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John Gillies

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Everything posted by John Gillies

  1. Rendered house washing

    Hi everyone. Been lurking here for a while and have learned plenty. Very informative site. I'm just starting out here in Aus, where the info is all but zero. Thank goodness for forums like this. I'm doing the usual stuff. House washing, driveways, roof cleaning and the like. We have thousands of rendered houses around here. Rendered being the smooth cement over brick then painted. ( In case the terminology is different up north) It's just a matter of time before I'm asked to wash one. Do you do anything differently than you would to say a brick or timber home? Many thanks John
  2. Rendered house washing

    Thanks Thad. Just wasn't sure.
  3. Rendered house washing

    For the life of me, I can't get a signiature to appear on the board. So don't flame me please. Cancel that.......DOH!!