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Jim Carroll

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Everything posted by Jim Carroll

  1. My new rig was not what I ordered !

    while you are on the subject I have to give kudos to water cannon. I ordered some stuff one time and it came in wrong. the wrong items were maybe $10, they told me to keep it and they sent me the correct items at no additional charge.
  2. Need input/advise

    all he needs to do is roll the joints during his stamping process and make sure the stamps are tight when he is stamping and he should not have that much trouble. the problem with using your pressure washer is that the color hardner and release used in stamping concrete is very thin topical coloring. attempting to knock these edges down with a pressure washer will only show grey concrete through. at my regular job I sell stamps, coloring and other accessories for stamping concrete and I think it would be easier to take care of it while stamping than try to do it after the fact.
  3. Experts Advise

    i use swivels at the gun, this helps out alot.
  4. My new rig was not what I ordered !

    overpriced losers from my experience. luckily it has not been my $$$. a friend of mine used to buy truck wash from them. purple power from wally world was better and cheaper.
  5. Does anyone add a scent to there chemical

    I have used a cherry wax in my mix before just to try it out, not for the purpose of killiing the smell. I only added 20 oz. to 15 gal of 12% and it killed the smell. its car wash wax from jbs industries. i don't do much house washing so its not a big deal to me.
  6. Need help from citracleen experts

    doolittle if you have your proportioner pack it has a list of colors and the corresponding drill bit size, I am guessing that you could get the size in between the two you are using and possibly get close. I got tired of buying those bags of proportioners so I started drilling out all the ones that you don't use to correspond with the ones that I use.
  7. Need help from citracleen experts

    dude when I wash houses I use 12% and dawn, windows are clean and house is clean. and i use proportioners also. and you don't have to lug around much chemicals. I actually use a 15 gallon drum and pull it around with my hand truck. I have 50 ft 3/8 air hose on my xjet, that combined with the distance from the xjet you can cover a house pretty quick. let me figure the math and I think I can tell you how to get to 10:1
  8. dirt on brick

    i see you made it home Roger.
  9. What to use on Split Face CMU

    call me when you get a chance.
  10. Having the answers

    I just tell people "I don't know the answer to their question, and that I will find out an answer." Never had a problem doing that with Pressure Cleaning or with my sales job(construction supplies). I think most people respect you more if you tell them you don't know but you will find out an answer for them. Most of my customer responses are "OK just let me know what you find out".
  11. Motivational Speech

    What Jeff said. I am also a member of a couple different organizations that have published members email addresses.
  12. Motivational Speech

    full blast it don't take anything fancy. I sent a two sentence email to the right person(reference above post) on sunday called me on monday moring, just talked to him, got the job to do next week around $2k. Jeff you can go ahead and do your portion for your portion of the cash.
  13. Which surface cleaner to buy

    Anyone using Mosmatic, I saw these at the CETA convention this year and they looked impressive.
  14. Motivational Speech

    Sure, you gonna do a percentage of the work right.
  15. Motivational Speech

    Sent out some emails on Sunday evening after the post above, Only about 3-4 that were targeted to the decision makers(had names & email addresses). Got a call and email Monday morning at 8:00 asking for pricing on a project for a company that I have wanted to do work for, for some time now. They should be worth about $20k/ year to me.
  16. Acid wash stone chimeny

    Check out Prosoco Jarrod they have some great products for this type work. They are the industry leader in this type of cleaning chemical.
  17. Which would you buy

    Higher GPM's is the way I would go. It would help you when rinsing down after cleaning with your surface cleaner.
  18. Ratios

    Jethro the ratio from your xjet open is around 2:1, 2 parts water to 1 part chemical. You can change this using the proportioners. I always use the proportioners instead of bucket mixing. When I used their truck wash I used the proportioner that gave approx. 40:1 ratio. I think this is what you are asking. I know steve's website has a proportioner chart that I think will help you.
  19. Motivational Speech

    After reading your post I got to thinking about some things (yea, I think sometimes). I was thinking about following up on bids, leads, and calling old customers. I thought this would be a good thread to mention it in. after reading your thread and thinking about this, I have records of all my faxed quotes from 2 years ago, so I just refaxed all of those people a simple note to let them know that I was still in business and was thinking about them. one thing that made me feel good was that one of the numbers I faxed was no longer any good. I was thinking maybe it was a good thing I did not do a job for that guy. Not wishing him any bad luck, he could have just changed his fax number. I also emailed a group that I had targeted a while back. It has been said that it takes 7 times for some one to recognize you. I also got to thinking a little more. The next idea that I will share is this. I have all of these guys in a particular folder for email. I am going to send them and email and picture every time I finish a job. This way it keeps my name in front of them and it also shows them the work that I am doing. Another thing that made me think about sending these faxes was a called that I received and the guy asked me if I was still in business and cleaning. so i thought I would keep letting everyone know that I am around and maybe at some point they will remember and eventually do some work with them. I work in the construction market and it may be different for other aspects of pressure washing but sounded like a good idea to me. I remember when Jeff went full time, he told then and tells me know to go full time. My wife has been at home with our children for the last 6 years and she just returned to work recently. she is selling real estate now. so hopefully with her returning to work it will ease cash flow and allow me to go full time soon. Anyhow everyone keep posting ideas, even if you think that what your are posting is mindless blabbering some of us may think that it is not. I feel like I have been blabbering long enough.
  20. Drum pumps

    jeff use that sureflo that you don't use. lot easier.
  21. Where in the World??

    God's Country
  22. Now I have seen EVERYTHING. Check THIS service out!

    "We're number 1 in the number 2 business" that could be your slogan. A port-a-jon company here uses that for their slogan.
  23. Fan fell off

    I've used one back in the day when I was like 12 years old. Open gun Steam-Jenny.
  24. Concrete Overlay

  25. National Management Company

    Same here on the insurance, and I probably have 10 additional insured customers.