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Jim Carroll

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Everything posted by Jim Carroll

  1. If I have the time and the customer is willing to pay my price then I am normally up to deviating from washing.
  2. got to agree with you john. I have been trying to figure that out if you had a 5.5 on a small motor if it would still pump 5.5 and just less pressure or if everything would be substandard. I have an 18 honda and was going to put a ts2021 general on it but was not sure if it would handle it and still give me 5.5
  3. commercial contracts info needed

    thanks carlos, very informative.
  4. bad pool deck

    driveways and patios are normally alot easier because you don't have a coating to take up.
  5. bad pool deck

    I did use the pressure washer to wash away all the dust from grinding. On this one we used multicoat products "krete kote" & acrethane color sealer. you can check them out at www.multicoatproducts.com at my regular job we sell all different types of coatings and conrete repair products. So naturally I have started doing some of this type work along with the pressure washing.
  6. bad pool deck

    will post after shots soon. This deck was about 1000 sf of total restoration. it was ground, cracks ground and repaired and their was also a couple of places that the concrete was patched on. It was done for a pool contractor. We did the deck and he did the inside. I am waiting on the afters(he is not finished).
  7. bad pool deck

    this is the same area of the pool as the first pic. this is what the deck looked like after it was scarified. this crack was ground out before we filled it with epoxy.
  8. Garage floor coating

    [/img]this is one that was really bad when we started
  9. Zk1 Unloader installed

    nice wheels
  10. Shurflo And The Xjet As One

    Henry did you ever build this. I have been using a hand truck set up and have just been waiting on it to die befiore going the four wheel route.
  11. Blown Hoses

    I repair once only. After that its in the trash.
  12. This demonstrates how PC is damaging our society

  13. Concrete feet

    I wear white shrimpers(fishers) boots, all of Fla guys know what I am talking about. They are fairly comfortable and cheap at $20. I put them on when I start washing and take them off when I am done.
  14. Another low-baler.

    did you go rambo on him and take the pics from the bushes. He also looks like he is too close to the brick and mortar joints.
  15. hey did you guys check the dates on the bashing and debating?lmao I thought something was goingg on until I looked at the date.
  16. you could always put a tarp on the deck and stick a heater under it to warm up the wood before applying your stain. not that familiar with wood but it works for concrete and masonry.
  17. Rain gear

    check out www.hellyhansen.com under "work" . What is nice it has its (jacket material) reaction with different chemicals. I will get the price list and give you guys an idea of what the cost should be. One thing that they have that I thought was nice (not on website) is a jacket with a flap on the back for you to run your lanyard through for your harness.
  18. Rain gear

    Jeff I can get you helly hansen right now at a killer price. We will be placing the order next week. I will try calling over the weekend.
  19. New website

    change your reference of cement to concrete. add some more of your pics. i have seen some of yours that are much better than what you have posted. on the sections where you have a small paragraph over top of the guy washing it is harder to read than the other areas that are solid. Otherwise I think you are on the right track. We all know Rome was not built overnight.
  20. Asphalt and garage floors

    don't know much about sealcoating. The number one issue with any coating for garage floors is surface prep. If the surface is not prepared correctly whatever you put on it is going to come off. at my regular job I sell a lot of different concrete coatings and surface prep is the number one problem I have seen when people have had problems with coatings. Normally if you follow the manufacturers recommended process for surface prep and follow their methods for installation then you should not have any problems.
  21. medium in the truck, regular in the honda, regular in the honda powered pw. it was my understanding that higher octane had additives to give it the higher octane and these addititives would gum up easier than regular. I have used all grades in the pw trying to determine if one was more efficient than the other and have never came up with a conclusion. with the truck it gets better mpg with medium than regular, however it does not get any better with premium over the medium grade.
  22. End of the year

    Marlin leasing also leases equipment. From what I understand with some you pick out the equipment from whomever and they send them the check. One thing about leasing is (not 100% sure) it is tax deductible to 100%. Maybe some of the others on the board that lease can tell you more.
  23. End of the year

    I think 15k is high. You can get a 5.6 gpm 20 hp honda hot water from water cannon for $4200 plus freight maybe $300 hose reels 300 each big guy for $750 3 hoses $300 couple of guns $100 xjet $110 Decent open trailer for $1500 or $3000 for enclosed. lets add it up. with open trailer $7860 or enclosed for $9360. You did say you already had some equipment so all of this might not be necessary. I would set this all up for anyone for $15,000 and use the vaseline.
  24. Change company name ?

    keep it separate, roofers insurance is much higher than ours.
  25. Remote control

    jeff if you have the cash I got the time. I designed one about a year ago and have just never bought the parts to put it together.