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Aaron Sullivan

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Posts posted by Aaron Sullivan

  1. these have never been done before. it is a post construction job to remove all the gunk from the concrete so they can stain it. the water isn't getting in the units. it is going between the pad and the wall and going down to the next floor.

    as of now, we are scraping and wire-bristle brushing the junk up, but it isn't removing 100% of everything. the contractor is fine with our work, but i am far from pleased.

    i just thought of the blasting yesterday and thought i would ask.


    aaron sullivan

  2. we won a bid on a new 4 story condominium complex. we were to clean all the breezeways of drywall mud, paint, etc...

    well...we started on the fourth floor and ten minutes in water was leaking down the wall of the third floor. now, we covered our 'a$$' by having a signed agreement on this, and the contractor is completely cool considering his tenant tore him a new one.

    anyways, i have been racking my brain for a month and today thought about soda or sand blasting.

    would this work for this application? i have never used blasting of any type. so, if it would work, where would i get the equipment?


    aaron sullivan

  3. the deck is 6 years old and so is the previous sealer. the contractor that built the deck is the one subbing all the work. normally, i would be a little insulted that i am not the one staining after i prep, but i am a little hesitant about this wood. according to ya'll i shouldn't be, so i will talk to the contractor and put a bid in.

    so, i figured start with a light sh mix and go from there. using as little chem and as little pressure as possible?

    thanks everyone for your help,


  4. i had a bid today for a deck with redwood flooring and mahogany rails. they suggested i uselow pressure and hot water. i suggested not.

    my question is this...do i strip and neutralize this the same as any other deck? if not, how should i prep it? 99% of the decks we do are ptp.

    they have a painter lined up to seal/stain it. i want to bid on staining it, but i have never done one and i don't want to goober it up. should i feel confident in it coming out well. i use ready seal and do great work. i just know this deck cost a fortune and i don't want to mess it up.

    thanks for your responses,

    aaron sullivan

    alpine window cleaning

    & pressure washing

    nashville, tn

  5. What's up Aaron? Hope all is well in Nashville--

    ...What is the current moisture level? I'd give it maybe one or two months, bleach wash/neutr. and stain. Probably need a light coat after first year. If they wait until yr. two, then you have to do a detail wash, which would take significantly longer (cost more). Option: 1: Rinse now and stain, then rinse next year and stain. Option 2: Wait yr, detail wash and stain. Sell them on option 1.

    all is well here, mr. fife. this guy is one of those customers who doesn't even ask me how much. he just says to go do it. for that, i am lucky and i have him sold on redoing it next year. i just cleaned and sealed it last summer and he has since torn it down and rebuilt a larger deck!

    i just thought i remembered pierce saying i could do it almost immediatly upon construction but that i would need to do it again the following year. i wanted to get everyones opinion here as well.


  6. Aaron--

    ....Are you "Alpine"?? When I lived in TN, I saw your guys out a lot. The did the windows near my apt., strip mall in Cool Springs across from Carrabba's. FWIW, I think you are in the best untapped deck market in the country.

    Regarding the question, is sanding an option?? If not, how about just "water blasting" the wood, and buffing afterwards?? It's not just the chem getting into the water, you've also gotta think about whatever it is taking off is going to go there too. I'd just use water. And since it is Redwood, I'd brighten with Citric Acid (Harcros Chem. on Murf. Rd.). Show customer MSDS, citric is a food-grade product.

    Could you apply stain by hand?? That would make your preferred-stain situation a moot argument. The "Redwood Only" ReadySeal in Light Brown looks beautiful on Redwood. If you ever want any referrals or some of my past customer names, shoot me an email.



  7. i don't know if i have posted here before, but here we go...

    i have a customer who has a deck that is over a spring-fed pond and another over a creek. my question is this...he is extremely anal about anything getting in the water besides "soap." (his words not mine) i am not sure if i can get away with a pre-carb, but i feel pretty confident. he said it was sealed with a 'clear coat' about 5 years ago.

    what can i use to safely prep these decks? i would use tarps to reroute the water, but there is no way to do it.

    and question two...what kind of stain should i use? the customer said it is made of redwood. this is my first redwood deck and i am not sure what to use on it for stain. i typically use ready seal and i believe i heard/read that it does not do well on redwood.

    thanks for your help in advance.
