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Abide Window Services

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Posts posted by Abide Window Services

  1. I recently did some pw work on a house where the home owner wanted me to wash a side of his that mildrew was growing. The siding was stucco and the garage doors were wood. I pointed out a layer of white residue that was on the garage door prior to the cleaning. I presoaked and applied my house wash (simple cherry/bleach) solution to the side of the house and the garage doors. However later when it dried the residue came back and it it seemed worse, it looked like the wood was faded. I was consciense to not allow the soap to dry. Does anyone know what could cause this? The fading residue seems germaine to the wood.


  2. Many often think that Fact (science) and Faith are mutually exclusive, meaning that they are like oil and water. However, I find that Faith can be very factual. There are very reasonable explainations for this.

    First we know scientifically that there will be an end to the universe. We know this by the 2nd law of thermodynamics which is also known as the entropy, meaning that over time matter loses energy and breaks down. Because we know that there is an end to the universe we know that the universe is not eternal (like many evolutionist believe). Therefore knowing there is an end we also know that there is a beginning to the universe.

    Now that we have established a begining to the universe there must be a Beginner. What caused this to begin? energy whirling around in outer space...or is there a Driving force behind what we see. Look in nature, what do you see? you see cycles i.g. water vapor, nitrogen etc, we also have seasonal cycles and patterns woven throughought nature. Each cycle is unique and plays a specific role in sustaining life on Earth. we see design on a microscopic level as well on a macro level. We know that behind every painting that there is painter, behind every building is a builder so its not far fetched to think that behind the design of the earth there is a Designer of Earth.

    There are also Anthropic principles to the universe stating scientifically that Earth uniquely designed to sustain life. For instance if the earth was one degree closer to the sun we would fry, if it were one degree away we would freeze. if the ratio of oxygen in the atmosphere was a degree different we would suffocate. There are plenty more examples.

    I can go on but needless to say that it is easy to have faith, because my faith is factual. Hope that helps
