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Posts posted by WEW

  1. It's probably me. The perp. and I corresponded. I'm cool with it. If I was going national or had some other big deal going on it may have been an issue. It's just a character, besides it's nice to have my picture all over the country. Then when people come to the Tampa area they can say. "Hey Mona, ain't that the guy we see all the time around town? You know, that pressure washer guy." "Sure is Harold, why he's just as handsome, cut and buffed just like his picture on that guys trailer!"


    In fact, the guy I got it from said I could use it too.

  2. Most important thing is to vote period. WEW may not like harleys but he makes a valid point about voting.

    Right, people have given friends, family and their lives so we can vote. Least we otta do is give a bit of time to do it, to thank them for it.

    By the way, I actually do like Harleys. I just think there lemming and

    lookatme bikes. Boneshakers! Just my opinion. You haven't ridden till you do a thousand miles a day on a BMW. Go to a Harley rally and most of them arrive on the back of a truck. It ain't the destination, it's the journey!


  3. Don't matter who's in the White House. Everybodies going to ***** about something. Ronald RayGuns ZZZZZaaaap. He was picked on incredibly. After he dies, "O man, best president we ever had!!" **** and moan, **** and moan. It's always something. I'll guarentee you if Bush sticks to his guns till he gets out of office or dies. "O man, best president we ever had!!"

    By the way if you don't vote, you don't get to **** and moan. You got nothing to say. You gave them up!!


  4. Scott's right, the biological makeup and molecular structure of mold and mildew is broken down in two ways. With chemical, the root mass reacts in a violent contraction. The root base actually receades into itself. Much like a scared turtle pulls its head and legs in. Allowing you to rinse it away. Hot water pretty much does the same thing. However, no chem, skip a step!!


  5. 36% suspect the government promoted the attacks or intentionally sat on it's hands.

    16% believe explosives brought down the towers.

    12% believe a cruise missile hit the pentagon

    It amazes me that there are people in this country that would believe such a huge load of BS. Scarey part is the number is growing. We even have them in our leadership. Oh well, just part of the program. It's real interesting watching the show.


  6. If you have a cough at night mix two tablespoons of honey whiskey and lemon juice ,drink and sleep tight.

    Add cloves to that and drink it as hot as you can stand it. Pile the blankets on and sweat it out. Hence, tarping my sweat lodge.


  7. John

    I posted on this thread earlier...but felt compelled to tell you THANK YOU!! Thank you for your response...and more importantly, thank you for your service! I know that what you are doing, you are doing for me...and everyone in the U.S. God Bless You!

    As I mentioned in my earlier post, my son is a brand new 2nd LT. and will be deploying to Iraq next Summer. When he tells me about the men he is serving with, their commitment and service, it is incredibly humbling. He also tells me that is is the men and women, like you, that are making this work and doing the work.

    Thanks for you input, it means a lot. Please take the advice that I've given my son...take care of yourself. If you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of your team. God Bless...and when you're finished there, come back home to us!


    Kevin, Please thank your son for his service. I can relate, my son just started his 5th week of Navy basic at Great Lakes Training Command. I'm so proud of him I could burst.

    He's led prayer at chow several times. Has had cadets that said they never would, asking him to pray for them. When it gets down to the wire where do we turn? Believer and non believer.


  8. Hot water doesn't kill algae or mold...not at the temps we're using. It doesn't take me more than a couple minutes to downstream chlorine onto the driveway, and if I'm doing the pooldeck, I'm also usually doing the cage, so there's already chlorine all over the deck by the time I clean it. I can't imagine doing a pool cage with heavy algae without chlorine.

    As far as stucco, I have no problems cleaning it without hot water...I may to hit it with a 2nd dose of chlorine in severe cases, but it still comes clean.

    Strange, all the concrete I do with hot water stay cleaner longer then when I use chem. Must be the environment.


  9. Oh man, the secrets out! Yes you can do that as long as your mix is right and you water plant life while applying your chem. However, assorted stuff

    like muddaubers, wasp nests, frog crap, bird crap, cacoons and the like will be tougher to remove. It's a trade off, you might save effort but lose time and thoroughness. Whatever blows your hair back.


  10. Thank you everyone. John, I will check him out. I want to stay somewhat in our area just for the fact that if there are any warranty problems I could bring it right back and not have to worry about shipping a 500 lb machine somewhere. A-1 Hydrotek in Westchester is an authorized Landa dealer. They are trying to sell me a 16 hp vanguard belt driven 3500/4.7 skid with a Landa pump, sched 80 coil for $6700. Adjustable thermo is xtra. Anygood ???

    Whoa, $$$. Call Don Phelps "The Roof Guru"? I bought my 20hp 3500psi 5.6gpm with stainless steel heater for alot less than that.

