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Posts posted by AustinPressureWashing

  1. Chris is right. You should post some pics before letting someone tell you what to do or going to an unnecessary expense.

    Steel Eagles are hard to break and a swivel should last for years before needing replacement. Yes, it is a machine and all of them break down from time to time, but there are so few moving parts.

    I've created streak marks before by overlapping the cleaning radius on an area just cleaned. I actually cleaned it too much and it didn't blend.

    Also, you could have bent the wand out of balance by accidentally banging it up against something when setting up or breaking down your equipment. It happens.


  2. I feel that too often people are trying to live up to others expectations, which is why I make it a point to express to my prospective customers, that i never leave a job that doesn't meet the standards to which I would desire on my OWN HOME.

    Well said. Yes, I have taken the quality of the job personally to my own expense numerous times. Something most clients wouldn't even recognize as really, really good work, but I just HAD to do it. ha! I've finally learned that lesson over time as I have dumbly told someone, 'yea, we can get that out' - and then it doesn't work.

    Explaining 'reasonable expectations' before the work is performed has saved me from those embarrassing situations over the last few years.

    Glad to know I'm not the only one with the perfectionist problems. ha!


  3. Pete,

    Thanks for your post and I've actually learned from the others chiming in. Glad I joined this forum.

    I've been in the business 4 years and just this year started doing fences and decks due to the hail storms in Austin last year and Stage 2 water restrictions eliminating a lot of the flat work I typically do. Gotta find work somehow.

    Anyway, my new business partner has done hundreds of decks and fences in Austin over the years and turned me on to Flood Products' stains. It is actually designed to go on when the fence is moist and I thought he was crazy when he first told me. We will pressure wash a fence in the morning and stain it in the afternoon.

    If your other options don't pan out for some reason, feel free to contact me and I'll share some pics of the jobs we've done and the application process. Peculiar, but effective. No, I don't sell the product.

    Take care,

