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Seth Anderson

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Posts posted by Seth Anderson

  1. Hey everyone!

    My wife and I used some of the money from the recent sale of our pressure washing business and used it for a down payment on a vacation rental property down in Florida.

    We bought a real nice place in an area that's off the beaten path. It's a one bedroom high rise that over overlooks the ocean.

    I figured since pressure washing was what helped us buy the place I'd give you all a really good deal if you'd want to rent it for a week or so. Normally the place would go for 700-800 bucks a week or more but since we havn't had time to go down yet and do a lot of the work we'd like to get done we'll rent it to anyone from the forum to rent it for 150 a week untill we really get it going...

    It's a big step for us, buying this and all. It's a little place, but we're proud of it.

    Here's a link to a picture if you want to see it...


    P.S. Since we sold our equipment is there anyone who could wash the place for us? Any idea what your price would be for a place like that? Thanks!

  2. Every bb I go on all there main members swear by them and say that there's are the best. So with that mindset The owners of the bb's(The good ones that is) step it up to keep there's above the rest. Competition is a good thing...........


    I would say that the PWNA has a good bb.. but OH WAIT.. That's right I can't... You know how water gets stagnant? No new water comming in- all the good water evaporates. All that's left is crap. When the PWNA shut down the BB they shut off new water coming in... All you need now is a little time for the rest of the good water to evaporate..

  3. I have an associates in Electronics and I am 8 classes away from a Bachelor's in marketing.

    When I was growing up my dad had a construction company and he told me that I could work for him AS LONG AS I was going to school. I think that was a pretty wise thing on his part. As it turns out I have knoweldge in Electronics which has gotten me a job that is paying for my BS degree. Pressure washing is sort of like the construction stuff- I can always fall back on it with the knoweledge I have. If I ever lost my day job, it wouldn't take me long to scale up the pressure washing bus. to the point that I would be making at least if not more than I am at work.

    Plus- the marketing degree helps alot on getting jobs. You learn a lot about the differentiating factors and it's help me to determine what exactly I do that sets me apart from the competition- and knowing how to present that to the customer so it makes a difference!


  4. Ok. So membership shoots up by say 20 members or so because of the deal that was mentioned. Then what? Creating an isolationist group doesn't cause a group to grow. It causes the groups to shrivel up and die.

    The idea of having 'local chapter' bbs is a... well dumb idea. It will struggle in EVERY chapter to get any meaninful activity. Folks in Idaho will have a whole what 3 people? Washing concrete in CA is the same as washing concrete in NY. Vinyl siding is Vinyl siding and grease on a hood is just as fating here as it is there.

    I'm selling my PW anyways so this won't really have any effect on me one way or six others.. It's just free advice from a guy who's made more money on the internet in the last 4 months than I did in 2 years pressure washing. The internet is where it's at and an inclusive group is gonna grow a LOT more than an exclusive group. (From the root words INCLUDE and EXCLUDE).

    Good luck PWNA. I give em 12 months and they all the sudden realize "holly cow we're bleeding to death!"


  5. Ok. I've thought about this whole thing for a bit and now here's my second $.02 worth.

    (This is coming from a non-member as well so if any members want to copy it and paste it to the PWNABBS feel free cause I can't :-)

    The PWNA IS a business. It's a business of bringing together a select group of people with a common interest and that's pressure washing. In order for the PWNA to stay in business it needs to do 2 things- 1- keep current customers (members) renewing every year. 2- Add new customers (members) to replace current customers that don't renew and to grow the business.

    With that in mind- The internet is THE MOST POWERFUL tool that has ever been available for sharing, distributing, advertising and selling knowdelge, products and services to people throughout the WORLD. Re-read that cause I'm gonna dwell on it for a minute.

    Most of the people that I have seen pictures of on the BBS appear to be of an age that was 'pre-internet'. That is they are older than 25-30. They have (in a general sense), throughout their lives, used other means to gain knowedge, to advertise, and to buy and sell 'stuff'. The 30 and under crowd (which I fall into) have ALWAYS had the internet. We are most likely to use the internet for the majority of our information, knowledge, products etc. The over 30 crowd is the crowd that says "Buy your equipment locally, because then the dealer will help you" The under 30 crowd goes to the internet FIRST to buy their products because it's cheaper and the selection is overwhelming! And that's just the way they have ALWAYS done things.

    I (as most people in my age range) only FAINTLY remember a day when Google wasn't the search king. When I first started thinking about getting into pressure washing I found the Delco DSC1.com website. I didn't find it because I KNEW they were good, I didn't find it because I had HEARD about them on the street. I found them because they HAD a web site, because they SHOWED UP in the search results. And, they did have some good info. It wasn't untill quite a while later that I found the PWNA. and it was only then because I was looking for pressure washer buliten boards. A place where I could bounce questions off of folks in the field.

    AND THAT is where the PWNA can GROW. THAT is where the PWNA can gain respect of the industry. That is where the PWNA can have an impact and that is where the PWNA can influence and change the industry. The internet. The internet. The internet. They won't have that impact by holding little secretive meetings. They won't have that impact by posting to super secret message boards. They won't have that impact by shunning the future members of the PWNA by not allowing them to ask questions and gain knowledge.

    So... What should the PWNA do?

    #1. The message board should be a part of the PWNA.org website. It shouldn't have it's own URL. It should be referenced in pages throughout the PWNA.org website along side of good solid information about the common topics that ALWAYS came up on the message board. It should have the message board along side the good information so the 'newbie' who is looking at getting into the business can quickly and easily go on and ask a question about something they may not understand. AND as new information becomes available it can be added to the boards. Why is it important for the message board to be part of the SAME url? Google boys and girls. Google. Search engine optimization. The content on the message board will then not only gain content for itself, but also add to the relevence of the PWNA.org when searching.

    #2. This is part of a result of item #1, but the PWNA needs to OPTIMIZE their website so that ANYONE searching for common information about starting a pressure washing business finds them FIRST. FIRST. FIRST. And once they find the PWNA.org the website should be so CHOCKED FULL of information that they don't HAVE to EVER go anywhere else.

    #3. The information on the PWNA.org website should be geared not only to the members, but heavily geared toward the newbie startup. THIS is where the majority of new customers are at. IF THE PWNA.ORG CAN BE AND INTERGAL PART OF EVERY STARTUP THEY WILL GAIN THE RESPECT OF THE INDUSTRY AND THEY WILL GROW.

    #4. The information on the PWNA.org website should be geared not only to the members, but heavily geared toward the newbie startup, offering tons of valuble insightful information. THIS is where the majority of new customers are at. IF THE PWNA.ORG CAN BE AND INTERGAL PART OF EVERY STARTUP THEY WILL GAIN THE RESPECT OF THE INDUSTRY AND THEY WILL GROW. (copied on purpose)

    To me, I have never seen the value of being a PWNA member. ( it wasn't my "Tool" as Celeste I believe said.) HOWEVER... I imagine that if the PWNA had offered me as much information in a EASILY findable (on the search engines) format that Delco had offered when I started up I probably WOULD have joined. I would have felt OBLIGATED to join because I would have felt that they were a part of and a reason for my sucess.

    So... There you have it. Feel free to copy it and post it over to the super secret message board if feel anyone would care.

    Take Care!

    Seth Anderson

  6. So tonight I go to the PWNABBS website like I do every evening to see what's up. But what? It's gone...

    Stupid move.

    The next step? Go to google and type in the Grime Scene (Heard about it.. visted briefly once then forgot about it). Holy cow! I've been missing this forum all this time?!?! I thought PWNA was where it was AT! But now the link in my links list has been replaced with this one.

    Would I have become a member? Probably not. I'm cheap. BUT... Any time I had some advice for someone/anyone asking a question I'd have been more than happy to post a reply. and THAT person would have probably signed up.

    This year, due to the sucess of my web businesses I decided to sell my pressure washing business and I was thinking of how I'd miss it every now and then.. But I figured I could stay somewhat connected by visiting the bbs every now and again and seeing how things were going. Guess they made the seperation a little easier... I didn't quit the BBS... the BBS quit me.

    Seth Anderson

    formerly Anderson Pressure Washing
