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Posts posted by FullBlast

  1. Ditto here. No problem reaching 2/3 stories. May have to us a 48" lance not the 12" like I usually use. As far as clearing the hose I use that time to soak the gutters and facia a second time then when its clear I rinse the house. I rinse with the M5 so when I'm under a porch I open it up to fan and us what is in the hose to presoak the siding railings and posts. I was a diehard x-jet fan (still am to a certain extent) but since Bob at Pressuretek got me headed in the right direction with the proper tips down streaming is the way to go. Just had to get my mix right. I also find I use less mix now to accomplish the same results. Also since I usually work alone its easier to just pull out 200' of pressure hose than 200' and 30'+ foot of x-jet hose and the bucket that ya have to move around.

    There is always more than one way to skin a cat and just do what works.

    Hey you mind sharing a few of thos down streaming tips with a few of that have tryed but didn't like it and are very skeptical about trying it again??

  2. I've been thinking about gettint them to email pix. Hows does people look at that I've just wonder how many people have a digtal camera? Know how to use it? and if they could manage to get them emailed to you?

    Just wondering if it would be more cofusing that its worth??

  3. Had one just this week, man calls and wants a estimate, I go out that same evening and give him a price of $320. Said that he is getting other prices and I told him great if he needs my service just give us a call and we'll go from there. Called me back 2 days later and said that he got 2 other quotes 1. for $250 and 1. for $275 Said that I could have the job if I would do it for $300 He said that I was the only one that came out and looked at, The other 2 quotes were over the phone. I wasn't for sure what to think wether he was pulling my leg or this was true so I decided to stand my ground for once. I'm the kind that I always give in to easy but this time said nope thats my bottom $$. So he says well thanks for the estimate Have a good day. So I'm thinking I lost the job 2 days later he calls back and says yea come out and do it!! OK I think he was playing games with me!!

    Why did he go with me over the other guys that are $25-50 less than me??

    Did he get any other bids even??

  4. Carpal Tunnel. I my case more from gripping than squeezing, I believe. 4 Advil daily for relief. In later stages, hands go to sleep gripping anything like the cell phone.

    And also tennis elbow (or a cracked elbow bone). Can't make this better, and it seems to be escalating. From jerking hoses and trigger blast. Anyone else deal with this?

    Hey that sound just like me. My elbow gets so sore that you can't hold anthing up, that needs to have your elbow bent.

  5. Theres a lot of little stuff Im trying to save time with. I was seeing my guys having trouble puttng tip on wand the the next day the same thing, they were being lazy instead of changing QC they would just fight with the old one, I told them if your having problem with equipment fix or change it. Told them think a head, plan your next move, every second water isnt coming out of a wand is time wasted. Sometimes I have a ground man taking care of 3 guys spraying. I told him I want him hustling. If I see a guy run out of chem 'm all over the ground man.

    I am with you there, keep the water spraying as much as possible!!

    Plan your next move, saves time!!

  6. Actually, water in the oil signifies packing and / or plunger damage, neither of which is covered by the warranty. Packing damage can only be caused by bypassing for too long or running dry. Parts are readily available for Generals. Post the model number and I'll look them up for you.

    Yea I agree with that. Bypassing too long will do a number on the packings.

    If you use a supply tank then plumb the bypass right to the tank, then you can let it bypass all day!!

    Good Luck!!

  7. WHy would you not have one! I adjust the pressure often for different woods! It's only ten bucks and that way you can be more versatile and consistant with your washer. Have you ever not cleaned something else with yours? I use mine for various cleaning jobs and need to know what pressure I'm at for consistancy! Doing it by feel can lead to trouble one day when you gouge a deck because you cleaned concrete earlier in the day at another pressure!

    I do have pressure guages on most of my machines but never use them to check it between different jobs. If you go from concrete to wood in the same day you just come into the wood slow till you get the feel of it and find out how hard you have to hit it. Just my thoughts!!

  8. Contrary to popular opinion, leaving hose on the reel does not "crush" the reel and cause damage. When the hose is charged, it lengthens. i.e. the circumference of a circle increases and it's the radius increases. The net effect is that the hose losens it's "grip" on the reel. For fun and excitement, we'll test this at PWNA conv. I'll wrap up in hose, and someone can charge the line and see if I squeal.

    Now, reeling a hose (charged or not) is an entirely different story. Unless hand fed, the hose is under a fair amount of tension and generates many thousands of pounds of crushing force on the reel. For kite enthusiasts this effect is an occupational hazard. If you reel kite string w/o having someone pull the kite and feed you slack string, the reel can crush and shatter under the load.

    Hey maybe I'm wrong here, but that has been my experience with them. I have one hose reel that is really mashed in the center, maybe it is something else.

  9. I use to have one of my trailer set up running thru the reel but just a week or so ago I redone that one because I have 350' of hose per reel and I get tired of pulling every bit of it out just to wash something 10' away.

    If you leave it on the reel you will have a mess and it is hard on the reel.

  10. Now I gotta get back to cleaning the house I'm getting married on Friday and the house has to look good.

    Congrads Richard!!!!!!!!!!

    Second the 2500HD. It has more than enough power and load capcity. You don't want to max out a truck. The truck needs to manage the load in all conditions. (trying to avoid the chevy v ford v dodge conversation) but our truck 05 2500HD gets a constant 18mpg (empty or loaded) and never a problem with power.

    What engine does that have in it?? That's hard to beleive.

    Is that what it gets on paper is that what the overhead thing tells you???

    I found out you can't beleive that overhead readout all the time.

  11. I cleaned a crematory where I live and just used 12% mixed with dish soap.

    I was going to just see if that worked in a swatch area and it did fine. So That's what I used for the rest. I did let it dwell for about 25 min. or so but it came right off of the bldg. and smoke stack.

    Ac are you saying you live at a crematory. I can't beleive that!!! LOL!!!

    Couldn't resist it, that just sounded to good. Don't take me wrong!!

    I tried just 12% but it didn't work much... but I didn't let it dwell.

    Thanks guys!!

  12. Yea that is crazy!! I don't go for that crap!!! NO WAY!!

    I'm sorry Ken that it had to start this way for you!! Lgangry

    Trust me Ken. This fella that I gave you was in the washing biz hisself for 5 years or so (don't know for sure how long it was, maybe more) and has been in the sales now for some time.

    He sets up real washers for people. I have 3 washer that were shop built.

    1- 90 hp John Deere diesel with 3 7@ 3600 comets.

    1- 60 hp Duetz Diesel with 2 7@ 3600 comets

    1-20 hp lombardini diesel with 8@ 3000 admiral pump.

    These were all shop built. I have 3 more washers too that I bought.

    He does know his stuff!!

  13. From my friend!!

    I am a Karcher dealer in southern PA and I saw your post about the machine 8 gpm @ 3500 psi. Someone is jerking your chain a little, We also manufacture some units for mobile wash applications. There is no way you will get a 24 honda to crank out 3500 psi @ 8 gpm. I like Honda engines but the 24 Honda engine is one of the worst over rated engines in the industry. You may get 3000 psi @ 7.0 - 7.5 gpm. I did a system 3 ½ yrs ago with 24 Honda’s and we ran them at 6.5 gpm @ 3600 psi and the system worked great! I guess I build stuff to last in the rigors of the mobile business, because in the middle of August your engine will not cool like in January.

    Also I’m curious to know what Karcher machine you are buying because my price book has nothing like this in? I do a lot of business with Karcher and they are a very reputable company. I hardly doubt Karcher is making this machine with these specs. Because they rate their machine w/ actual specs and are very conservative in their ratings. Example, Karcher rates their 13 Honda unit at 3500 @ 3.7 gpm, most manufactures round up the numbers and call it 3500 – 4000 psi @ 4.0 gpm!

    Not trying to be smart with ya, but I would like a little more info for my curiosity.

    Please call me


    Jonathan Martin

    Sales Manager / Owner

    Country Powerwashing& Equipment


  14. Great stuff, Ken! I think I need to drive up and follow you around for a week just to learn how to sell the customer! That's a weak area for me. I do close a pretty high percentage of my estimates, but I'm sure I could do better, and do a better job upselling.

    Right beside you there!!

  15. Ron **********

    Maybe I worded that wrong. We were talking about calling and I meant that sometime to actually speak with someone on the phone or hear your voice on the machine may be better than just something in the mail.

    I was not thinking of just walking in.

    But yes I have just walked in already and I have been ran off, so yes I think I know what you mean.
