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Everything posted by earlskelly

  1. freaking out !

    starting on my own, do i have what i need, do i know what im doing,? just blow'n off steam.
  2. Should pressure washing companies be licensed???

    you cant do ANYTHING without a licence, hunt,fish,boating,off-road,work,play ect. and you want a licence to wash a house? how about wash your car,mow your lawn,paint your house,saw some wood. some things seem good , but now we have a nation of laws. most are good , some are lame. just my opinion.
  3. house biddiing

    you all been asked this many times, im kinda dumb with sqaure ft ,measuring ect. if you have a house 3 bedroom garage 1 level, its not old or moldy but could use a washing ,how much do i charge? here in oregon? i kindaneed the basics of a normal home here and relize tha dirtyer it is the more the price goes up, i called a few companys around here, one quoted me 150.oo is that low or high. i guess if it pretty clean that would be ressonable? im not trying to get rich, i wanna do a great job ,but dont wanna lowball myself either. i really respect you guys and read ALL your imput and am learning alot, but you guys have so much experience and knowledge, my brain is gonna implode, guess i need to slow down and absorb it all. i relize i will learn alot out in the field. thanks brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. house biddiing

    guess im just stupid,tried to figure out the signature thing, must have done it wrong sorry!
  5. you all rock, worked trees here in oregon 11 years, tight lipped and no love in the biz, you all really are good character peaple and share your successes and mistakes ,and your wisdom, your all a speacil family! i hope to become part of it .