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Mike Sweerin

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Posts posted by Mike Sweerin

  1. When we first got started we were in the same place. You need to look at this if you buy a 4 gpm machine there will be jobs you can not take on because they will be to large. I went to the buy our pressure washer and got a 8 gpm for our 1st machine with a down patment they let me take it on 90 days same as cash that was trailer , water tank and everything I needed to get started so look into that. Feel free to pm me your number and i can call and help you if you would like.

  2. You must have some mighty big driveways out there, as 300 gallons for me would be one hour of washing. To use that just for a rinse seems crazy. I can use one 230 gallon tank to do 3000 square feet. Surface cleaner first, then back to rinse and get the gum.

    we have 2 units one is 8 gpm and the other is 11gpm so we use alot of water. But like I said the more you rince the better you job will look. Remember down here in Ga. we have red clay on all our concrete.

  3. Aright guys and gals its time to give us your feedback on our wesite. We want to know what you think and don't hold back. This website is really cool because when a customer clicks on request a quote fills out the info our servers email us that info right to our cell phone/pda. Thanks alot Mike

  4. Thanks Mike :cool:

    I'm gonna get with Beth too when i'm ready to get a site going.

    I'm working on getting all the info together i want to put on a site.Also working on getting all my pics organized got tons of em and still counting. :)

    Mike the brick background on your site is that a picture or a graphic that was made?

    I'll have to get with jake on that,but I belive that it is graphics. Like I said give me a call and I can tell you what all our websites do. Ours do more than just give our customers somthing to look at. Call me on Monday and I'll fill you in.
