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Brian Sawyer

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About Brian Sawyer

  • Rank
    TGS Newbie

Profile Information

  • Company Name
    Mosscreek Designs
  • First & Last Name
    Brian Sawyer
  • City & State
    Knoxville, Tennessee
  • Occupation
    CAD Designer
  1. First off, thanks for all the great info and suggestions. I guess I should have given alittle more information. This will be a part time business. my girlfriend and I have full time jobs that pay very well. We have no problem paying our bills right now. The question about if we would make enough money to cover the costs of the equipment, was just about the equipment only. the other bill will not be a problem. I also have a computer repair business as another source of income. We are hoping the make about $1000 per month starting out as part-timers. I was wanting to know if this is a reasonable estimate? We are planning to do residental work only, and maybe some commercial flatwork. I'm wanting to start with driveways and houses, then move into roofs as I learn more. As for experience, I've done alot of pressure washing around my own house. Also I've been invited to come out to work with a few ppl to learn the ropes, which I play on doing. I'm a quick learner and when I set my mind to something, I follow through with it. Equipment wise, the plan is to buy a truck, a cold water unit, and accessories. Then put some money into business cards and other advertising. Is there anything that I missed? Brian
  2. I'm considering getting into the business. I was wondering how long did it take you to get up and running. How many jobs you got starting out, and not to be to nosey, but what kind of money did you make the first couple of months. I'm trying to convence my girlfriend that this is a good business to get into. We are going to have to make the investment in a truck and the equipment, and we are just wondering if we will be able to make enough money over the first couple of months to make the payments on the equipment. I know that it depends on how much we work at getting our name out there. I'm very confident that we can do this. she's just not as confident as I am.