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Posts posted by timhays

  1. watch the discovery channel,check out the alaskan crab fisherman series,this is the most dangerous job in america,300 miles off shore one of the deck hands fell overboard in 35 degree water and it was a 1 in 1000 that he was pulled back out.

    i was scared just watching the show.

    ps for 2 weeks which is the season for crab fishing the elsa-n boat caught 160,000 pounds of king crab and the deck hands split 16 thousand each, the boat captain had to make at least 200k for the trip

  2. gmail is a new email system for google,who by the way is offering a free 1 gig acount to ANYONE who is interested.

    also they are releasing an ipo stock offering which will be one of the largest for a us company in the amount of 3 billion wich is $108-$135 a share claimed by many to be a cash out ploy for the execs.

  3. our surrounding population to guess would be 1.5 million,large metro areas with home to more fortune 500 corporate centers than any where in the world. there are rich and poor people every where you go,but our average client home value goes from 300k-1.8 million

    the only 100k houses we clean are for new home builders

  4. we dont do wood restoration,we have bid several jobs at 1.50 but no one has yet to pay it,we clean new construction exclusivley,brick,concrete,and viny siding.

    make dammn good money too.

    i tried catering to homeowners but it was a pain in the ass,a builder will pay more than a homeowner and he will call you back again and again.

  5. lately we havent received any calls from advertisements,and seems as though the homeowners are the one who waste my time,its alway how much and its too high,we are now only servicing business customers and make what we need to with no complaints and lots of repeat business.

    i wish i could advertise for the prices you are payuing and get the response you do.

    good luck

  6. Henry,i have allready gotten tired of chasing the dirty houses,i realized there dirty because they wont pay to clean them regularly.

    i would have to say that most of us would be doing good to be in your situation and seems as though you have built a very successful business,i agree with your pay logic,the top pay for a major company in this area is $10hr i pay my help $15 and hr. its not a lot compared to what we charge but they dont ***** because they cant go anywhere else for that kind of money.and i dont have to feel guilty for taking advantage of anyone

    i am still hardheaded even though i am 32,i feel as though i let too many years (unprofitable) slip by and i have to race the clock to make up for it.. i am not where i want to be but by the end of this year i will be very close. this week since monday we have actually do 4k in sales and will do estimated 7k by end of sunday night just my help and myself,by far the best week since being in this business,the next 2 weeks we will be on a time and material account full time,and trying to handle all the regular incoming work orders at the same time. the time and material account is good for $4k a week alone.i have spent just about everything ive made since Sept. 2001 back into this company and it feels good to finally get to spend some of the money on things i want for a change,actually this is the first year i started paying myself an hourly wage since i started.

    last year we made a ton of money(seemed like) and it was not budgeted correctly,we have refined a lot of the mistakes made last year and created new budgets,and lowered our operating costs.these 2 things,coupled with new marketing approaches have single handedly turned our company around for the better.

    our biggest gain has come from realizing which jobs are profitable and which ones we turn down.

    i hope this is only the beginning of a new era.

  7. Henry when you make money,example profit,you reinvest the money into your business, to create more value for your customers and become more competitive for your competitors and invest in tax depreciative investments,401k,increase your overhead ie new 400k house for home office,you dont stop working because you dont want to pay uncle sam.

    define what you think is plenty of money.

    because i feel like i am broke,even though those 2-$500 bottles of Crystal champagne at the Masters in Myrtle Beach last weekend didnt help me out any.

    ps i feel bad for the big time developer in myrtle beach(i forget his name he lived in some expensive side of town,was featured on tv,and had a nice Hummer) the 4 girls he was with went home with me and my friend.:D
