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Posts posted by flimmy

  1. Scott , the guy told me he would have all the stuff moved. I even told him if he didn't get it all done to call me and I would go to a different job no big deal. Well, he didn't call.. He had alot of big stuff that I realy didn't want and maybe couldn't move myself.

    btw the job is for a friend and I'm not movin his sh!t :D he's already getting a good price. I will move a few small things if they forget.

    I did have one customer let his dog sh!t on a deck I had just stripped and was going to stain the next day. I just stained around it and let him pick it up when he got home. The piece got stained the next day.

  2. Maybe not that odd but while I was washing a house today the guy came out and asked if I could wash his 2 cars when I was done. This was an older guy , maybe 75 yrs old or so. Nice guy , so I said sure and did them for nothing( he offered to pay). He even called me a few hrs after I left and said they looked great and hadn't looked that good in a long time.

  3. Ken , did you brush that house ?

    I have done 2 aluminium sided houses. On 1 house I stopped after 5 min.'s and told the customer that it may not look as good as she or I thought it might. She told me to go ahead and do the house anyway. I told her shortly after starting that way I would not waiste my time or hers. Also so she would not think I was just there to collect the $$$ and leave but rather I was there to do a quality job.

  4. I talked to Mike at EaCo Chem today and he said that there Stripper Cleam will get it off. He said you can roll it on , let it dwell overnight and it should break the bond the roots have and you can then wash it off. I am getting a sample to try on a small spot. As for the white oxidation from the aluminum he is sending me a sample of Safe Restore. Tony I will try my house wash on a small spot too. Thanks

  5. I have been doing some searching and have found some stuff but wanted to know if anybody has come up with anything else.

    Here is a measage I recived from a guy I know from 4 wheeling. He asked me to give him a price on cleaning the brick. I'm sure someone has run into this before. I talked to him on the phone tonight and he said he tried his sears pressure washer and it did nothing to get it off. Does anyone know what will work ? btw the part of the house that was painted was red wood and has now been covered with vinyl siding.


    " Flimmy,

    Whoever owned my house before me painted the siding with the wrong paint and there are white streaks all down my bricks. Like a whitewash. Can that be washed off? Also my chimney had ivy grown all over it, which I tore off and there are little root lookin' things all through the brick. "

  6. I bought a combo package from Northern tool with 5 replacement tips and a turbo nozzle (ceremic) for 70.00 bucks. It is great for gum removal and curbs especially.

    I liked the results so much that I did some research and found a dual turbo nozzle that I use pretty much everytime a curb is involved ( it covers the whole surface from top to bottom, about a 10" spread) without a noticable loss in pressure. I paid 120.00 for that little lifesaver. Plus shipping. I believe it is a Suttner?????? Got it from Northern as well. Used it on the tough spots of a 10,000 s.f. side walk along with hydra scrubber at a shopping center. Plus this place had not been clean in a decade and there was plenty of petrified gum. It will pretty much shoot the gum about 25 feet across the lot. Target practice,.....lol.....not really.

    hope this helps.

    Here is a link


  7. Shane , I don't really have to worry about fuzzing. It's more of a rough cut siding , not very smooth. I am betting it was bought from one of the local lumber companies , there is one 1/4 mile away and 2 more within 20 min.

    Tony , it's a real estate agent , it has a gravel lot ( no drains) , and yes it is dry. I was planning on doing the cleaning when they are closed along with the staining of the front. The rest can be done when they are open.

    Beth or Rod , what stain would you suggest ? You guys are not too far away and have the similar climate. Also this building is located on top of the mountain and does see alittle harsher weather in the winter. It can be snowing there and raining were I live 20 min.'s away.


  8. I stopped at this real estate office to drop off some bus. cards and a flyer. While I was talking to the agent she told me that the owner of the building was looking at getting the it cleaned and stained. So I took some measurements and pic's. I came up with 2600 sq ft of siding and deck. It was never stained before. This is my first paying wood job so I am looking at what to price this at. I would love to get the job because it is on a major road right near the entrance to a development that is mostly wooded and has alot of potental customers ( log and wood sided homes). btw I do have a friend that is in the painting bus. that will help me on the staining.






  9. Ken,

    I don't chase decks anymore but from reading the website it seems to be inline with other quality seals available to contractors.

    The decks we used Olympic Maximum on last year still look great and when the time comes for those to be cleaned and resealed they'll get Maximum again.One of the largest problems in the south is over coming the myth that PT lumber is maintenace free.People just don't have a clue how much work is involved in restoring a neglected deck nor do they want to pay for it.We offer 3 levels of deck restoration and every customer so far has chose the Bronze package.

    What are you 3 levels and what do you get with each ?

