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Jim Carroll

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Everything posted by Jim Carroll

  1. Good work? Or bad work? With pictures

    The brick looks fine to me.
  2. Good work? Or bad work? With pictures

    dawn by itself is for dishes and windows. you should have used some bleach with it. good luck, keep on working at it.
  3. Salesman

    I don't have a sales rep but I have friends that are out all the time and I offer them 10% of profit if the send a job my way. I go as far as taking address and company name from them. I can do the rest. Of course it is nice when the lead is a lot warmer, but if they did not tell me about a project then I would have possibly never known about it.
  4. Salesman

    Not needed here.
  5. Pump Question

    the only thing i see that you are missing is a ts2021 pump. I would want them to send a call tag for the machine to pick it up and send one with the correct pump. I very seriously doubt General would mislabel a pump. I would think that the ts1011 is less expensive than the 2021. Good luck
  6. neat site

    that's way cool.
  7. Garage floor coating

    The only problem with polishing is 1. the cost to customer, 2. cost of equipment, 3. not good for driveways 4. not all concrete is polishable. Polished concrete is great for a garage. I have a friend that I work together with occasionally that polishes concrete and it looks great if the concrete is hard enough. the coatings that craig and myself are using would have to be on a freeway to wear off. I have some at a supply house that constantly has fork lift traffic and vehicular traffic on it and it has no wear marks on it and it has been down for 2 years. You can put down coatings with little start up cost unlike buying a polisher and all of the diamonds it takes to do a good job.
  8. Brick Washing

    Just a brain fart, thought I was on a different thread and could not figure out how to delete the post.
  9. Detroit

    I can you you up with Hydrozo 40
  10. Removing mortar tags-third story building

    If it is that high you will need a lift. Call me when you get a chance.
  11. Are you using a new 6.0? I am also guessing that you have no leaks anywhere.
  12. Disturbing email from (?) PayPal

    do a search for scams, I once saw a website that listed all of these different scams. another way to avoid them is to set your email to only receive email from people on your address book.
  13. Brick Washing

    Andy here is the link to the other post that I was telling you about. http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5344 This building was only like 15,ooo s.f. of brick.
  14. Too many choices

    Sounds High, think you could do better for less.
  15. Brick Washing

  16. Brick Washing

  17. Need some help please :)

    We have two peekapoo's named Sailor(girl) and Scooby Doo(boy), I thought the same that some one else posted. Just imagine yourself standing on the front porch yelling for the dog. Or in your case in a duck blind yelling at him. I know you don't yell in a duck blind you use hand signals.
  18. Bulletin Boards and Org's(INTERNET ORG)

    I thought pwna tried that. John you are correct though. It seems to me that on average there are 150-200 members on this board daily, and that could be an org by itself, not to mention all of the others that do not check in as often. I am a member of a handful of orgs with my weekly paycheck job and some of them have less members than this board. In such a niche market such as pwing there are not as many pressure washers as say General Contractors or home builders. With the internet and the use of bulletin boards it allows the niche contractors to be able to have an org without having to travel great lengths to get together with other contractors with the same interest. You make a good point, One thing that I have found with being a member of some of these orgs is that a lot of times it is what the individual makes it. That determines what you get out of it.
  19. I love you guys (& gals)

    I also met jeff on a bbs and he only lives 5 minutes away.
  20. I love you guys (& gals)

    I will tell a quick story about how bbs have helped me out. Yesterday a friend/neighbor/partner(business) called me and he was in North Carolina about 8 hours away. He had polished some concrete (80k sf) and had went back to tie up some loose ends and when he gets there he notices overspray over all of the concrete. He had called me to see what would get it up. I told him maybe a cleaner with sodium hydroxide. I then called Glenn sheppard(pitchwitch dude) to see how far away he was which was about 2 hours. I met glen on a bbs. Glenn tells me he has a customer in the pw biz in the same town my buddy is in and I get his number. I call him and he was able to check the job out within an hour of getting the call and the job was 8 hours away from me. I have not found out if he was able to help we just turned him on to the contractor, but it was cool being able to have a fast response like that. Without these bbs it would have been hard to have found someone for this contractor.
  21. Bleach use

    Rod you may need to tell him what Ragu is. No harm meant Richard. It is a spaghetti sauce sold here in the states.
  22. If you could do it again.

    I would have started earlier
  23. insurance

    I renewed in Dec. and went from $1million/$1million to $2/$2 for $950. It is with Lords Of London. I can't remember who it was with but the highest the previous company would write was $1million. I told my insurance broker I wanted to go to $2 million and he wrote it. Less than a couple hours turn around on certificates to customers. I fax a request and they send it very promptly. I pay $950/yr previously $750
  24. Tape

    yes, I am not sure if they have any in gso or raleigh, I brought it in to MB for window frames to keep stucco and concrete off of them. It works good with window film for protection during construction.
  25. Concrete Acid/Staining

    Putting a microtopping on the slab would probably be a better choice than staining the slab that is there because I am sure there will be some imperfections that need to be addressed prior to staining. also if that is the plan you will need to let Derrick know so they can set the doors and trim accordingly. You could get my buddy steve to polish it for you that would look good with acid stain. One good thing if you ever get tired of it you can tile over it.