressure-treated lumber but small surface cracks like you get with SYP."

    I gathered that the wood WAS screwed up. They go on to say they are still working on the process.... :D

    But I guess that might happen to some extent even if it was good?

    That said, I don't why you couldn't stain right over that process to prevent some of the problems....assuming it didn't cause unevenness/streaking/lack of adhesion...

  8. Was 47 or so in Raleigh today. Today I powerwashed some egg vandalism off a house and windows. Two weeks ago I powerwashed deer blood from asphalt from a huge deer, apparently freshly killed and left for a prank. Lots of pranks in the area lately :D Must be the cold coming on....
