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Posts posted by Chazz

  1. Ummm....do you own work, take your own photos.

    Most of us feel this way I think.


    although i never asked for pictures i can understand where this guy is coming from, like him i 'am new and in the middle of creating my web site. I have a few before and after pics i took on my own from doing my mothers house but i understand why he's asking for some professional pics. We are looking

    to make our web sites attractive to the consumer and don't have the capital to advertise via other avenues. it would be nice to get those few jobs under our belt from the web site advertisement so we can take those before and afters...it's tuff in the begining...

  2. Insurance i have, reading i have been doing for the last few months day and night, friends and family are wondering how much i can read about pressure washing, they have no idea i feel i have not even scratched the surface. i will definitely practice on my house and others...i guess where i'm hung up is the chemical part and the sealant part...for decks and such.

    i would like to know how to do it the right way.

  3. I am sure this has been asked before but answers do change and i may get lucky with a new perspective on this

    i need the confidence to feel i know what i am doing when i head out on my first job

    i need to believe my website i am creating does resemble all the things i could do

    i also need to be able to compete

    What i need is some serious training from professionals....and i will attend a round table to start

    ideas....? who's got em?



  4. is it a bad idea to try and set up a system in the bed of a pick up truck, or should i buy a trailer? I love the look of an open trailer

    it looks so professional when it's done right and uniformed, i have never seen anything like that around here in staten island new york and i think the customers would be either very impressed or very afraid....haha not sure but i love the look and feel i would have a lot of confidence pulling up to a house even though i am clueless of what i am doing i will sure look the part.

  5. Honestly the chemical part of the business does not sit right with me after reading stories of emergency room visits, and not to mention what the long term affect will be...so yes i would like to use less chemicals and it looks like i'll have to wait till next season to buy a hot waster unit. But im still chomping at the bit and my wife is getting tired of me pointing out every dirty house i could be washing..haha thanks for your insight..

  6. Charles, Go with a hot water skid, 5.5 3500psi unit. It may cost more right now, but that will be recouped very fast in time savings. Hot Water opens revenue streams that you won't be able to do with a cold water machine. Don't want hot water, cut the switch OFF. Keep an eye on ebay and craigslist, you can pick up a good used unit for a third of the price of new one.

    Matter of fact I have a Alkota 5355 J for sale only a 1000 hrs. $2500.00

    You've done your homework on your Business, don't limit yourself on equipment. I do 80% residential work, but all of my units are Hot Water skids, why???? Because I want to be prepared for whatever job comes my way. If you're dead set on a cold water unit, go with higher gpm, like 8 gpm. The more gpm the faster you wash.

    Well i would love a 8 gpm but from what i think i understand from reading the forum, i would need a float tank in order to feed my washer the 8 gpm it needs

    and that starts to get very advanced for me, i would be better off buying a trailer set up then with a 200 something gallon tank and a soap tank with reels for my hoses and all, which would mean a lot of extra cash$$$ i can do it that way but i would have to save up and come out of the starting gate next season...

    or i could buy the 5.5 gpm cold right now and start making money next week, i already started paying insurance

    thoughts? also please let me know about that alkota thanks charles

  7. Hi Charles, welcome to the world of powerwashing. The best thing you can do is educate yourself before buying anything. You can waste a boatload of money by purchasing the wrong things. Educate yourself here, ask questions.

    Thank You Rick2...I am however thinking of buying a 5.5 gpm cold 20 hp 3500psi system, and a classice surface cleaner and an m5-xjet withsome extra hose and qc's

    I will be doing mostly residential, decks,patios,fences,cement driveways, and houses. Does that sound of to you? or do ineed to spring for the hot water 4gmg 3500psi

    that i don't really have the cash for right now?

    Charles muli

  8. I would like to introduce myself my name is Charles Muli. I have so far created my LLC and opened up a business account. I have yet to get insurance and create a website and buy my equipment. I never realized how much thought and planning one needs to get into this business. I was originally going to try to get my business up and running quick with cheaper equipment and no insurance, but after reading many hours of different subjects on this forum i knew i was sadly mistaken and i had to reverse my thoughts and carefully plan this through. I would like to thank you all for this correction and i hope you are all there when i need you, because i know for sure i am going to need you guys/gals

    Thanks in advance Hydro Powerwashing Staten Island New York still working on a logo...
