you all been asked this many times, im kinda dumb with sqaure ft ,measuring ect. if you have a house 3 bedroom garage 1 level, its not old or moldy but could use a washing ,how much do i charge? here in oregon? i kindaneed the basics of a normal home here and relize tha dirtyer it is the more the price goes up, i called a few companys around here, one quoted me 150.oo is that low or high. i guess if it pretty clean that would be ressonable? im not trying to get rich, i wanna do a great job ,but dont wanna lowball myself either. i really respect you guys and read ALL your imput and am learning alot, but you guys have so much experience and knowledge, my brain is gonna implode, guess i need to slow down and absorb it all. i relize i will learn alot out in the field. thanks brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!