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Posts posted by MeiersEnterprises

  1. I had a similar experience just this week. I knew this lady was cheap from the second I spoke with her on the phone. You know the type...

    I go to the house (on Palm Beach - Very Rich Area - $million plus) and tell her $350 for the roof (white tile / no gutters) and another $75 for the driveway. I quoted a bit high on purpose. She said she got it done way cheaper than that "8 years ago". I said the lowest I can go is $350 and she said she needed more quotes. I said how much did you think it would cost? She said $150 range. lol

    Fast forward 2 days. I called her and she said on the phone another guy is going to do this for $200. I immediately said is it "company name"? Of course it was. It was the same guy who always lowballs every job he bids on. He also gets a lot of work because I've seen his trucks everywhere.

    ugh... I don't want that job for $200 though. He can have it...

  2. MY RANT:

    If I had to blame someone, I would blame everything on the leftist media. This country is turning socialist, which is a stones throw from communism. Taxes for instance are absolutely killing American small business - as well as every productive member of society. Taxes have forced us into 2 income households which has a terrible longterm effect on our children. You put your kids in daycare (because you have to) and expect someone who makes $7 per hour to raise your kids with honor, respect and integrity. It's just not possible. In an ideal situation, a mother should be home with her kids while the father works - or vice versa. Someone needs to be there - NOT some 19 year old who can't wait to get off work and go home to smoke pot with her boyfriend. [no offense to anyone - its just my opinion]

    Here are the top (and only) 6 headlines on Yahoo at this moment:

    1 Pilot killed in S.C. Blue Angel crash

    2 Tech gunman bought ammo clips on eBay

    3 Mass shootings more common since 1960s

    4 U.S. soldiers' deaths in Iraq hit home at military academy

    5 Washington governor signs domestic partner bill

    6 California officials impose quarantine to stop moth's spread

    #1 Real news

    #2 They say this like it's a crime. This is the left's way of using information to convince people that the govt should take our guns away, so we are completely dependent and controlled. Without guns, we are helpless at defending ourselves if the govt becomes too powerful and communistic - which is the MOST important reason to own a gun. Because of stories/headlines like this, eBay will ban the sale of ammo clips (like clips actually killed someone). This is a neverending onslaught of socialism. If anyone gives up their gun, the left will win and you will forever be a pawn in someone else's game.

    #3 Again, hit people with the information that will change their minds to the leftist view. One headline isn't enough - lets try two.

    #4 The left hates Bush, so why not always have a headline which does not support the war in any way. I don't even like Bush but we are in this war and have to finish it. Whining will not help the cause. Where are the good stories about Iraq? I'm sure there are at least a few!?!? Media headlines are ALWAYS negative on the war. Since day 1, this has been happening and it does NOT help the situation.

    #5 Most Gays are left - If you are born gay, that's fine. Just don't try to convince families that they are wrong by raising their children in a 2 parent household. It seems like every channel on TV has someone gay and gays only make up 6% of the population. This is NOT the norm for society and never will be. Additionally, as many gay parents will raise decent children, it is not the "ideal" situation for a child. Kids need good/positive male and female influences in their life. I've never seen 2 gay men concieve a child together. It's just not possible!

    #6 Real news [another California Law on the books which makes CA seem like it's a revolutionary lawmaker with all good intentions. This is just not true. There is no other state with more socialistic laws than CA. Again - The left tries to bring credibility to a state where almost none can actually be found.]

    That's 5 out of 6 headlines that are part of the leftist agenda. Look at Yahoo and other media headlines/outlets each day and you will see how left they actually are.

  3. What a terrible tragedy. Things like this hurt the whole country. CNN can't stop talking about lack of gun control, which is searching for an answer that doesn't exist. If a person snaps, knowone will be able to stop them. I have the unpopular belief that if everyone carried a gun (or at least the professors), this would never have happened in the first place.

    My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child.

  4. 3 weeks I searched for that music. Thanks

    First let me say it's a catchy looking site. Really draws you in and I like the colors alot. You did an OUTSTANDING job on the design!

    One thing about the music. I'll say this as nicely as I can since you spent so much time searching for the perfect sounds (very good choice by the way).

    That being said: I can't stand when websites "take over" my speakers. It's like hijacking my computer without asking me. It's worse to me than a popup ad. When I'm on the web, I listen to my own music or sometimes radio net broadcasts and your music just starts playing right in the middle (and over the top of) what i'm listening to. It's my one pet peeve about annoying websites.

    If you want someone to stay and revisit your site often, you'll kill the tunes. YES, I understand you can turn it off, but really I can't turn it off. If I turn it off on your homepage, it stops... Then I click one of your internal links and look through your site to check it out. I used my back button to get back to your homepage and LOW & BEHOLD, I'm treated AGAIN with your wonderful selection of music (without my approval) coming over the top of my own music.

    As an Example: Lets just say you worked it out (with cookies) so when i kill the music, it stays off for good during my visit to your site. Well, that seems fine on the surface but you've already pissed me off (just a bit) because you interrupted my music and MADE me LOOK FOR the stupid off button which is always in a different location depending on the site and CLICK IT to turn it off.

    HERE's THE KICKER: I delete my cookies about once a week (and so do a lot of other people) so if I come back to your site next week, Again my computer is HIJACKED and you MAKE ME do 2 things just to VISIT your site. Again, I have to LOOK FOR the off button and then CLICK IT.

    This experience would be repeated to me FOREVER! That's why NO popular or corporate website uses music as a background.

    Here's one that's fun for the whole family or office!!!

    Let's say yesterday, or this morning, I was listening to music on my computer at a pretty high volume. Maybe, I wasn't even at my computer but just listening to it while i'm in the same room...

    Now, Picture this: I've turned off my music BUT the speakers are STILL ON even though there's no sound coming out of them. Also very common situation for most netizens. When I go back to your site, I see that pretty picture trying to load and then BOOOOOOOOOOOM I'm hit with YOUR favorite selection of music at 47 GAZILLION Decibals (in my face because I'm now sitting at the computer). That one I REALLY Love!!!

    THEN, for added excitement and listening pleasure (now from co-workers or family members), I have to go home and change/wash my clothes because I PISSED MYSELF when your music came on!

    It's annoying at best and I can appreciate your excellent intentions.

    Things that make you go: HMMMMMMMMM

    Gotta go home and change now... If I get a rash from these wet jeans, i'm coming after you. lol

  5. It's far more than the nicotine alone. Smoking is a chemial addiction, with a physical component (hands) and oral pacifier. It also has a social component, offers the relaxation of deep breathing, requires periodic breaks from ones daily grind. It quells the appetite, encourages weight loss, and acts as a quick pick me up. Finally, being a smoker is like owning a Harley. You can find another smoker in any country on the planet and they will share their smokes, their matches, and their company as if they knew you...

    Support anyone who choses to quit. It's a very hard thing to do.

    Best description Ive heard. My mom quite cold turkey after 30 yrs but stills wants a smoke with me once in a while after not smoking for 10 years. This addiction is unbelievably strong... It's a mind over matter thing though. I quit for 6 months once and noticed that if you can just hold out for 30 seconds, the craving will go away. Yet to return again in an hour or so (even after the 3rd month). I was pretty good after 6 months but broke up w/ my girlfriend, got drunk, bought a pack, etc, etc, etc,..

  6. Sorry for a long chat on the stump, I am done.

    I am the KING of long chats on the stump. lol

    Cell phones, mark my word here on them, when CA bans them or says you cannot talk holding one while driving I will be first in line to start a class action lawsuit for discrimination against the hard of hearing (hearing impaired, and I hate it said that way).

    I have tried the thingy in the ear and it is worthless for me, I have tried the little mike on the visor and it is worthless for me and I have written many letters to our state Reps telling them that and to invite me up to the Capitol to speak and demo what it is like being mostly deaf and how those things are worthless.

    Twice they did not pass the law, I take NO credit for it but feel myself and others who wrote letters for us deafies made a point.

    Seems to me that the only reason that you are against it is because the law should not apply to you being hearing impaired. You forget that when you open the flood gates by banning cell phones in cars, they will go after other things like drinks (first no cup holders in cars - just like a lot of cars don't have lighters and some don't have ash trays at the govts request). Once you start banning things, there is NO stopping it. I was rear ended once because the guy behind me dropped his cigar and it wasn't even lit!!! When I was a teenager, I dropped a piece of candy between my seats and ran off the road popping 2 tires... $hit happens - you can't ban everything - that just turns law abiding citizens into criminals.

    The picture is a typical liberals perception of the ideal American Future. The liberal is the one on the outside. He has a doctors note and he's hearing impaired so he doesn't have to wear the suit... lol

