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Everything posted by jayk2005

  1. Degreaser - Caustic Soda Beads

    thank you adrian ... i am having trouble filling out this signature line i thought i had already looking for my controls button and don';t seem to be able to find it can you help me thanks jason
  2. Degreaser - Caustic Soda Beads

    I know some guys are using dawn soap as a foaming agent I am after the same formula if anyone can help that would be great
  3. Hey guys I realize there is a search on this site but having a bit of trouble figuring it all out. I am currently doing restaurant hoods in Ontario Canada and using an avco powerfoam as a degreaser. Somewhere I have heard of guys mixing caustic and dawn together for a degreasing foaming agent. Is there a cost advantage to doing this?? Does it work better?? Is anyone using this that can share some thoughts on this?? and if so can anyone give me the formula. jason_powerclean@hotmail.com is my e mail .. thanks guys