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Posts posted by WEW

  1. Actually it may not be impossible. Nano Technology now keeps NT glass clean. I'll bet the cost is huge. Why not vinyl sideing?

    There's a guy in my area "Permenent Mildew Removal" Says he can seal your concrete and you will never have mildew!! Found out about him when one of his customers called me to clean his drive and deck.

  2. Northern Tool carries a 15 gal. rectangular tank on occassion. Had mine for 2 years. No need for complicated fittings. (No offense) drill hole in small cap at top corner of tank, shove hose in with PVC pipe to keep it strait to the bottom. Has large screw filler cap. Two rubber bungies hold it to hand truck. Your washin the house on 1 tank. $19.00 plus ship. Jon Orr will tell ya!!

  3. Hmmm, I use mine with a 50 footer, works great. I wasn't sure a 100 would work. Now I know. 50 seems ideal, I'm wondering if 100 would be more PITA.

    How bout some input from you 100 footers!!!

    By the way, I was using air hose. worked well but when it's cold it's awful stiff. Picked up 300 ft of that clear braided hose that comes with the XJet.

    Nice!! Very flexible, no need for a clamp at your XJet connection, no coupling to maintain, you can see chem coming at ya. 50 for XJet setup 250 for Shurflo roof setup.


  4. I was curious what new toys were filling the new spaces in your garage, Wayne. Very nice! Retirement sounds busier and more fun than I ever thought it would.:cool: :cool:

    Don, next summer or fall, depending on the profits, I'll be looking to upgrade, send me the info, put me on the emailing or mailing list, whatever. I owe you more than a bit, been using equipment you designed for free, I know what side the butter is on! Set me up as a customer, spring isn't breathing too heavy yet, but soon.:)

    Yeah, gettin fired from Delta was the best thing that ever happened to me!

    Screw them, let em have their Mcdonalds flunkies when they come out of bankruptcy they'll wonder where the business is cause no one has a clue what customer service is.:lgsad:

  5. Wow Wayne very nice skid it must have set you back a few thousand huh!

    Hey Don how about a price on the new 36" maxim either dropped shipped or I can pick it up.I also need some prices on other things when you get a chance.

    Melmen, Yup, and then some. Now I know how you guys work so fast! Why have you kept it secret? Ahh, didn't want to let the amatures now all the secrets. Straps on the way!!!

    Don, the pleasure is all mine!!:lgkick:

  6. Ryan,

    Being I'm in Fl. it's not such a big deal but if it's uner 50 I'm freezin. Been here to long.

    Muc Boots, the way to go with gators over top to keep water out.

    As Mike said neoprene gloves are the way to go. Your hands may still be a bit wet but man after awhile do they stink.

    Get ya some sealz waterproof socks, the best.

    Also, if you use a longer wand you tend to keep abit drier but the job will dictate what you can and can't use.:cool:

  7. HD stinks, I swear the last 10 times I went in there 8 times they didn't have what I needed. I asked the manager if they sold any items out of this store. Everything I was looking for was a common item and Lowes ain't much better. I'm going back to mom and pop, even if I have to order it they will be cognessent of my needs and will stock accordingly.

    As far as set up for XJet, whatever works. I have a dolly with 10 inch wheels, 30 gallon barrel, 30 feet of hose, I move it 4X's on a house. Chem gets mixed at the trailer and I'm off. :cool:
