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Jim Carroll

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Everything posted by Jim Carroll

  1. Brick Washing

    I got ahead of myself and missed where you said it was thirty feet tall. I would charge your rate and have the contractor provide the lift at his expense. I posted a pic of a building with 15,000 sf, I'll see if i can find it and link it in this thread.
  2. Brick Washing

    Roger and I could come and split the dollar, I would be up for that. we could do it in a day. andrew to give you an idea, i have done buildings that size in one day. But the amount of windows, doors, medallions, keys, etc. play a factor in amount of time. post some pics if you can, also how high is building. one thing to look out for is inside corners with mortar pile up above grade level. grade level is the level at which soil will be backfilled. I always find out where this grade is going to be because the stuff below grade does not need to be cleaned.
  3. Brick Washing

    Considering your experience you may be able to finish in two days. xjet with a proportioner is a must have to your arsenal. the height of the building will make a difference because if you are working out of a lift it will slow production down. also depending on the work quality of the masons. if their are soldier courses or rowlocks with mortar on top they will have to be scraped and rubbed down prior to cleaning.
  4. Best Mix

    It all depends on the stains that are on the brick. I have done a couple large restoration projects on brick and had to use a couple of different cleaners for different stains. If you have some pics I could help you out.
  5. Tape

    Jeff Call I Got Something For You. 2" X 60yrds For About 5 Bucks. Red Tape That You See On Window Frames Of New Construction On The Blvd. Good For 90 Days Without Residue. STICKS as good as duct tape.
  6. unloader questions

    It May Have 50 Hours On It Not Really Sure.
  7. Brick Washing

  8. more gpm

    I think you could, but you would probably sacrifice pressure. Don Phelps said he did this and got the volume just not the full pressure that the pump was rated at.
  9. Water broom & chems

    do you think you could spare some knowledge with a newb.
  10. unloader questions

    don't thow the old one out you can take it apart and check it out or check the inline filter. i've used them alot and have rarely had problems other than wearing them out.
  11. unloader questions

    it is a k7 issue. I have had nothing but issues with mine. I use a coress wand with a turbo on the end for many applications and the k7 sucks for this applications. it has worked fine when turbo on regular wand and it is good for regular nozzles, i just got tired of the trouble. another problem I had is when the wand is extended and your hand slips on the handle and turns off the wand will smack the wall or whatever is in front of you where with a standard unloader when that happens you hit the trigger and the wand will jump back up without hitting anything. its just my two cents, there should be some post on here about k7 problems.
  12. unloader questions

    yes I have qc's on mine. I don't ever change it much. I've got where I hate my k7 so it just stays in the tool box and I use my regular unloader. flow actuated do not work as well bypassing to a tank as they do bypassing back to the feed line. I have a k7, dropped the orifice size and still have problems with some nozzles.
  13. Water broom & chems

    it does not look heavy enough to hand over side of a building without it blowing in the wind. You got the money I have some plans drawn out for one that would work on the side of a building and possibly with balconies.
  14. Brick Washing

    I would not consider cleaning any brick for .18. I just picked up one with 67K sf at $.30/sf. Andrew if you have never cleaned it before you may want to watch someone before you do. You could very easily loose your a$$ if you're not careful. Delco's price guide is by far inaccurate in this line of work. There is more to consider than spraying chemicals on and rinsing it off. You will probably have to do some scraping and rubbing in some areas. You can call me if you have any questions.
  15. Most and least favorite services you offer

    cleaning masonry--new construction & restoration, fleets dislike residential work but like getting paid same day. dislike having to wait to get paid but its worth it. don't care for roofs either.
  16. better pump??? AR / General

    I have General, no complaints here.
  17. Oxalic acid sprayer

    Jeff Agri supply in florence has that setup that roger is showing. you could put on an landscape wagon and pull and spray at the same time. What I would do is put on the back of your truck and run to truck battery and have one of your guys sit on tail gate and drive and let him spray at the same time.
  18. Ask a stupid question and you get a stupid answer.

    I have had people walk under my tape around cones and into my acidic overspray, its kind of funny to see them rubbing there arms like what the heck did I just walk through. I got so pissed of on a job one day and luckily there was no overspray at the time for this lady to walk through. She was walking her baby in a stroller. I had the whole sidewalk taped off with cones and whole nine yards. I could have cared less if she had walked in to my chemical overspray, but the baby is a different story. I put my wand down and called my wife and told her if she ever sees caution or danger tape to walk around the area and not through it.
  19. telescoping wand

    I use the Coress on just about every job that I do. It has paid for itself plus about 15 more. Currently looking for a used 24' CORESS. Mine was a 32 until I left one section on a jobsite and forgot about it until a week later. Over 24 it was hard to handle. I went to the CETA show and saw the noodle, i saw the one with pin locks and one that was octagonal. However I still think the coress is the best. I have just about worn out the twist locks. Its about time to replace them. If anyone has a coress that they want to sell let me know. I bought mine from Glenn Sheppard at Ace Cleaning in North Carolina. It was used and I got a good deal on it. I would like to have another for backup or for helper when needed.
  20. Locks

    Mike, I now feel better.
  21. Locks

    My cables were on the passenger side facing the front door of the hotel room I stayed in. I wanted to remember it in the morning. Oh well. another one. I also drove off of job site with trailer and had unhooked supply hose, but forgot to unhook pressure hose. When I pulled in the street I was watching the trailer in the mirror and saw my hose coming with it. Broke an Xjet. There are probably many more that I could tell if I could remember.
  22. Newspaper and Toilet paper. hahahaha ha seriously. newspaper for glass, chrome t.p. just in case you need to go
  23. Locks

    I did the same thing and tore up a fender. It was early in the morning and just could not figure out what the heck was wrong with my truck and then I remembered the cable.
  24. What are you using to cover your machine. I have a could water machine that is on a frame like a generator. I bought a grill cover for it and it works good to cover it up. They also had some 68" grill covers that would possible work for a skid.
  25. Machine Covers

    I am sorta like your business partner and with open trailer I am forced to keep it tidy because I don't want people to see a bunch of crap on it.