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name is Lou

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name is Lou last won the day on February 23 2014

name is Lou had the most liked content!


About name is Lou

  • Rank
    TGS Silver Member

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Profile Information

  • Company Name
    Hoods & More
  • First & Last Name
    lou G.
  • City & State
    phx az
  • Occupation
    humble hood cleaner & more
  1. Beckett Burner wiring

    Did you ever find a diagram? I'm looking for one too.
  2. Pressure Washing Institute is Closed

    I miss all the fun...
  3. PWNA/UAMCC Press Release

    This is hilarious, freaking sheep being lead to the slaughter. One day all you boys will grow a set and not have to have your hands held. I won't hold my breath.
  4. BBQ grill cleaning

    Grills,smokers and wood burning ovens ...oh my. Yes there are precautions, but your welcome to trail and error your way right along, if you do decide the latter please provide pics.
  5. Fuel Plumbing

    Well Russ you got another link the one you posted is no good (go figure been a while). Thinking of using setup to pull fuel (diesel) to the burner tank from trucks fuel tank. Thanks
  6. You ever...........

    Wake up and realize you'll never be young enough to know everything......?
  7. Chemical needed for commercial cleaning

    Mildew? Must be adjacent to the mop sink.
  8. Chemical needed for commercial cleaning

    Was going to chime in till I read "rubbery type surface", so I must say find a hidden away corner and test the surface. We have stripped multiple layers of the type of surface to get back to bare cement.........cha ching
  9. Residential customer is grilling me about chemicals

    There is some funny stuff here. If someone is asking to many questions, and I start to think is this person going to be a pain in the ass...guess what! They already are.....
  10. Spray cart

    I mix up less than 2gl any more, use less than a quart on the systems. So we operate out of 1.5gl containers with nifty handles.
  11. I found a deck in Mesa???

    You have a big heart Scott.
  12. 1st Day of School

    lovely family......I share your pride I have 3 girls.
  13. Look what's for sale....

    Go for it Russ:lgmoneyey ...... just kidding...Damn dude now you got me over here.:cheers: Well got to go:vroom:
  14. Now I have seen EVERYTHING. Check THIS service out!

    OMG ....... that is tooo funny
  15. Part-Timers....what is your day job?

    We were nuts .....thinking back we put out cards for KEC before we had even a rag and windex .........seriously no rig no truck .....nothing .....just a computer my lady made the cards i can't.......didn't become millionares but everything is paid for now and getting more...going into yr #2 what i used to do ......custom upholsterer by trade Architectural edu. back ground.. Have owned a cafe in the past and upholstery shop ..as well as taxi's and tow's