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Posts posted by jnoden

  1. I have the craftsman 19.2 drill and love it. Had it for a year now and completely finished my basement with it. Has good power for drilling and battery can not be overcharged because charger stops when charged. Extra batteries are a good thing though to ensure you always have one that is charged.

  2. I plan on purchasing F18 as my stripper this year but was wondering about its versatility. Since it can be mixed successfully at different strengths, can it be used as a cleaner? Currently I use a percarb and I am very happy with it but If F18 can do just as good of a job and cost less to mix.............

    I think I might experiment with this on my first few decks.

  3. I have spent a lot of time on these post in the last year and posted my first question last week. I feel like I know most of the regulars here because I have read so much.

    I understand mostly what makes wood last but I know I am not an authority on the topic. Solids content, type of oil, amount of pigment, wood prep process etc are all factors to how long your stain will last. I knew that both stains were decent but I also heard negative stuff about both stains so it was a little confusing. I only do this part time becauase I have a FT job but I by no means want to be a low baller. I figure that if I give up weekends and have 16 hr week days then it needs to be worth it. I think last year I averaged $35/hr and this year I need to do $50/hr average after every possible expense is subtracted. I have a helper that should make it easier to make that amount.

  4. I think Im going to start with Cabot this year. Used their solid stain last year on a two tone and I am initially impressed with that as well as Deckscapes solid which does not need a primer and covers very well with two coats. The guy that sold the Cabot's to me though looks like a stoner. A few lids popped off during transit and I get nervous that he might tint it wrong or give me the wrong stuff. I guess this is one of the draw backs of using a retailer who hires someone at minimum wage who doesnt care much about the job and loves the smell of paint fumes. I might get a decker and try spraying Cabot on my neighbors railing. His deck is going to be my guinea pig this year. He's not complaining since he is getting free labor and in worst case scenario I will strip and start over. Thanks for the replies.

  5. I know some of you long time pros probably get tired of questions but I could use some help. I have done much research on these forums regarding the two sealers and still can not decide. Does F&P have problems with long term color retention? Does Cabot look as good as Wolmans? which one is more idiot proof for applying? I would like to use ready seal but with it not being relatively available in my area and this only being my second year in business, Im thinking I should stick with a local retailer. Any thoughts are appreciated

  6. Rod you the man. I feel like I should be paying you tuition and fees.

    Thanks for your responses and I wanted to let you know that this forum is great and is in my opinion the best of the ones that I frequent through Deck Seal. I also look forward to trying your new products from Presuretek. I guess what I was trying to get at in my last post is why wouldnt contractors prefer to use a reputable seal that only requires one coat?

  7. I know that this has been discussed before but I want to get a better idea as to what is the prefered method for sealing. One or two coats? I currently use Deckscapes because of its availability in my area and I apply only 1 heavy coat. With my technique being to brush and roll the sealer, it doesnt seem like it would be worth it to apply an additional coat. It would take a lot more time and cost the customer even more than what I currently charge. Im not even sure that it would look that much better to apply two coats nor whould it offer any extra protection. Just wanted to get an idea of your experiences with this and the outcomes. thanks.

  8. Wish I could buy the deckster this year but at $550 and only working part-time it is hardly justified. I see that some people make their own with a cart,bucket and pump and the results have been good for spraying both the chemical and sealer. Can anyone direct me on how to do this? I could use specifics as to what pump to get, nozzle sizes, type of wand, etc. any help would be much apreciated.

  9. I believe it is a two gallon tank. I am waiting to hear back for a shurflo rep. Hopefully they make spare parts for it because I would hate to throw away a $150 sprayer after using sodiumhydroxide in it a few times. Are the tips on sprayers universal? in other words can I put a tip on this thing that will be better suited for spraying sealer. Does anyone know what would be the best tip for sealers? Does anyone have an opinion as to what is the best psi and gpm for applying searlers? Seymore it looks like it is close for PSI but only half the GPM as what you use. This might not be enough for opitmal perfomance.
