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Posts posted by MeiersEnterprises

  1. I had to look up Anathema - lol

    n. pl. a·nath·e·mas

    1. A formal ecclesiastical ban, curse, or excommunication.

    2. A vehement denunciation; a curse: “the sound of a witch's anathemas in some unknown tongue” (Nathaniel Hawthorne).

    3. One that is cursed or damned.

    4. One that is greatly reviled, loathed, or shunned: “Essentialisma belief in natural, immutable *** differencesis anathema to postmodernists, for whom sexuality itself, along with gender, is a ‘social construct’” (Wendy Kaminer).

  2. Alph111,

    I am still laughing at the image of you being drug from your home screaming "Freedom!!" like William Wallace in Braveheart. That would be a powerful way to go out in a blaze of glory should you ever choose to.

    You dont think this sort of thing happened during our Civil War? Everyone in this country was given equal rights because of this same type of American sacrifice. Some screamed "Freedom!!" before they were drug out of their homes and slaughtered like sheep JUST to give YOU the opportunity to speak freely on this board today!

    Great movie BTW...

  3. Regarding "taking land",

    Needless to say, this would have GREATLY improved the lives of many people in the area.

    With all due respect, in my $1.23 opinion, I think this is an INSANE statement!

    If I were living in a small town now (which i did in Calhoun GA for 2 years), the major appeal to me would be the LACK of city life. Nothing beats driving through those winding country roads and sitting out on the porch at night and actually being able to see the stars because there are no city lights. The smell of fresh air, burning leaves and freedom abounds! That is the draw for these people in small towns. It's a precious thing that most don't want to part with. Who's right is it to say that something will "greatly improve" the life of someone else when you are not that person. So the town is "poor" - that does NOT make it your responsibility to change that. That is the way small town people want to live and breathe. They know they could make more money if they lived in the city but they CHOOSE not to. I bet not ONE of those "POOR" people you are talking about does not have a television, VCR or DVD player, running water, sewer and a proper porcelain toilet. How many of those "POOR" people have outhouses and use the Sears catalog for toilet paper like they used to do in the 20's? That to me would be poor but not necessarily unhappy...

    You're advocating the theft of some people's rights while attempting to benefit other people that probably want nothing to do with your ideals, money, charity or opinions. That is completely Anti-American. You internally justified the taking of another mans land by basically saying he's old and he is gonna die anyways so it's ok if we steel it because some other people feel they will benefit. Let me take your pressure washing equipment, sell it and give it to these poor people. That should be OK right? I mean hell, it will benefit SOOOOOO many people who need that money more than YOU. Think of the diapers I could buy and distribute with $10K! We'll call you a Saint - just to make you feel better while you struggle to buy new equipment. But think about ALL the happy babies I helped with your stolen goods!

    I live in North Palm Beach Florida which is part of Palm Beach County - A HUGE county. Recently, PBCounty decided to give Millions of dollars in land and Millions of dollars in tax benefits to a Corporation (Scripps) who wishes to move to Florida - very close to me. Their sales pitch is that they will bring in 5000 jobs and millions in tax dollars to PBCounty. Of course, how many electrical engineering people (or insert job title here) are out of work here in my town? - I'll venture to say NONE. So the people will MOVE HERE for the jobs. They won't come internally.

    Lets examine this.

    Myself and my company pay full price in taxes, Scripps doesn't pay any taxes at all for 10 years (or similar - dont know the exact final specifics). PBCounty used MY MONEY (stolen in taxes) to buy and pay for the land of another corporation who's employees (not current residents) ultimately will benefit with higher incomes (less corporate taxes = more employee income and faster company growth). Now, the county has taken my money away from me (which i would have chosen to keep - given the option) and given it to someone else. That was MY MONEY they gave to 5000 people! Forget the reasons why - It friggin happened without my consent!

    Again, the argument is that these 5000 people will spend their money here and increase tax revenue for the county. Point taken and yes that's true BUT I enjoy my life here where there isn't much traffic and there's no smog and there isn't a gas station on every corner. I can smell the beach from my home! This is why I moved here from the city!

    Out of vacation season, I can get to the beach in 5 minutes - In season, it takes me 15. I don't WANT more people here. I like it the way it is. In Atlanta, It took me 1 HR to drive to the mall which was only 6 miles away from my home. That is not a fun drive when 90% of that time you are stopped in traffic.

    Additionally, Scripps will receive free property taxes, and tax rebates for 10 years. In exchange for that, I get screwed out of money (in the hidden form of taxes) and NOW I'm going to have to deal with traffic jams ALL year long.

    How is this fair and productive to the people that live here? We DONT WANT IT but It's happening anyways because PBCounty is huge and our vote (the ones effected) is miniscule in comparison to the numbers of people in the county. Again, MY MONEY was TAKEN FROM ME to better someone else (so they say).

    This is the same situation with property rights - take from one person and give to another. It's just wrong!!!

  4. Glad I still have my right to bear arms.

    Australians already lost their guns:


    The UN wants ours too:




  5. As many of you know, the Supreme Court ruled it to be ok for the govt to take away private homes and land to develop commercial properties in order to specifically increase the tax revenue in a particular city.

    This has bothered me so much! This is a huge problem for all of us because once you go down this road, it will never stop. Huge corporations will take over! It's one thing to build a stadium and take a few homes with compensation, or widen a road and take some land, but this new ruling has dire effects on all of us.

    Basically, if WalMart looked on the map and saw the perfect spot for a store, they can petition to take that land from anyone who lives or works there just because WalMart could bring in more taxes if it existed in that spot.

    As I'm reading this morning, I came across this artice:


    This is awesome! Someone in New Hampshire is going after Justice Souter's land. Souter was a supporter and voted for the land steeling act and I hope to God (for every American's sake) that they take his land and build a hotel called "The Lost Freedom Hotel". The hotel will include a museum, open to the public, featuring a permanent exhibit on the loss of freedom in America.

    They should setup a pre-guest registration form on the net to prove how popular it would be for their city.

    The Best Part: There are only 5 people on the board who can decide the fate of Souter's home. It only takes 3 to be convinced and The Lost Freedom Hotel will be in business!

  6. Congrads John! Beautiful truck!

    Hell, everythings a gamble. Even if you see and drive the truck in person, that doesnt mean it will make it home. I know someone who bought a car and it caught on fire 3 miles from the car lot as he was leaving.

    Seems like a great price. Thats less than the wholesale auction price as far as i can tell. In my area of FL it's worth $23,500. Id put it in my local autotrader immediately just to see if i could make a quick 5 or 6 grand+.

    Good luck - let us know how it is after you pick it up.

  7. How to fool a cop

    A police officer pulls a guy over for speeding and has the following exchange:

    Officer: "May I see your driver's license?"

    Driver: "I don't have one. I had it suspended when I got my 5th DUI."

    Officer: "May I see the owner's card for this vehicle?"

    Driver: "It's not my car. I stole it."

    Officer: "The car is stolen?"

    Driver: "That's right. But come to think of it, I think I saw the owner's card in the glove box when I was putting my gun in there."

    Officer: "There's a gun in the glove box?"

    Driver: "Yes sir. That's where I put it after I shot and killed the woman who owns this car and stuffed her in the trunk."

    Officer: "There's a BODY in the TRUNK?!?!?"

    Driver: "Yes, sir."

    Hearing this, the officer immediately called his captain. The car was quickly

    surrounded by police, and the captain approached the driver to handle the tense situation:

    Captain: "Sir, can I see your license?"

    Driver: "Sure. Here it is."

    It was valid.

    Captain: "Who's car is this?"

    Driver: "It's mine, officer. Here's the owner's card."

    The driver owned the car.

    Captain: "Could you slowly open your glove box so I can see if there's a gun in it?"

    Driver: "Yes, sir, but there's no gun in it."

    Sure enough, there was nothing in the glove box.

    Captain: "Would you mind opening your trunk? I was told you said there's a body in it."

    Driver: "No problem."

    Trunk is opened; no body.

    Captain: "I don't understand it. The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn't have a license, stole the car, had a gun in the glove box, and that there was a dead body in the trunk."

    Driver: "Yeah, I'll bet the lying jerk told you I was speeding, too."

  8. the deck is surrounded by those Hosta plants, those things are pretty much indestructable....I have them at home and have tried kilkling them and I cant..lol

    You know Hostas are pretty easy to transfer. You just take your shovel and cut the whole darn plant in half or in quarters, dig it up, break it apart and you'll have 20 Hostas to transplant. They look nice too. You can do the same with Lyriope (tall grassy looking plants).

  9. I've never had problems with paypal and now they allow non-members to pay you just like a regular online transaction. No signing up or anything, you just put a link on your site and it goes to a credit card page for payment. I was just looking into this yesterday...

  10. Philip is da man!

    My roomate is pissed at the jury for not convicting him but you can't just convict someone without evidence, even if you think he's guilty. That DA should be FIRED and QUICK! Now Jackson will probably molest some other kid and it will be the DA's fault for not doing his job correctly.

  11. Thank you all for the information!

    I hope the FairTax happens soon! Does anyone know teh current status on it?

    Yeah, this tax situation is rediculous!

    This page is updated everyday with the latest news about the FairTax:


    Join their site and they will tell you how to help. They are really trying to get this thing passed. Trying to help, I've changed my signature to include a link to them. I encourage everyone to change their signature on every board they subscribe to so we can get the word out about the FairTax. Just a thought but it won't change until people start calling and writing our worthless congressmen. Tell everyone please.

  12. Not to take away from the wheel subject but they have some good prices there at Harbor Freight. I thought this rechargeable 18 volt grass trimmer may be useful for a pressure washer since we don't need them much. It's only $38 with freight! I hate having to deal with a cord. Maybe I'll just buy a gas one but they take up too much room, and I only use the darn thing once in a blue moon. Im a poet? lol

